Daily Meditation – Let Love Be Your Energy Source!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Let Love Be Your Energy Source!

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Let Love Be Your Energy Source! (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Let your body relax.

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and welcome your thoughts.

Welcome this moment as it is. Everything is perfect and in its place.

Breathe in and accept this moment as it is!
Breathe out and let go of your worrying. Let go of your thoughts.

This is the right place and the right time. You’re doing everything right. It’s time to lighten up and start having fun today!

Breathe in and connect to your source!
Breathe out and smile because you’re connected to your source always!

Today, we’re going to learn how to use love as our energy source. Instead of relying on drugs, stimulation, other people, or external motivation, we’re going to connect to love and let that energize us, bring us into the present moment, where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about, and help us to have the best days of our lives!

Breathe in and let love be your source of energy today!
Breathe out and smile because love is your source of energy today!

Quiet your mind and ask yourself, “If love was my energy source, how would I feel?”

Breathe in and let love be your energy source!
Breathe out and feel how you would feel with love as your energy source!

Let love propel you through your day. Let love guide you and all of your actions. And if you want a simple way to let love energize you, just say, “I love…”

I love feeling better! I love recording these videos! I love smiling! I love feeling energized! I love it when love is my energy source! I love it when I make myself feel better! I love it when I feel good in my body! I love it when I stand up to my thoughts! I love it when everything works out! I love it when I’m in the right place at the right time! I love it when I’m in a good mood! I love it when my body feels strong! I love it when it’s easy to do my work! I love it when I feel energized! I love it when I feel connected to other people! I love it when I feel the flow come through my body!

Breathe in and love!
Breathe out and let this be your energy today!

I love feeling connected to source! I love knowing that love really can be my energy! I love it when I lighten up! I love it when I feel playful! I love when I feel connected to people! I love when I feel light! I love when I smile! I love when I laugh at jokes! I love it when my friends text me! I love it when people leave nice comments and subscribe to my channel! I love it when people donate to me and order my products! I love it when I get passive income! I love it when the rent and bills are paid! I love it when the taxes are done! I love it when I get to play with money! I love it when I feel the flow come through me! I love it when I wake up early without an alarm clock! I love it when I smile for no reason! I love it when I feel good about myself! I love it when I feel in love with life!

Let love energize you today! Go on your rampage of love! Let love flow through you! It’s easy to guide with your thoughts! And by guiding your thoughts to love, you start to feel that love build in your heart and in your body!

Breathe in and feel that love building in your body!
Breathe out and let love be your energy source today!

You don’t need anything outside of you! No drugs, no food, no alcohol, no weird relationships! All you need is love and it’s inside of you and you can tap into it right now!

Breathe in and let love be your energy source today!
Breathe out and feel calm and relaxed and blissful! Because love is your energy source and it’s not jittery or harsh, there’s no comedown, it just keeps getting better and better!

Breathing in I love myself!
Breathing out I love you!

Thank you for being here! Thank you for loving with me! Thank you for loving me!

Breathing in I love myself!
Breathing out I love you!


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