Author: <span>jessicamullen</span>

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Trust Your Power

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Trust Your Power (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Welcome back to the present moment where all of your power lies.

Breathe in and open up to receiving today.
Breathe out and welcome what is.

Welcome winter. Welcome coldness. Welcome anxiety. Welcome overthinking. Welcome worrying.

Breathe in and be at peace with what is.
Breathe out and remember you must be it to see it.

Whatever you want to see in your life today, start feeling that way now, as if you had already received it.

Breathe in and say thank you.
Breathe out and say thank you. Thank you.

Trust your power. Trust that you are the creator of your reality.

Breathing in thank you.
Breathing out thank you, thank you.

All of your physical reality is reflecting you. You are the source of everything you experience, so if you want to receive things to be grateful for start feeling grateful right now.

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank you.

Thank you, feel it in your heart.

Thank you. Thank you for the miracles. Thank you for the relief. Thank you. Thank you for the time. Thank you for the perfect timing. Thank you.

Breathe in and feel optimistic about your day. Breathe out and start feeling the way you wanna feel right now.

What is it that you wanna receive? I want rest and relaxation and perfect timing and love. I want love.

Breathe in and ask, am I aware?
Breathe out and notice, yes I am.

If you wanna feel love, all you have to do is simply identify as pure awareness. You let the thoughts go, you become present. And when you’re present, you are love. You are in love because there is no separation from you and other people, places, things, animals—whatever you love, when you’re present, you’re not separate and so you’re in love.

Breathe in and ask, am I aware?
Breathe out and notice, yes I am.

Remember the power of asking this. We can get so caught up in our lives wanting to control all the little details, feeling so responsible for our choices, other people’s choices, the things that happen. But if we let ourselves relax into awareness, life takes back the control and everything works out and you don’t have to lift a finger. You can relax now. You don’t have to control anything. Just stabilize as you are, pure awareness, and you can be in love and life will take care of the rest.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes I am.

Get yourself to that magickal trippy feeling, right this second. Am I aware? Yes I am.

Take a moment to notice what a miracle it is that you’re here. Let the thoughts go for just a few minutes, for as long as you can by asking, am I aware?

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes I am.

Take the time to slow down, to become one with your experience.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes I am.

Trust this magickal question. Trust this holy question. Trust that it’s safe to let the thoughts go.
Trust that miracles will be revealed when you let go of the thoughts. The thoughts are the only thing making you feel bad, the only thing causing problems. The thoughts are the problems.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes I am.

Let yourself relax into the magick of awareness. Trust that it will work for you. Trust that you don’t have to control. Trust that life will work it out. All you have to do is relax and enjoy right now.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes I am.

I am now aware and I am now in the flow.

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – This Is Your Sign

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This Is Your Sign (transcript)
Breathe in and release your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and release your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Welcome back to the present moment where all of your power lies.

Breathe in and ask, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and notice, “Yes, I am.”

Breathe in and lighten up, life is not serious.
Breathe out and surrender.

Only your thoughts make you feel bad. Only your thoughts are causing the problems. If you have a problem that you can’t stop thinking about, let this be your sign. Let this be the signal that it’s time to stop worrying about that problem and entrust it to god.

Breathe in and entrust your problems to god.
Breathe out and really try it today.

When you have a problem that you keep thinking about, over and over and over and over and over, you’re just making it worse. You’re just pinning it into place with your awareness of its existence. If you can drop your thoughts, if you can drop your attention to the problem, it will solve itself. Life is always working itself out. Let life work out.

Breathe in and drop the thoughts by asking, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and stand up to your thoughts today.

When the problem becomes so overwhelming that you know there’s no solution, you keep thinking about it and thinking about it and thinking about it, you can’t figure out what to do and you know if you do this one thing, it’s not a good idea and if you do this other thing, it’s going to end badly—When you get to that point with your problems, it’s safe to let them go and let life work them out and the only way to do that is dropping your attention to the problem. The only way to do that is to enter the present moment and there are many ways to do that, but one easy way is self-inquiry and you just ask, “Am I aware?”

