Daily Meditation – You Don’t Mind

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – You Don’t Mind

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You Don’t Mind (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and say yes to what is!
Breathe out and let your thoughts go.

Surrender your preferences. Let yourself relax into this moment, right here, right now.

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and let yourself rest. Rest as the witness.

Rest as the observer of your experience.

Breathe in and be here now.
Breathe out and be kind to yourself.

Listen to your body. Listen to your intuition. But today, stand up to your thoughts!

Breathe in and pay attention to what you’re thinking.
Breathe out and ask yourself, “What am I thinking?”

If you’re anything like me, you might be resisting a few things, or seeking for a few things. Overall, are you minding things? Are there things going on that you mind? Are things happening around you that you do mind?

Breathe in and ask yourself, “Do I mind?”
Breathe out and really think about it. Have you been minding lately?

Today as you go about your day, say to yourself, whenever you catch yourself seeking or resisting, say, “I don’t mind!”

Breathing in, I don’t mind!
Breathing out, I don’t mind!

When you mind what’s going on, you’re resisting it. You wish it would be different. You wish it would be the way you want it to be. But when you don’t mind, you’re empty. You’re observing. You’re the witness. You’ll be happy either way, no matter what happens! Decide today, you don’t mind! Whatever happens, you don’t mind!

Breathing in, I don’t mind!
Breathing out, I don’t mind!

So much of our day is full of minding. Getting caught up in preferences, getting caught up in likes and dislikes, getting caught up in wanting things to be different from the way they are. All of this causes so much suffering! And today we don’t need to suffer, because today, we don’t mind!

Breathe in and notice where you’re suffering
Breathe out and decide: I don’t mind!

Yes, I’m tired. I don’t mind. Yes I want to eat my feelings. I don’t mind. Yes I’m dragging my feet about starting my work. I don’t mind!

Breathing in, I don’t mind!
Breathing out, I don’t mind!

Yes I don’t have a lot of energy today. I don’t mind. Yes I’m resisting doing my to do list. I don’t mind. Yes I feel overwhelmed. I don’t mind. Say this to every single thing you notice yourself minding today. Whether you mind that you’re not getting what you want, or you mind that something is annoying you. Whatever it is you’re minding, it’s causing you suffering. Today, make it your goal, make it your main point of focus to not mind.

Breathing in, I don’t mind.
Breathing out, I don’t mind.

When you say “I don’t mind,” you’re saying you—consciousness, pure awareness—are not mind-identified. And when you do mind, it just means you’re mind-identified, meaning you’re suffering. Today, stand up to your thoughts. Stand up to that suffering and decide to not mind, no matter what happens.

Breathing in, I don’t mind!
Breathing out, I don’t mind!


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