Daily Meditation – This Moment Will Protect You

Daily Meditation – This Moment Will Protect You

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This Moment Will Protect You (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Welcome back to the present moment, where all of your power lies.

Breathe in and slow down.
Breathe out and let the irritations go.

Let it go, let it all go.

Breathe in and know you’re in the right place at the right time.
Breathe out and know you’re doing everything right.

You can trust the process of life. It’s all unfolding perfectly.

Breathe in and lighten up, it’s not serious.
Breathe out and let go of the thoughts.

Let go of the thoughts. That’s what’s making you suffer. Let go of the thoughts.

Breathe in and ask, who am I who is so irritated?
Breathe out and really investigate.

Who am I who is so irritated? Who am I who is so irritated? The more you look, the more you can see that there is no central self to be irritated. It’s just a series of sensations. And when you stop giving them so much meaning, they stop being so important.

Breathe in and slow down.
Breathe out and smile because life is not serious.

It’s all unfolding perfectly. You can trust that life is on your side, that god will take care of you, that it’s safe to surrender right now.

Breathe in and keep asking, who am I?
Breathe out and really look, who am I who is irritated?

Who am I who is arguing in my head? Who am I who is arguing? Who am I who is defensive? Who am I whose feelings are hurt? Who am I?

Breathe in and keep looking, who am I?
Breathe out and smile.

Let yourself feel a little relief. There’s no one there. There’s no central you to have its feelings hurt. There’s no central you that’s wounded or threatened.

Breathe in and remember, presence is safety.
Breathe out and find the safety of presence right here.

When you slow down and get away from your thoughts or just stop believing your thoughts, you realize you’re fine, that this moment is fine. What’s wrong with right now if you don’t think about it? Nothing.

Breathe in and keep getting distance from your thoughts.
Breathe out and keep looking, who am I who needs distance from my thoughts?

It’s just a bunch of thoughts and sensations. There is no you that’s collecting, that’s counting up the hurts. There’s no central you that you have to protect. This moment will protect you. It’s only the thoughts making you suffer.

Breathe in and ask, am I aware?
Breathe out and notice, yes, I am aware.

Let the thoughts go, be brave enough to let the thoughts go.
They’re not protecting you from anything. They’re not solving any problems. The thoughts are only making you suffer.

Breathe in and ask, who am I who suffers?
Breathe out and notice, the you falls apart when you really look.

There’s no one there to get hurt. You don’t have to protect anyone. You don’t have to fight against anyone. You don’t have to try to be better than anyone. You don’t have to win.
There is only right now. There is only this moment. And in this moment, you are safe.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes, I am aware.

I am aware that there is no central self to get so worked up and offended. I am aware that only the thoughts are making me feel bad. And I am aware that I have a choice, whether to identify with them or not.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes, I am aware.

And I am now in the flow.


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