Breathe in and ask, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and notice, “Yes, I am aware.”

Instantly your attention is removed from the problems and placed into the present moment where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about. Ask yourself right now, “What’s wrong with right now if I don’t think about it?” You can even ask yourself that in the middle of an argument. Ask yourself in the middle of something bad happening.

“What’s wrong with right now if I don’t think about it?” There’s nothing ever wrong. You might have pain, you might have uncomfortable emotions in your body, but there’s nothing actually wrong until you think about it. Only the mind separates into good and bad and right and wrong. It’s all just happening. It is what it is and when you’re present, you can see the beauty of the good and the bad and how you can’t have one without the other. It’s all one whole thing, awareness. And that’s what you are and that’s what god is. And today you can solve a problem by asking, “Am I aware?”

Breathing in, “Am I aware?”
Breathing out, “Yes, I am aware.”

Trust this holy question. Trust that it’s safe to drop the thoughts, drop the worrying, drop the overthinking. Worrying about something just keeps making it happen because your attention is creating. Where attention goes, energy flows. You are manifesting your life and you can start manifesting a life that you prefer by stepping into the present moment.

Breathing in, “Am I aware?”
Breathing out, “Yes, I am aware.”

When I am aware, I have no problems. When I am aware, I’m not focused on lack, so I’m happy. When I am aware, my mind isn’t agitated, so I’m at peace and when I am aware, I don’t notice any separation between me and what I love. So I am love. I am in love. I’m one with all that is.

Breathing in, “Am I aware?”
Breathing out, “Yes, I am aware.”

And now that I am aware, life is taking care of my problems and I am free to enjoy being.

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – It’s All Going to Work Out

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It’s All Going to Work Out (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Welcome back to the present moment where all of your power lies.

Breathe in and remember to feel it to see it.
Breathe out and decide how you want to feel right now.

Breathe in and open up to receiving.
Breathe out and let go of your thoughts.

Breathe in and be light. Life is not serious.
Breathe out and welcome what is.

Yes, I’m anxious. Yes, I’m beating myself up for always worrying about what other people think. Yes, I am so anxious.
Yes, I am worried. Yes, I keep thinking about the future. Yes, I keep thinking about what other people think about me. Yes, I am caring about what other people think. Yes, I am caring about what other people are doing.

Breathe in and acknowledge where you are.
Breathe out and notice the arrow pulling back to shoot you in the direction you want to go.

Yes, I’m caring about what other people think. What do I prefer? I would prefer to not give a fuck. Yes, I’m anxious about the future and scared about what’s going to happen. What would I prefer? I would prefer to know it’s all going to work out no matter what.

Breathe in and notice what you prefer.
Breathe out and feel that feeling of what you prefer.

It’s all going to work out. I don’t give a fuck. I don’t give a fuck. It’s all going to work out. That’s the vibration that I want to live in. That’s the knowing that I want to feel.

Breathing in, it’s all going to work out.
Breathing out, I don’t give a fuck.

It’s all going to work out. It’s all going to work out.

Breathe in and feel the way you want to feel right now.
Breathe out and really get into it.

I don’t give a fuck. It’s all going to work out no matter what. No matter what happens, no matter what happens tomorrow, no matter what someone else thinks of me, it’s all going to work out. I don’t give a fuck.

Breathe in and feel lighter already.
Breathe out and relax into the knowing that you already have.

You already know these things. It is going to work out. Everything ever leading up to now has worked out for you and it’s going to continue to do so. It’s all going to work out, no matter what happens.

Breathing in, it’s all working out for me.
Breathing out, I don’t give a fuck.

It’s all working out. I don’t have to worry. I don’t have to stress. In the big picture, it’s all going to work out. It already is done.

Breathe in and relax into this moment.
Breathe out and feel your power as the creator.

You feel it, then you see it. So decide right now what you want to feel and then that’s what you will see. You are the creator. Take the first step. Feel it, then see it.

Breathing in, it’s all working out.
Breathing out, I don’t give a fuck. I really don’t.

