Daily Meditation – Enjoy Existing Without Anything Changing

Daily Meditation – Enjoy Existing Without Anything Changing

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Enjoy Existing Without Anything Changing (transcript)

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Relax your body.

Breathe in and say yes to what is.
Breathe out and welcome what is.

Yes, I feel under the weather. Yes, I feel overwhelmed. Yes, I feel like a lot of things are really pointless. Yes, I just want to get to my nap. Yes, I feel a little depressed. Yes, I am being affected by the grey weather. Yes, I’m slowing down. Yes, I’m letting go. Yes, I’m relaxing into this moment.

Breathe in and keep welcoming what is.
Breathe out and slow down.

There’s no rush. It’s already all in perfect timing. You can’t rush the ripening of fruit. There’s nothing you can do to make it happen any faster.

Breathe in and trust the process of life.
Breathe out and surrender.

Surrender trying to control. Surrender the thoughts. Surrender the actions. Surrender the worry.

Breathe in and just accept it as it is.
Breathe out and let yourself be where you are.

You don’t have to change anything. Whatever needs to change will change when it’s time. All you can do is relax and learn how to enjoy existing without anything changing.

Breathe in and disentangle from the world.
Breathe out and notice how you’ve been so mixed with experience.

Letting things affect you. Letting good things make you feel good and bad things make you feel bad. When you let go of being so affected, you see there are no bad or good things. It’s all the same thing. It’s all love. There’s nothing that has to change.

Breathe in and just welcome it as it is.
Breathe out and stand up to your thoughts.

You can’t keep going through life tossed about by the ups and downs. Then you’ll always suffer. Something will always happen that will make you feel bad. But if you can learn how to feel good regardless of your circumstances, nothing has to affect you ever again.

Breathe in and ask, am I aware?
Breathe out and feel the relief that comes when you ask that question.

Am I aware? Yes, I am. Practice this question. Practice the no thought feeling of noticing, yes, I am aware. If you can learn to enjoy the state that you’re in when you ask, am I aware? Nothing will ever affect you again. When you ask, am I aware? You’re resting as awareness itself. You merge with the source of all that is because everything is made up of awareness. When you ask, am I aware? And you notice you are aware of awareness, you become one with everything, with god, with love.

Your mind will never figure it out. Your mind will never find a solution. The only solution is to simply identify as pure awareness and let the comings and goings of the world go by without being affected.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes, I am.

Go beyond the polarities of thought. Go beyond good and bad and rest as you are, pure awareness, in the present moment where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about because there’s no judgment of right and wrong, good and bad. Everything is as it is. And you remember who you really are, unborn, pure awareness.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes, I am aware.

I am now aware and I am now in the flow. Rest here, aware of awareness in the flow, unaffected by the comings and goings, and you’ll never have to suffer again.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes, I am.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.


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