Author: <span>jessicamullen</span>

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – They Can’t Take It From You

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They Can’t Take It From You (transcript)

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and say yes to what is!
Breathe out and let go of your worries.

This is the right place and the right time. You’re doing everything right. Let yourself relax now and be at peace in this moment.

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and feel your body align.

This is the right place and the right time. Decide to love and accept yourself exactly the way you are, right here, right now.

Breathe in and say, “I love and accept myself exactly the way I am!”
Breathe out and try to feel that feeling.

Jessica, I love and accept you exactly the way you are.
I love and accept you exactly the way you are.

Breathe in and make peace with what is.
Breathe out and smile because you’ll feel better if you smile!

Your attention is your most valuable resource. It’s up to you what you focus on. And you’ll feel differently depending on what you focus on. And what you focus on, you’ll get more of. So what do you want to focus on today?

Breathe in and decide to be deliberate about your attention today!
Breathe out and choose right now what you’re going to focus on.

I am going to pick up my attention off of facebook and twitter and I’m going to place it on abundance. I’m going to place it on the mantra “Om Shri Mahalaxmi Namah”. I’m going to take my attention and I am going to place it on what I want.

Breathe in and think about what you want today!
Breathe out and imagine how you’ll feel when you get it.

I want to feel good about myself. I want to feel motivated and inspired. I want my period to come. I want to feel really healthy and fit. I want to feel in control of my vibration. I want to be focused on what’s working in the world. I want to be focused on love. I want to feel relieved. And really, above all, I want to feel good about myself and what I’m doing. What do you want?

Breathe in and identify what you want.
Breathe out and keep picturing that feeling.

Where will you be when you get what you want? What are the circumstances? What does it feel like to get what you want?

To me, it feels like a wave of relief. Like, thank god! Thank god I have my health. Thank god I have enough money to eat and pay the rent. Thank god something’s going right. Thank god I feel better. Picture the waves of relief flowing though you. It’s all within our control. But we don’t make the choices that we know we need to make until we’re forced to do so. So today, let’s make those choices before we’re forced to do so.

Breathe in and choose one thing you’re going to make a choice for today.
Breathe out and and commit to that choice.

Today, I’m choosing to not log on to facebook or twitter until tomorrow how about? Let’s take a big long break of a whole 18 hours. How about you? What’s one choice you can make today, that you know you really really want to make, you just haven’t had enough contrast to make it? Choose that choice now. I choose to take control of my attention and place it on what I want. And to stop getting dragged into public opinion and complaining, fear. I’m choosing to place my attention on abundance and love. And fun.

What choice are you going to make with your attention today?

Breathe in and feel your power coming back to you!
Breathe out and know that this is your greatest resource—your attention. They can’t take it from you. They can’t take it from you. You are in control of your attention. Now choose right now to pick up your attention from what is not wanted, and place it on what you want!

Breathe in and commit to your attention.
Breathe out and feel relieved.

Breathe a sigh of relief! You get to choose what you put your attention on. Make the choice right now!

Breathe in and gather all of your attention.
Breathe out and place it on what is wanted.

Today I intend and I choose to place my attention on love abundance and fun. And so it is!

Breathing in I love myself!
Breathing out I don’t give a fuck about facebook and twitter!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – You’re A Fractal of God

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Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Welcome back to the present moment, where all of your power lies. Where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about.

Breathe in and lift yourself up!
Breathe out and feel your focus concentrating.

Feel your concentration focusing. This is the best day of your life! To enjoy it, like it’s the best day of your life, all you have to do is train your attention into a singular focus.

Breathe in and focus your attention.
Breathe out and bring your attention into this moment.

To focus your attention into a singular point, you can focus on your breath. You can chant a mental code. That’s about it.

Breathe in and focus your attention.
Breathe out and be here now.

You can also exercise and make art, and do all other sorts of flow activities, but if you’re just sitting here and you want to focus your attention, try watching your breath, silent counting, or repeating a mental code like, “Jessica, I love and accept you exact the way you are.”

Breathe in and say, “I love and accept you exactly the way you are.”
Breathe out and say, “I love and accept you exactly the way you are.”

