Daily Meditation – Why You Have Addictions

Daily Meditation – Why You Have Addictions

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Why You Have Addictions (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Trust the process of life today.

Breathe in and say yes to what is.
Breathe out and say thank you, thank you, thank you for what is.

It is safe to trust that you are in the right place at the right time and everything that’s happening is happening in your favor.

Breathe in and smile. Life is not serious.
Breathe out and surrender.

Surrender your cravings for drugs and alcohol. Surrender your cravings for those things you’re addicted to because if you choose to not give into your craving you will see life takes care of you. When you decide to get out of your own way, life conspires to help you.

Breathe in and feel so excited about life because it loves you.
Breathe out and relax.

You don’t need those drugs anymore. You don’t need the addictions anymore. When you crave a drug it’s often caused by thinking about what’s going to happen in the future and feeling like you need to do something to prepare yourself to numb yourself to create a buffer between you and what’s going to happen.

Breathe in and see why you have these addictions.
Breathe out and really investigate.

When you’re craving, for example, a stimulant—why is that? For me, it’s because I’m afraid that I won’t be able to handle the day without the drug. For me, I’m afraid that I won’t be able to keep up with what happens during the day. I don’t trust the day and so I want to put something in my body that makes me better able to handle the day but when I have that craving and I give into it I’m telling life I can’t handle this day. I know it’s going to be bad. I know it’s going to be too stressful. I know I’m going to have to do something bad for my health to protect me from the bad things that happen today. That’s the message I’m sending when I give into my cravings.

Breathe in and notice your cravings.
Breathe out and accept and make peace with your cravings.

Every time you have a craving for a drug and alcohol, a hit from a relationship, even a sugary food or whatever it is that you think you need to feel better so that you can face your day—whenever you have that craving, notice. It’s because you’re not trusting life that you’re afraid of what’s going to happen and you need a buffer.

Breathe in and decide to trust life today.
Breathe out and just raw dog it today.

When you stand up to your cravings, for example, in the morning, when you have the choice between, “Oh, this day is going to be hard. Let me take something so I can face it.” Or, “I don’t care what happens today. I’m not going to take anything because my health is more important. I’m not going to take anything because I want life to be good without the assistance of a chemical in my body.” When you choose this, when you choose to stand up to your cravings, life relaxes. Life starts acting the way you want it to.

For example, you say, “No” to the stimulant and then things get canceled. You don’t have to do all that work you thought you were going to have to do. You don’t have to work so hard to force yourself to do things that you actually didn’t need to do in the first place. It’s just your mind telling you you need to. But life actually loves you and life will cooperate with you. You just have to take the first step and say, “I trust that life is on my side today. I don’t need to protect myself with a chemical, with an alcohol, with a food, with a drug, with a relationship. I don’t need to protect myself from life today.” And that’s all addiction is, is your mind telling you you need to protect yourself from life instead of letting life protect you.

Breathe in and let life protect you.
Breathe out and notice you don’t need any protection.

You don’t need any buffer from life when you trust life.

Breathe in and say, “Yes” to your life the way it is.
Breathe out and say thank you for your life the way it is.

It’s safe to trust. Life loves you. It’s safe to trust life is on your side and is going to help you if you trust it. But you have to make the choice to trust it and then it will be reflected because you’re the source. If the source, you, is saying, “I need something to protect me. I need something to buffer me. I need something to get me through.” That’s what life’s going to give you. It’s gonna make things happen that you need protection from, that you need a buffer from.

Breathe in and decide you don’t need a buffer today.
Breathe out and let life take care of you today.

Life is much better when you’re raw-dogging it. That doesn’t mean you can’t have any fun chemicals in your body. It just means that if you’re taking something because you’re afraid of what’s going to happen, whatever you’re afraid of happening is going to happen because you’re the source. But if you stand up to that craving and say, “I want life to be good. I don’t want to need a buffer.” And you make that choice? Life will be good and you won’t need the buffer.

Breathe in and say yes to what is.
Breathe out and say thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. I know life loves me. I know it’s in my favor and I’m gonna raw-dog it today.


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