When you take the time to really face your fears, face those thoughts going on, you see that they really don’t have power over you. They’re just thoughts. When you face them, you can see life already is the way you want it to be.

Breathing in, it’s all working out.
Breathing out, I don’t give a fuck.

It’s all working out. I don’t have to care. I don’t have to stress. In the big picture, it already did work out.

Breathe in and enjoy your life today no matter what happens.
Breathe out and let yourself be present today.

That’s how you enjoy it no matter what happens. No matter what goes wrong, no matter what people say or don’t say, it will all work out and you will feel it in the moment when you are present. And you do that by asking, “Am I aware?”

Breathing in, “Am I aware?”
Breathing out, “Yes, I am.”

Remember, each moment is supposed to be just as good as the other. What happens in experience and physical reality doesn’t really matter. It comes and goes. It doesn’t change who you really are, pure awareness. Every single moment is really the same as the other. So if you’re looking, if you’re seeking for something to make you feel better, notice: this moment is supposed to be as good as the moment when you receive what you wanted. Get there now. Be aware of being aware. Be present right now and then you won’t need anything to change.

Breathing in, it’s all working out.
Breathing out, I don’t give a fuck.

It’s all working out.

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Stop Trying to Control Everything

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Stop Trying to Control Everything (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Welcome back to the present moment where all of your power lies.

Breathe in and welcome what is.
Breathe out and say yes to what is.

Yes, I’m tired. Yes, I’m resisting and dreading. Yes, I’m really anxious. Yes, I’m beating myself up for my choices. Yes, I’m a little stressed.

Breathe in and welcome what is.
Breathe out and let this pull you into the present moment.

When you acknowledge the thoughts that are racing around your mind, they lose their power and you can let them go.

Breathe in and keep welcoming what is.
Breathe out and slow down into this moment.

It’s only your thoughts that make you feel bad. Only your thoughts making you anxious. Yes, I’m nervous about the upcoming week. Yes, I’m struggling balancing taking care of myself and taking care of others. Yes, I’m afraid of what’s going to happen. Yes, I want to protect myself.

Breathe in and slow down.
Breathe out and relax.

The more you let go, the more it flows and today you can let go with thank you. Even when you think things are happening against you, if you accept them with gratitude, you’ll see how they are happening in your favor.

Breathe in and say thank you.
Breathe out and feel thank you in your heart.

Thank you. Thank you. You are the source of your experience. Choose to create the miracles you want to receive right now.

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank you.

Thank you. Thank you. This is your power. You feel it, then you see it. Whatever you’re anxious about, choose to feel gratitude about it and it’ll all work out, I promise.

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank you. Thank you.

All of those things you want to control with your thoughts. All of those things you want to make sure go your way, get done right—just say thank you and let life take care of them and then they will be handled in such a better way than your controlling mind could ever do.

Breathe in and choose to be present today.
Breathe out and choose to stop trying to control everything.

You don’t have to control everything. All you can control is your perspective, the way you look at things and with thank you, the things you look at can change.

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Now, if you’re tired, thank you will still work for you, but ideally you’re in a fully rested state. Ideally, you take care of yourself first. So if you’re not rested, put your health, put your safety first.

Breathe in and put yourself first.
Breathe out and listen to this advice.

Put your own health first. The only way you can help other people is if you put yourself first.

Breathe in and say thank you.
Breathe out and say thank you thank you thank you.

Thank you for the conflicting thoughts. Thank you for the train engines going in opposite directions. Thank you. Thank you for this feeling of being torn. Thank you. Thank you. Feel yourself lightening up. There might be a lot that you want to control. There might be a lot of mess in your life, but the more you focus on gratitude and thank you, the more things will clear up. You don’t have to control it. You don’t have to do to take care of things. Trust the magick of life. Trust thank you and it will all work itself out.

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Instant Relief

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Instant Relief (transcript)

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Relax your body.

Breathe in and open up to receiving today.
Breathe out and surrender your thoughts, surrender your worries.

Let it all go. You’re in the right place at the right time and you’re doing everything right. Trust the process of life.