That particular phrase of using your name, and then, “I love and accept you exactly the way you are,” is how god feels about you. How your higher self feels about you. (Life, the universe—whatever you want to call it.) You are unconditionally loved and when you consciously choose to give yourself that same unconditional love, that god has for you, your day starts flowing. You start feeling so good. And your better mood attracts your better feeling circumstances.

Breathe in and be your reason for feeling good!
Breathe out and feel so relieved because it really is easy.

Just step away from your thoughts. Only your thoughts can make you feel bad.

Breathing in, I love and accept you exactly the way you are.
Breathing out, I love and accept you exactly the way you are.

Breathing in, I love and accept you exactly the way you are.
Breathing out, I love and accept you exactly the way you are.

And it’s not the mental code you choose that matters that much. Any thought or sentence that makes you feel good is the mental code you can use that day. What matters is your devotion to your singular focus.

Breathe in and devote yourself to your singular focus.
Breathe out and feel empowered!

That’s all you have to do! Devote your attention to a singular focus. And stick with it. Stick with it for a day, stick with it for an hour, stick with it for 15 minutes. Just choose a thought that feels good to you and think only that thought.

Breathe in and choose the thought that feels best to you.
Breathe out and commit to that thought today.

Or commit to following your breath. You can try “I love myself,” “Breathing in I know I’m breathing in, breathing out I know I’m breathing out,” or if you already feel good you can try,

Breathing in, I am god breathing in.
Breathing out, I am god breathing out.

Remember who you are! You’re the creator! You’re a fractal of god! You have all the power! Choose to stick to your power today. Choose to stand up for yourself and what you want in life. Choose to have fun and be fun. Choose to love yourself and not give a fuck about any of those thoughts or worries today!

Breathe in and say, “I love myself!”
Breathe out and commit to your singular focus today!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Become Unstoppable

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Become Unstoppable (transcript)

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Commit to your singular focus today. Commit to being your reason for feeling good. Today, you don’t need anything outside of you to feel good. You are choosing right here, right now, to be your reason for feeling good! Taking your power back, right now!

Breathe in and remember who you are!
Breathe out and be the powerful creator you came to this life to be.

Yes, there are problems in our world and it’s time to start focusing on the solutions. And if we want to attract the solutions, all we have to do is step away from our thoughts. And then we feel better, and then the solutions come to us.

Breathe in and let what you want come to you today!
Breathe out and feel your power!

Your power is in your attention. That’s why sometimes, when you get lost on the Internet, you might not feel so good, because your attention gets scattered. But when your attention is in a single point of focus, you are at your most powerful, your most creative, your happiest, your strongest.

Breathe in and and concentrate your attention.
Breathe out and feel your power concentrating.

You can be or do or have anything you want. But all the things you want, you only want because they’ll make you feel better. And you can choose to feel better, right now.

Breathe in and choose to feel better right now.
Breathe out and let your thoughts go. If you want to feel better right now, you just decide to. Decide you’re not going to tolerate stressful thoughts anymore. Stand up to your thoughts, right now.

Breathe in and empower yourself!
Breathe out and remember who you are!

You are god in human form. You’re a fractal of the universe.

Breathe in and lift yourself up!
Breathe out and decide to not give a fuck about those pesky thoughts that bother you!

You can just watch them go by. Let them go. Now it’s time to choose your singular focus for the day. And commit to your singular focus. You feel the best when your attention is in a singular focus. You can focus on your breath, and that will keep you present. You can focus on a mental code like, “I love myself.” Whatever makes you feel good today. You can try silent counting. Anything. It’s not the mental code that matters, it’s the devotion to thinking that mental code.

Breathe in and devote your attention to a singular focus today.
Breathe out and choose your singular focus, right now.

Mine is, “Jessica, I love and accept you exactly the way you are.” Because that’s how god feels about me. That’s how god feels about you. Life, the universe, whatever you want to call it. We’re unconditionally loved and when we give ourselves that unconditional love, we are unstoppable! Today, become unstoppable, by unconditionally loving yourself. It’s so easy.

Breathe in and lighten up! Life is so easy!
Breathe out and let go of your worries. Life is so easy!

Life is so easy when you have a singular focus. Let yourself relax today. Let those thoughts and worries go and just think your mental code. Whatever it is.

Breathing in, I know I’m breathing in
Breathing out, I know I’m breathing out

Or silent counting, or

“Jessica, I love and accept you exactly the way you are.” Whatever thought feels good to you today, that thought is your power. That thought is what will bring what you want to you.

