Daily Meditation – Make Space for Miracles

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Make Space for Miracles

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Make Space for Miracles (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Make space for miracles today.

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and relax your body.

The more you let go, the more it flows. And what you’re letting go of is your thoughts.

Breathe in and stand up to your thoughts today!
Breathe out and let each thought go as it comes.

Anchor yourself in the present moment with your breath.

Breathing in I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out I know I’m breathing out.

Breathing in I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out I know I’m breathing out.

Your mind may distrust this technique, but your mind doesn’t want you to stop thinking. But it’s up to you to transcend your thoughts, by stepping into the present moment, where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about.

Breathe in and step into your power!
Breathe out and let what you want come to you!

All you gotta do is just get out of your own way! You do that by anchoring yourself in the present moment.

Breathing in I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out I know I’m breathing out.

It can sound like a tall order, to stop worrying, but if you keep your attention focused on your breath, here, now, your worries will just slip away and you’ll wake up in the dream.

Breathing in I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out I know I’m breathing out.

Breathing in I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out I know I’m breathing out.

That’s all you gotta do. Just focus on your breath. When you notice yourself thinking, just let the thoughts go by going back to your breath.

Breathing in I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out I know I’m breathing out.

Breathing in I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out I know I’m breathing out.

Each time you notice a thought, let it go by going back to this mental code.

Breathing in I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out I know I’m breathing out.

Breathing in I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out I know I’m breathing out.

There’s no need to rush. There is no thought that matters more than this moment. There is no thought that is more important than being present, I promise you!

Breathing in I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out I know I’m breathing out.

When you let yourself be present, you start feeling better, because only your thoughts can make you feel bad. When you start feeling better, you become a match to better-feeling thoughts. When you slow down, and let yourself be present, the answers will come to you. You don’t have to think about them! Even little things that come into your mind like, “I should really take care of that. Oh I forgot to do that. Oh I need to write this down.” Even thoughts like those, you don’t have to act on them, you can just let them go. And the reminder will come to you when you need it. It will all come when you need it, at the exact moment you need it. If you’re present it, then you’re ready to receive it.

Breathing in I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out I know I’m breathing out.

Get excited about this technique for presence. The miracles you want are coming. They’re right in front of you! And your breath is just a tool to make you present and aware of all that is being given to you right now!

Breathing in I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out I know I’m breathing out.

Breathing in I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out I know I’m breathing out.


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