Daily Meditation – You Have the Source

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – You Have the Source

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You Have the Source (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Let your mind slow down.

Breathe in and lift yourself up.
Breathe out and relax your body.

Slow your mind down to the pace of your breath. Slow your mind down WITH the pace of your breath.

Breathing in I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out I know I’m breathing out.

Breathing in I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out I know I’m breathing out.

Surrender your preferences. Get out of your own way! Everything you want, is unfolding for you, right in front of your face. Only your thoughts can push it away. Only your thoughts can cloud your vision. Allow yourself to step into your witness position, conscious of consciousness, present in the moment, where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about!

Breathe in and say yes to what is!
Breathe out and say yes to what is!

The more you practice feeling for your sense of being, your sense of I AM, the more stable you will become in this position. The more you deliberately practice the feeling of presence, the easier it is to stay there, to go about your day in a feeling of contentment and peace, tranquility and love and fun! And when you are resting in the seat of your awareness, aware of awareness, all of these synchronicities will unfold around you. All of these things you wanted will be perfectly flowing to you. And you won’t even care because you have the source inside of you! You know that you are the source of these magickal unfoldings! It’s all you!

Breathe in and say I
Breathe out and say AM

There are so many techniques to practice presence. And what’s working for me lately is chanting over and over Mooji’s mantra, “Pure awareness, I am. Pure awareness, I am. Pure awareness, I am. Om.”

Breathe in and be pure awareness.
Breathe out and just look.

Look from your awareness. It’s simpler than you think of course, because it’s not a thought. There’s nothing to think about. It’s a feeling; it’s a sense of being. And you can access it with “I AM.” You can access it with, “I am conscious of consciousness.” “Pure awareness, I am.” Remember that is who you are at your core, pure awareness! Pure love. Pure joy. And all of these thoughts on the surface?You don’t need them anymore.

Breathing in I
Breathing out AM


You don’t need anything else attached onto I AM. Just the sense of being is enough. That’s all you need. That’s the feeling to focus on, your sense of being. And when you keep your attention centered within, on your source energy, aware of awareness, life takes care of life! Magick unfolds! Synchronicity unfolds! And you don’t have to lift a finger. There’s nothing to push, nothing to force. You just let it come to you.

Breathe in and say, “I AM.”
Breathe out and be pure awareness. Pure awareness, I am!


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