Daily Meditation – Your Life Transforms Today
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Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.
Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.
Welcome back to the present moment where all of your power lies.
Breathe in and smile because life is not serious.
Breathe out and smile because you must become it to see it.
Whatever you want in life, you become it and then it’s reflected because you are the source, you are the creator.
Breathe in and think about what you want.
Breathe out and imagine receiving what you want.
When you receive what you want, what do you feel like?
What’s something you would say? For me, I would say thank you, thank you, thank you. And so saying thank you and feeling it in my heart is an easy way to show the universe that I’m ready to receive things that make me say thank you. Physical reality is just an illusion. It’s just a mirror of your mind. You have the power to conjure the reality you prefer right now.
Breathe in and become it to see it.
Breathe out and feel what you want in your heart.
If it’s not receiving something like a physical thing, money, health, whatever, what is it? What is something that you would say when you get what you want?
Breathe in and say yes.
Breathe out and say yes and really feel it.
Yes. What’s the feeling of celebration you want? What is it that you’re going to say when you get what you want?
Yes. Thank you. Yes. I knew it was going to work out. I’m so relieved. Thank you.
Breathe in and don’t be afraid.
Breathe out and trust the process of life.
You’ve got to be brave to live the life that you want because your mind wants to protect you. But there is no real threat. Everything is perfect and in its place. You are god in human form. Nothing can kill you. You’re never going to die. This is just a dream. Let yourself enjoy it now. Take all the risks you want. It’s safe and it’s worth it.
Breathe in and say yes and really feel that feeling.
Breathe out and say thank you and feel gratitude in your heart.
Yes. Thank you. I’m so relieved. Yes. Thank you. I am so relieved. Thank you.
Breathe in and take responsibility for your own life.
Breathe out and have a good attitude today.
All you have to know is that you become it to see it. You don’t have to have anything change in your outside reality for you to change how you feel. The instant you shift your own vibration, you will see it reflected.
Breathing in, yes.
Breathing out, thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. Trust that this life is a miracle. Trust that we’re here just for fun and that you deserve a good life. It’s in your power. It’s in your hands. It’s in your heart.
Breathe in and be what you want to see.
Breathe out and believe in yourself.
Be confident in yourself. What do you have to lose? Nothing.
Breathe in and say yes and feel that enthusiasm.
Breathe out and say thank you and feel that gratitude.
Yes. Thank you. This is your power. Get in the feeling of yes, thank you and see how your life transforms today.
Breathing in, yes.
Breathing out, thank you.
Thank you. Thank you.