Daily Meditation – It Will Come When You Relax

Daily Meditation – It Will Come When You Relax

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It Will Come When You Relax (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Relax your body.

Breathe in and say yes to what is.
Breathe out and say thank you for what is.

Stop seeking for things to change. Seeking is suffering. And even wanting to stop seeking is seeking. Today as you go about your day, just be still. Stop sending your attention outward. Just exist where you are.

Breathe in and ask, am I aware?
Breathe out and know the answer. Yes, I am aware.

I am aware that I am aware and when I am aware I have no problems. Because my mind isn’t agitated. I don’t notice any lack so I’m happy and there is no separation so I am in love.

Breathe in and say yes.
Breathe out and say thank you.

Thank you, thank you. Completely relax today. It doesn’t necessarily mean lounging around on a couch, but it means staying still in every moment. Waiting for the impulse to act. Not lost in your thoughts, worrying.

Breathe in and stop seeking right now.
Breathe out and smile because everything will come to you when you stop seeking it.

You’ll see you already are it. The things you want are already yours.

Breathe in and get out of your own way.
Breathe out and smile.

You can relax now. Relax. It will all come when you relax.

Breathe in and be still.
Breathe out and be still.

Make each moment a meditation. A meditation you just sit there not trying to change anything. You just sit there and watch. Do that throughout your day. Instead of thinking, planning, wondering, worrying—let all that go. Stop trying to change it and then it can change.

Breathe in and deeply accept what is.
Breathe out and stop trying to change what is.

No matter what it is. Your state of mind, your state of consciousness, your state of being, other people, the amount of money you have, your health, your relationships. If you’re seeking for a drug or a food, that’s seeking for a change in your state of mind. And you can just stop seeking all of that.

Breathe in and stop the search.
Breathe out and just be still here, because when you are still, you know.

Be still and know.

Breathe in and smile. It’s all happening in your favor.
Breathe out and relax.

The instant you stop seeking, it will be revealed. It’s already yours. It’s already working.

Breathe in and stop the seeking.
Breathe out and stop the suffering.

If you’re seeking your suffering, today end your suffering by stopping trying to change what is. Accept what is. Surrender. Drop the thoughts. Drop the criticism. Drop the judgment. Drop thinking you know it should be another way. If it were supposed to be another way, it would be. God does everything perfectly.

Breathe in and ask, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and say, “Yes, I am aware.”

I am aware that I am aware and that is all that is required for me to be happy, at peace, and in love.

Breathe in and let everything come to you today.
Breathe out and feel so grateful the search is over.

You don’t have to try so hard anymore. Let go and enjoy.


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