Breathe in and devote yourself to your singular focus.
Breathe out and feel more powerful than ever. You’re in the right place at the right time and this is the best day of your life!

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and say thank you! Thank you! Thank you for the best day of my life! Thank you! Thank you!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Nothing Comes Before Self Love

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Nothing Comes Before Self Love (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Today, go back to unconditionally loving yourself.

Breathe in and say, “I love and accept you exactly the way you are.”
Breathe out and say this to yourself right now: “I love and accept you, exactly the way you are.”

This is the best day of your life. And if you want access to all the reasons why it’s the best day of your life, it’s time to start loving yourself unconditionally, as you are, right here, right now.

Breathe in and commit to loving yourself today.
Breathe out and let go of all of your resistant thoughts about loving yourself.

It’s easy to gloss over it—self-love is a buzz word. It can feel indulgent, or like a waste of time, or like there’re more important things to pay attention to in life. But, nothing comes before self love in importance. Nothing comes before self love.

Breathe in and say, “I love myself!”
Breathe out and say, “I love myself!”

The trick is to actually feel the feeling of loving yourself, of just liking being who you are.

Breathing in, I love and accept you exactly the way you are.
Breathing out, I love and accept you exactly the way you are.

Say that to yourself over and over. It’s like a 3rd party saying it to you. It’s your higher self saying it. It’s the bigger part of your consciousness that’s exploring in your animal body.

Breathing in, I love and accept you exactly the way you are.
Breathing out, I love and accept you exactly the way you are.

But you don’t really have to connect it to your breath, because that mixes persons.

Breathe in and decide to feel good.
Breathe out and let go.

Let go. Let go. Let go of all of your preconceived notions about self love. Let go of your thoughts and worries and judgements. Let go of all of it. And just be here now. Stop trying so hard.

Breathing in, I love myself.
Breathing out, I love myself.

That’s one version of this self love mental code. Or, you can say your name over and over like it’s your higher self saying it to you. And you can play with how you accent the words, like picture you’re saying it to a good friend of yours.

Jessica, I love and accept you exactly the way you are. I love and accept you exactly the way you are. I love and accept you exactly the way you are. I love and accept you exactly the way you are. I love and accept you exactly the way you are. I love and accept you exactly the way you are. I love and accept you exactly the way you are. I love and accept you exactly the way you are. I love and accept you exactly the way you are. I love and accept you exactly the way you are.

Breathe out and feel loved.

Just say that to yourself over and over, but use your name. Jessica, I love and accept you exactly the way you are. Jessica, I love and accept you exactly the way you are. Jessica, I love and accept you exactly the way you are. Jessica, I love and accept you exactly the way you are. Jessica, I love and accept you exactly the way you are. Jessica, I love and accept you exactly the way you are.

Jessica, I love and accept you exactly the way you are. Jessica, I love and accept you exactly the way you are. I love and accept you exactly the way you are. There’s nothing you need to change. Right now you are so perfect. It’s all unfolding so perfectly. Jessica, I love and accept you exactly the way you are. Jessica, I love and accept you exactly the way you are!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Welcome to the Trip Trip

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Welcome to the Trip Trip (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and say yes to what is.
Breathe out and welcome what is.

Look around you right now, and say, “Welcome!” Welcome cardboard box window shade. Welcome studio lights. Welcome stacked paper boxes that my computer’s on. Welcome youtube. Welcome microphone. Welcome computer bag with hidden things in it. Welcome hidden things! Welcome breath in! Welcome breath out! Welcome to the present moment, where all of your power lies!

Breathe in and wake up in the dream!
Breathe out and remember: You took the trip trip! It’s the trip that’s the trip.

Right now, you’re just on a trip. You took the trip trip.

Breathe in and feel so excited. It’s just a trip!
Breathe out and remember to just focus on love if you ever get scared on the trip trip.

Breathe in and focus on love.
Breathe out and focus on love.

There’s so many ways to focus on love. You can feel the love in your heart. You can say, “I love myself.” You can say, “I love and accept you exactly the way you are.” You can say, “Love, yeah, love.” Love, yeah, love. Remind yourself that’s what’s important in this life!

Breathe in and remind yourself: love is what matters!
Breathe out and remember: love is what matters! Love, yeah, love!