Breathe in and lighten up. Life is not serious.
Breathe out and center yourself into this moment.

Remember you are the source and you can make the miracles you’re looking for.

Breathe in and ask, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and notice, “Yes, I am aware.”

When I am aware, I have no problems. When I am aware, my mind is not agitated, so I am at peace. When I am aware, I’m not focused on lack, so I’m happy. And when I am aware, I don’t notice any separation, so I am love.

Breathe in and be love today.
Breathe out and relax into being love today.

Let yourself slow down enough to see that if you can stabilize as pure awareness, practice the presence of god by asking, “Am I aware?”, life will start working out your problems for you. All the little phone calls, all the little things that you need to get done, the emails, the communications, the work, whatever it is that’s being held up, whatever it is that’s a problem for you. Trust that it’s safe to let go of the thoughts and simply identify as pure awareness, and then life will take care of the problems.

Breathe in and use your magick today.
Breathe out and smile because life is just for fun and you get to use your magick today.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the mind, worrying, thinking we have to control everything. But if you can drop the thoughts and stabilize as pure awareness by asking, “Am I aware?”, everything works out for you. You don’t have to try. Life unfolds like ripening fruit. You cannot control the ripening. Let go of the illusion that you can control anything.

Breathe in, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out, “Yes, I am.”

Trust this holy question. Trust that it will work for you today. All you have to do is inquire genuinely, honestly. Get some space from the thoughts. Just try it. Let the thoughts go and really look, “Am I aware?”

Breathing in, “Am I aware?”
Breathing out, “Yes, I am aware.”

I can feel the relief instantly when I notice I am aware. And that instant relief is what creates manifestations of instant relief. Let life work it out for you today.

Breathing in, “Am I aware?”
Breathing out, “Yes, I am aware and I am now in the flow.”

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – No More Problems

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No More Problems (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Relax your body.

Breathe in and lighten up. Life is not serious.
Breathe out and surrender your thoughts.

Surrender your worries. Life already is the way you want it to be in the present moment.

Breathe in and ask, what’s wrong with right now if I don’t think about it?
Breathe out and relax into the knowing that there is nothing wrong.

Breathe in and open up to receiving today.
Breathe out and say thank you, thank you, thank you.

Thank you for everything that you have and thank you for everything that you want to receive in advance.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Breathe in and let the flow through you.
Breathe out and surrender.

If there’s anything missing from your life, it’s just god. Whether you think it’s health, money, a relationship, things, time—all of that is actually just a desire to be connected with god and you can do that right now.

Breathe in and ask am I aware?
Breathe out and notice: yes I am aware.

Breathe in and really look, am I aware?
Breathe out and know the answer.

Yes I am aware. What is it that is aware of hearing these words? What is it that is aware of what you’re perceiving? What is it?

Breathe in and look.
Breathe out and notice.

What is it that’s aware?

Breathe in and slow down.
Breathe out and smile because this is just for fun.

When life gets chaotic or complicated or just plain hard, you can always rely on awareness to save you, to make your life better again, to restore the years the locusts have eaten.

Breathe in and ask am I aware?
Breathe out and notice yes I am.

That’s how you connect back with god. Whenever you notice something missing or you’re seeking for something, remind yourself, the only thing missing is god and you get there by asking, am I aware? And when you genuinely ask that question, when you genuinely look, your mind does the no-thought thing of identifying as pure awareness.

Am I aware? And the thoughts relax. Am I aware? And there are no more problems. Am I aware? And I’m happy to be where I am. Am I aware? And I can let go of all of those things that I was worried about. I can let go of caring so much about things that I don’t even need to care about.

Breathing in am I aware?
Breathing out yes I am.

Connect with god. Practice the presence of god. That’s all it is. Am I aware? And then you’re practicing the presence of god. And then there’s nothing missing and the thoughts are no longer torturing you.

Breathe in and ask am I aware?
Breathe out and notice yes I am aware.

I am aware that I am aware. I am practicing the presence of god. And while I am actively practicing the presence of god, there is nothing missing from my life. Nothing needs to change and I don’t need to control anything.

