Daily Meditation – Thank You Is Your Good Luck Charm
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Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!
Welcome back to the present moment, where all of your power lies!
Breathe in and wake up in the dream, right now!
Breathe out and remember who you are, right now!
You are god in human form. You are pure awareness. You were never born and you’re never going to die.
Breathe in and lighten up because it’s not serious!
Breathe out and surrender your preferences.
Your suffering comes from preferring things to be a different way. Right now, let go of your preferences. Let go of wanting it to be a different way. Deeply accept how it is. Relax. It’s happening in your favor.
Breathe in and relax.
Breathe out and know it’s happening in your favor. Everything! All of it! Every last inconvenience, every last disappointment, every last missed connection, unanswered message—it’s all happening in your favor!
Breathe in and say yes to what is!
Breathe out and flip the switch and say thank you!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for the missed connections. Thank you for the disappointments. Thank you for the mysteries. Thank you for the mistakes. They’re all happening in my favor. And this is how you take your power back! This is how you have the upper hand. You say thank you for all that is good or bad and then you can always have a good attitude. You can always be uplifting. You can always shine as the light of knowing! You can always be a beacon of joy when “thank you” is your first thought.
Breathe in and be a beacon of joy today!
Breathe out and say thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
And really feel that feeling of gratitude. No matter what it is, good or bad, thank you! I know its happening in my favor!
Breathe in and feel so much lighter already!
Breathe out and feel optimistic about your day, about your life! Thank you is your good luck charm. Thank you is your magick wand. Thank you is the thing that you have that gives you the power! Gratitude begets things to be grateful for. Gratitude flips the switch and lets you wake up. Gratitude reveals that you are already in heaven.
Breathing in, thank you!
Breathing out, thank you! Thank you!
Even when it’s difficult. Even when it’s challenging. Even when it seems like a problem—thank you. Thank you, I know it’s happening in my favor. This is how you stay optimistic. This is how you stay in a good attitude. You trust that it’s happening for you, not to you.
Breathe in and say thank you for what is!
Breathe out and say thank you! And feel the feeling. You don’t have to think about why. You don’t have to think about if it’s true. Just feel the feeling. Take back the upper hand, right now.
Breathe in and say yes to all that is!
Breathe out and say thank you! Thank you! This is the best day of your life! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!