Daily Meditation – Thank You Love for Replacing Me with You
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Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!
Relax your body.
Breathe in and bring your attention into this present moment.
Breathe out and let go of those thoughts.
Any thoughts about your problems, what other people are doing, what you have to do next—let it all go.
Breathe in and feel better already.
Breathe out and keep surrendering.
Whatever will be, will be. It’s safe to let go, to just be here now, and breathe.
Breathe in and open up to receiving.
Breathe out and welcome miracles into your life.
If life isn’t going the way you want it to go, or you have desires that just aren’t coming true, let yourself be replaced with love today, and let love guide you.
Breathe in and open up to love.
Breathe out and feel the love in your heart.
As you go about your day, say to yourself, “Thank you love for replacing me with you. Thank you love for replacing me with you.” Before I’ve talked about saying, “Thank you god for replacing me with you,” but today substitute love. It’s the same thing but see if you can feel the feeling of letting love guide all your actions, instead of your ego-driven desires.
Breathing in, thank you love for replacing me with you.
Breathing out, thank you love for replacing me with you.
Let love inform your next action and your next thought. Surrender what you want. Let go of your preferences. You don’t know what’s best. Everything that’s happening is happening in your favor. Right now, decide to welcome the miracles. Decide to trust the process of life. Decide to let it unfold and know that it’s all happening just for you, for your own good, in your favor.
Breathing in, thank you love for replacing me with you.
Breathing out, thank you love for replacing me with you.
Let love guide you today. Let love make your phone calls, return your emails, talk to your neighbors. Anything that you’re doing, think to yourself, “Thank you love for replacing me with you.” Don’t take anything for granted today, and let yourself be a conduit for love. Let yourself feel the ultimate, best feeling in the world which is the love you feel when you’re giving love. Today, be the conduit. Be the source of love. Let yourself feel the flow of love that’s already there. You’re just recognizing it, revealing it.
Breathing in, thank you love for replacing me with you.
Breathing out, thank you love for replacing me with you.
Let your ego go. Let your selfish desires go. Let your wanting to control other people go. You want people to do these things at this time in this order, including yourself. But you can let go of all of your controlling and manipulating and frantic wanting. And replace it all with love. And then you can see life already is the way you want it to be. It’s all for you.
Breathing in, thank you love for replacing me with you.
Breathing out, thank you love for replacing me with you.
You never have to wonder if you’re a good person if you’re doing the right thing, when you’re acting with love, when you have love on your mind and in your heart. Thank you love for replacing me with you!