Breathe in and let god control your life today.
Breathe out and enjoy your life today.

You’ve surrendered it to god. You know exactly how to practice the presence of god and now there’s nothing missing.

Breathing in am I aware?
Breathing out, yes I am and I am now in the flow.

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Gratitude Is A Magnet

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Gratitude Is A Magnet (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Welcome back to the present moment where all of your power lies.

Breathe in and open up to receiving today.
Breathe out and say thank you, thank you, thank you.

I know it’s in my favor.

Breathe in and slow down.
Breathe out and smile because life is not serious no matter what your mind tells you.

If you’re seeking, you’re suffering, and right now I am seeking.

Breathe in and notice where you’re seeking.
Breathe out and notice where you’re suffering.

You could get everything you want and you’ll still think something’s missing if you’re looking to the world for satisfaction, if you’re looking for something to change in reality for you to feel better.

Breathe in and find your own satisfaction with it.
Breathe out and try doing it by asking, am I aware?

Am I aware? Because when I am aware I have no problems. When I am aware, my mind isn’t agitated so I’m at peace. When I am aware I’m not looking for lack so I’m happy. When I am aware there’s no separation from those I love, so I am love.

Breathe in and trust the process of life even if you’re seeking.
Breathe out and just welcome the suffering.

Asking “Am I aware?” can really help if you do it genuinely. If you really devote your attention to asking, am I aware? For a moment you’ll get a glimpse of relief of the thought-free bliss that’s available at any moment. But if you’re like me, you need something a little stronger.

Breathe in and welcome what is.
Breathe out and just say yes to what is.

Yes I’m seeking for the attention of someone else. Yes I feel like I can’t even feel good until I get the attention that I want. Yes I want love and praise. I want attention. I want attention and I want love and I want affection and I’m seeking for it and I’m not getting it and I’m really devastated.

Breathe in and keep welcoming what is.
Breathe out and say yes to what is.

Yes I’ve been here before. Yes I know the solution is to just say thank you and know it’s in my favor. Yes I know I have to flip the switch by feeling thank you in my heart and meaning it. Yes I know that if I just choose gratitude right now everything will unfold perfectly and I’ll stop pushing what I want away with my stupid thoughts.

Breathe in and stop pushing what you want away with your stupid thoughts.
Breathe out and take a moment to say thank you and feel it in your heart.

You are so blessed. Almost everything is working out for you, going your way already. The rest will work out if you just drop the thoughts. Drop your attention to the problems.

Breathe in and say thank you.
Breathe out and feel thank you in your heart.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I know it’s in my favor. I do. I do know it’s in my favor. I’ve proven it to myself before.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I can already feel the tide turning. I can already feel my self feeling better and letting go of my attachment to the thing that I think I need to feel better.

Breathing in thank you.
Breathing out thank you.

Thank you. I know it’s in my favor. Thank you.

Breathe in and say thank you and feel it.
Breathe out and just rest in gratitude for one moment.

Thank you. Thank you. I know it’s in my favor. Thank you. Thank you for the blessings I already have. Thank you for my easy, perfect life. Thank you for the love I already have. Thank you for the abundance I already have. Thank you.

Breathe in and be grateful for what you have.
Breathe out and really feel that gratitude in your heart.

The gratitude is a magnet to get more of what you want. So if you’re seeking and suffering, flip the switch with thank you and you’ll see life already is the way you want it to be.

Breathing in thank you.
Breathing out thank you.

Thank you. I know it’s in my favor. Thank you.

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – It’s In Your Favor!

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It’s In Your Favor! (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Relax your body.

Breathe in and say yes to what is.
Breathe out and welcome what is.

Yes, the neighbors are doing something with sawing and hammering and it’s really annoying. Yes, I’m angry. Yes, I feel attacked. Yes, I am annoyed. Yes, I am frustrated. Yes, I am unhappy with how people are treating me. Yes, I am frustrated. Yes, I am distracted. Yes, I am pissed off.

Breathe in and smile. It’s not serious.
Breathe out and relax until this moment.

