Daily Meditation – Increase In Value
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Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!
Welcome back to the present moment, where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about!
Breathe in and remember your presence is your super power!
Breathe out and relax your body.
Let yourself enjoy this moment, right here, right now!
Breathe in and say yes to what is!
Breathe out and appreciate what is!
Your mood is your work. So loving what is or appreciating what is, is the fastest way to boost your mood. Because you don’t have to change a thing!
Breathe in and love what is!
Breathe out and appreciate what is!
To practice appreciating what is, just say to yourself, “I am loving _______.” And fill in the blank.
Breathe in and say, “I am loving what is!”
Breathe out and really feel it. See if you can get there. I am loving what is!
Beyond all of the thoughts, underneath all of the thoughts, there is only love. And your total self, your higher self, your true self, loves what is, everything that is.
Breathing in I am saying yes to what is!
Breathing out I am loving what is!
Let yourself embrace and accept and appreciate your current circumstances. Everything ever created led up to right now. Right now is the main event. And there is always something to love about right now.
Breathing in I am loving what is!
Breathing out I am loving what is!
Practice appreciating what is by saying, “I am loving _______.” I am loving sitting in this chair. I am loving recording this video. I am loving being alive. I am loving breathing in. I am loving breathing out. I am loving that it’s Friday and it’s my birthday! I am loving feeling good in my body. I am loving being 39 years old! I am loving this moment. I am loving this life. I am loving right now!
Breathe in and make appreciation your job today!
Breathe out and let that be your only work.
Your mood is your work! When you’re feeling great, in a good mood, it magnetizes you to receive things that feel that same way. Remember that you become it and then you see it.
Breathe in and become appreciative.
Breathe out and know you will see things to appreciate today.
And you will be appreciated! You appreciate to be appreciated. When you appreciate something else, you yourself increase in value!
Breathing in I am loving what is!
Breathe out I am appreciating what is!
Nothing needs to change for me to appreciate and love and feel good. And when I appreciate and love and feel good, reality shows me things to appreciate and love and things that make me feel good. And other people appreciate me then, and life appreciates me.
Breathe in and appreciate yourself today!
Breathe out and feel so relieved! This is the key to increase your own value!
Appreciate what is and you will appreciate in value.
Breathe in and love what is!
Breathe out and feel your own worth rising right now!
You are becoming more valuable to the world, the more you practice this feeling of appreciation.
Breathing in I am loving what is!
Breathing out I am appreciating what is!
I am loving that you’re here with me! I am loving this moment with you! I am loving that we’re here together, growing in value, and having the best days of our lives!
Breathing in I am loving what is!
Breathing out I am loving you!