Daily Meditation – Be A Magnet For Love
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Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.
Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.
Relax your body.
Breathe in and be the background of experience.
Breathe out and know nothing has to change.
Nothing has to change for you to simply identify as pure awareness. Nothing has to change for you to see you’re already enlightened.
Breathe in and remember you’re already doing it.
Breathe out and be the background of experience.
Nothing has to change. Your thoughts make you suffer because the job of the mind is to look for things to change and how to do it.
Breathe in and notice the tendency.
Breathe out and see the truth for yourself.
All your thoughts do is look for things that need to be changed. In other words, all your thoughts do is look for problems.
Breathe in and know. You can’t find the answer in the mind.
Breathe out and relax.
You’re already doing it. Just let go of the thoughts. Just be the background of experience. It’s easy. You’re already doing it.
Breathe in and feel it. Nothing needs to change.
Breathe out and really sit with that idea.
Nothing needs to change. This moment is whole and perfect and complete. Your mind wants you to go do things and change things and fix problems and find problems. But you know who you really are, pure awareness. And that pure awareness is already perfect. Nothing has to change for you to rest in your natural happiness, love, peace and joy.
Breathe in and be the background of experience.
Breathe out and see the truth for yourself.
Nothing needs to change. Manifesting is just a mind game. And yes, you can play tricks and get what you want. Practice the feeling of having it. But all the things you want, you want them just so you feel better, just so you feel love. And you’re already doing that. You already have it. You can skip the middleman of manifestation right now and go straight to the source, go straight to what you want.
Breathe in and be the background.
Breathe out and see nothing has to change.
If you think something needs to change, you’re mind identified, you’re identified with your thoughts, you’re believing your thoughts. But your thoughts are false, they are lies, they separate, they’re not true.
Breathe in and notice the truth.
Breathe out and relax.
Knowing that nothing needs to change doesn’t mean things won’t change. That’s the nature of our reality, there are comings and goings, arisings and disappearances. It’s going to happen anyway. Your mind, your thoughts don’t need to try to control the comings and goings. You can rest as you are. Pure awareness. Let the things come and go and stay as you are, in love. A magnet for love.
Breathe in and be a magnet for love.
Breathe out and trust the truth.
Nothing needs to change. And when you know that to be your truth, you’ll know that you’re in the right place. You’ll know that you’ve made it. You’re aware, you’re enlightened. It’s right now, you’re already doing it. Nothing needs to change. You’re already here.
Breathe in and feel the love that’s already here.
Breathe out and trust.
Nothing needs to change for you to feel love. Nothing needs to change for you to enjoy being, for you to be happy to be alive. Nothing needs to change.
Breathe in and relax.
Breathe out and surrender.
If you can find this contentment right here, right now, the manifestations you want will come and you won’t care because you’re already here. You already have everything you want and everything you need. Love, yeah, love.
Breathe in and be the background.
Breathe out and feel how that thought helps you rejoin with the wholeness of what is.
And then you don’t need that thought anymore. You can relax and know the truth in your heart. Nothing needs to change.
Breathe in and ask, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and notice, “Yes, I am aware.”
And when I am aware I have no problems. When I am identified as pure awareness, I have no problems. When I am the background of all experience, I have no problems. Because my mind is at peace, I notice no lack, and I am not separate from those I love.
Breathe in and be aware that you’re aware.
Breathe out and be the background.
Nothing needs to change. You’re already in the flow.