What’s wrong with right now if you don’t think about it?

Breathe in and open up to receiving.
Breathe out and say thank you.

Thank you. Remember, it’s in your favor. If you’ve trained yourself long enough, as soon as you think the words thank you, you can feel that flip being switched.

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank you.

I know it’s in my favor. I know it’s in the things you think are happening against you. The guy sawing at the neighbor’s house, the argument you just had, the cold shoulder and the texts. It’s all in your favor. Thank you. I know it’s in my favor. I do know it’s in my favor. I do.

Breathe in and lighten up. It’s really not serious.
Breathe out and relax.

It’s really not serious. Surrender into this moment. There’s nothing wrong with right now if you don’t think about it.

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank you. Thank you.

I know it’s in my favor. Thank you. Thank you.

Breathe in and keep saying thank you instead of thinking.
Breathe out and just focus on that feeling of gratitude, on that knowing that it is happening in your favor.

Everything that’s ever happened in the past turned out to be in your favor. Everything that went wrong, every argument, every loud noise. It was all in your favor.

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank you.

You’re innocent. Feel your innocence. Thank you. Thank you. You can trust the process of life. You can trust it’s all working out for you. And the sooner you can switch to thank you and feel that gratitude in your heart, the sooner you’ll see life already is the way you want it to be.

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank you.

Thank you. I know it’s in my favor. Thank you. Let yourself be light today. Let yourself relax into the present moment where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about. What’s wrong with right now if you don’t think about it? Nothing.

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank you. Thank you.

Let yourself practice the presence of god today. And you can do that either by asking, “Am I aware?” And staying as you are, pure awareness. Or you can just rest in the feeling of gratitude, knowing that you’re taken care of.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes I am.

And when I am aware I have no problems. My mind isn’t agitated so I feel peace. I’m not looking for problems, looking for lack. So I feel happy and abundant. And I’m not noticing any separation from anyone or anything so I feel love. Because love is the absence of separation.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes I am aware.

Thank you, thank you. I know it’s in my favor. Thank you, I know it’s in my favor. Thank you, thank you.

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – There’s Nothing Missing

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There’s Nothing Missing (transcript)

Breathe in and release your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and release your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Relax your body.

Breathe in and open up to receiving today.
Breathe out and say thank you and really feel it.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you for the perfect timing. Thank you for the magick life. Thank you for everything working out for me. Thank you.

Breathe in and lighten up. Life is not serious.
Breathe out and surrender to this moment.

If you’re struggling or resisting or desiring, remember the only thing missing is god.

Breathe in and notice where you’re struggling.
Breathe out and notice where you’re seeking.

Are you seeking for something to change? Are you seeking for a drug or an alcohol or a love or a relationship or a health? Are you seeking for something to change right now?

Breathe in and notice where you’re seeking.
Breathe out and just tell yourself the only thing missing is god.

Know this. Know and believe. The only thing missing is god.

Breathe in and get the god now.
Breathe out and relax.

God is here right now. God is this present moment. So you can always get the thing that’s missing.

Your mind will tell you, “No, I need drugs, I need alcohol, I need this person, I need this email, I need this money in the bank, I need this thing about my body to change.”

Breathe in and stop listening to the mind.
Breathe out and remember: the only thing missing is god. The only thing missing is god.

Every time you notice yourself seeking, say to yourself, the only thing missing is god. God’s right here. And you can access it by saying, “Am I aware?” And noticing, “Yes, I am.” Instead of thinking.

Breathe in and notice, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and witness god right here, right now.

Yes, I am aware. That’s it. That’s all you have to do to get the god. Get the god now. Stop seeking for things that are never going to fill you up. The relationship’s never going to fill you up. The drugs are never going to fill you up. The food’s never going to fill you up. Changing your body is never going to fill you up. The only thing that’s going to fill you up is seeing god right here, right now. You’re already doing it.

Breathe in and surrender to the god that already is.
Breathe out and feel safe and secure in this present moment, because the only thing missing was god and now you have it.

