Daily Meditation – Your Path Is Lighting Up For…
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Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!
Relax your body.
Breathe in and be light!
Breathe out and surrender your thoughts.
Let each one pass you by.
Breathing in, I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out, I know I’m breathing out.
Breathing in, I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out, I know I’m breathing out.
Become aware of whatever it is that you’re doing. Enter the present moment by asking yourself, “Am I aware of what I’m doing?”
Breathe in and be aware of whatever you’re doing.
Breathe out and wake up in the dream.
This present moment is the point and the goal. You no longer need to strive to achieve. You don’t need to set any goals. It’s time to just relax and let life live you!
Breathe in and listen to life.
Breathe out and let go of your thoughts.
You can’t listen to life if you’re constantly thinking.
Breathe in and make space for life.
Breathe out and notice the space for life.
What does it mean to notice life? We’re all living life right here right now. All it means is to quiet your thoughts or get some distance from them, so that you can hear impulses from life. It may come in the form of a thought, a sudden epiphany. It might really look like your path is lighting up before you. Like you’ll look up and you’ll see exactly what you need. It could be a feeling in your body, of knowing exactly where to put your hand at the right moment. In every moment you have infinite intelligence available to you, with the pertinent information that you need for that moment to thrive.
Breathe in and decide to thrive today!
Breathe out and feel yourself thriving right now!
What does it feel like to thrive? To me it feels like there’s a flower growing in every single cell of my body. And every single flower is dancing in the sun and the breeze.
Breathe in and feel every cell in your body light up!
Breathe out and listen to life.
If you want to be more open to listening to life, just keep your attention on your breath. You’ll lull your mind into the rhythm of just following your breath. In, out, in, out. And you’ll have access to this upper level awareness that allows you to be present, to listen, to see what you may have missed before. To feel what you haven’t been feeling at all.
Breathe in and make space for life to guide you.
Breathe out and be in this present moment right here, right now.
The reason everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about in the present moment, is because life is giving you guidance right now. In the present moment, life will give you whatever pertinent information you need for that moment to be in the flow, to serve your best interests, to thrive!
Breathe in and listen for life!
Breathe out and know your path is lighting up for you right now.
It’s lighting up for you in every moment, because every moment is still right now!
Breathing in, I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out, I know I’m breathing out.
Breathing in, I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out, I know I’m breathing out.
The mind wants to complicate presence and say things like, “Am I doing it now? Am I present now?” Just allow yourself to listen to the mind, but let the thoughts go. And that will open you to the present moment, where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about. Where all of your power lies.
Breathe in and be here now.
Breathe out and be aware of whatever it is you’re doing.
That’s another technique to be present, just be aware of whatever it is you’re doing. And when you are aware of what you’re doing right now, like breathing, life gives you the pertinent info to thrive.
Breathing in, I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out, I know I’m breathing out.
Let this be the best day of your life. Where you find the answers you’re looking for and you help the people you need to help. Let this be the best day of your life, where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about!
Breathing in, I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out, I am aware of whatever it is I’m doing!