“Am I aware?” Trust that it’s safe to drop the thoughts and slow down and enjoy where you are. Anything that you’re doing you can enjoy. Any state that your body is in you can enjoy if you slow down into presence and notice this is all god. That’s how you make your life easy. That’s how you get through the day, no matter what happens. You just ask, “Am I aware?”

Breathe in and ask, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and slow down into this moment.

Yes, I am. I am aware that I am aware. And when I am aware, I have no problems, because my mind isn’t agitated, worrying, so I’m at peace. I’m not looking for lack so I’m happy. And I don’t notice separation so I feel love.

Breathe in and train yourself to do this.
Breathe out and relax.

As soon as you notice something missing, as soon as you notice your attention being like, “Well, I need this. I need to get this message. I need to receive this email. I need to get something.” As soon as you feel like you need to get something or change something, remember the only thing missing is god.

Breathing in, “Am I aware?”
Breathing out, yes, I am aware.

I am aware that I am aware. And that is god. That’s all it is: awareness. That’s what you are. That’s what I am. And when we rest as we are, pure awareness, when we stay in that state of just being aware of being aware, life flows, the miracles happen, and the thing that you were seeking for will come to you. That’s the part most people don’t understand. If you drop the thoughts and the seeking, the thing you were seeking is already yours. Give up the chase. Get what you want.

Breathe in and ask, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and notice, “Yes, I am. I am now aware.
I am now in the flow.”

And there’s nothing missing.

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Take Control

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Take Control (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.

Welcome back to the present moment where all of your power lies.

Breathe in and open up to receiving today.
Breathe out and say thank you and really feel it.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Today as you go about your day, allow yourself to attract what you want into your life. You are the source, so simply decide right now to feel gratitude and you will see things to feel grateful for.

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank you.

Thank you. Smile, get into it, really feel it. That is how you create your reality. You become it and then you see it. It’s so easy. I promise you, you have this power. Choose right now to feel better and your life will feel better imminently.

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank you.

Thank you. Do it now. Before you let your vibration dip too low, do it now. Catch yourself. You have the power to change the trajectory of your entire life simply by saying thank you and feeling it.

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank you.

Thank you. Be a light in other people’s lives. You take the first step. You are the source. You are the creator. Don’t wait for your life to make you feel good. You feel good and then you see it in your life.

Breathe in and take your power back right now.
Breathe out and say thank you and know it in your body.

That when you choose to feel the way you want to feel, your reality has no choice but to reflect it. You are the source. You are setting the tone. You are the projector of all of the waves. The waves are the manifestations, the circumstances, the conditions of your physical reality, even your thoughts, even your emotions. You’re the source of all that you see. If you can choose right now to feel gratitude, to feel love, you will see that manifested in your life. It’s so simple. It’s an on and an off. You’re feeling it or not. You are setting the tone for your life or you’re letting life set your tone. Take your power back right now.

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank you.

Do not forget you’re the creator. Do not forget you’re the source. You choose right now to set the tone. Thank you. Thank you. I know it’s all happening in my favor. Trust the process of life. Trust that there is a higher power. Trust that it wants you to win and survive and thrive. Trust that whatever made you wants you.

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank you.

Thank you. That’s our freedom. We’re so free that we can choose to believe that what made us doesn’t want us. That’s how free you are. You can think whatever you want but you can prove it to yourself that what you set as your tone affects what you experience. And you set your tone or your vibration or your mood by feeling and the easiest way I’ve found to feel the way I want to feel is to say thank you because I know exactly what thank you feels like. I know what it’s like to receive.

Breathe in and say thank you.
Breathe out and say thank you.

Thank you. You can do this all day, every day. Whenever you notice your mood dipping or when things are going smoothly, thank you. Thank you. I know it’s in my favor. Take your power back. Take control and do it by being grateful for what already is.

Nothing has to change. And when you feel gratitude without needing anything to change, the whole world will conspire to bring you things to feel grateful for.

Breathe in and step into your power.
Breathe out and have the best day of your life.

Thank you. Thank you for having the best day of your life.