Breathing in, I love and accept you exactly the way you are!
Breathing out, I love and accept you exactly the way you are!

Whatever thoughts make you feel good right now, whatever thoughts make you accept this moment and happy to be here, those are downstream thoughts. Those are in the flow thoughts.

Breathing in I love myself!
Breathing out I love myself!

Breathing in, I love and accept you exactly the way you are!
Breathing out, I love and accept you exactly the way you are!

Focus on love today. Focus on remembering it’s just a trip. It’s just a trip. This is temporary. Your consciousness is eternal.

Breathe in and wake up in the trip trip!
Breathe out and remember life is so deep. But you did come here for fun and you did come here on purpose.

You wanted this.

Breathing in I love myself!
Breathing out I love myself!

Those are the magick words. Or,

Look at yourself in the mirror and say, “I love you. I love you. I love you.” Whatever works better for you, staying in first person, or talking to yourself in 2nd person. Either “I love myself,” or, “I love you.” Whatever version of that sentence works better for you. But if you choose 2nd person and say, “I love you,” just imagine you’re the observer. And you’re the observer of your ego and your body. The things that aren’t real. The physical world, material, temporary illusion.

Breathe in and be the observer.
Breathe out and love your animal body and your animal mind.

Is it an animal mind, I don’t know. Love your animal self. From the perspective of god, the observer, your higher self, source energy. And you will have energy and love flowing through you that will lift you up, guide you through your day and help you see everything is perfect and in its place.

Breathing in, I love and accept you exactly the way you are!
Breathing out, I love and accept you exactly the way you are!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – The Message the Aliens Want You to Hear

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The Message the Aliens Want You to Hear (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Let yourself relax.

Breathe in and smile! You made it! You’re here!
Breathe out and keep relaxing your body.

Decide you’re going to have fun for the next 4 minutes, regardless of what is happening in your life. For the next 4 minutes or so, we’re going to have fun!

Breathe in and step into this present moment!
Breathe out and open to receiving the messages from the aliens!

Breathe in and be light! Life is not serious!
Breathe out and decide to have fun today!

If you want to receive messages from aliens, now’s your chance You can do it, if you want to!

Breathe in and open up to receiving those messages!
Breathe out and surrender your thoughts. Let go of needing to think about every little thing.

Let go of thinking about the future. Let go of thinking about the past. And just be here now, with you and me, and the alien messages.

Breathe in and open up!
Breathe out and keep letting go.

Now how would you like to receive these messages? Usually I see flashing lights, and I guess that means, that I have this open portal in the top of my head that can then receive words if I choose to translate them. Sometimes I just watch the lights and I don’t listen for words because I don’t really want to know right then. How do you want to receive your messages?

Breathe in and start listening! And watching!
Breathe out and be here now.

What are the messages you see? Do you hear any messages in your head? Or out loud?

Breathe in and listen.
Breathe out and smile because your smiling affects the messages you hear.

Breathe in and listen!
Breathe out and smile!

Breathe in and listen!
Breathe out and smile!

Breathing in, I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out, I know I’m breathing out.

Breathing in, I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out, I know I’m breathing out.

This is it. This is the message the aliens want you to hear:

Breathe in and be here now.
Breathe out and let your thoughts go.

Breathe in and smile because smiling affects what you receive.
Breathe out and smile because it feels good to smile and we’re here to feel good.

You get to choose the frequency you perceive. There are so many techniques you can use to get to the higher frequencies, if that’s what you want. Smiling is one of them.

Breathe in and keep lightening up!
Breathe out and keep listening for those messages.

They’re there in every moment.

Breathe in and keep listening.
Breathe out and keep smiling.

If you want to smile at the messages you receive, then smile when you open up to hearing them.

Breathe in and let what you want come to you.
Breathe out and be a match to receiving.

Keep listening for those messages and you’ll hear what you’re supposed to hear. And while you’re in a mode of listening, your mind is quiet. It’s open to new ideas. It’s open to solutions and it’s open to feeling good.

Breathe in and have fun with your life today!
Breathe out and remember how deep life really is!

We’re here! We’re in this moment! What more could we ask for?!

Breathe in and know you’re breathing in.
Breathe out and know you’re breathing out.

And that’s the only manifestation you’ll ever need while you’re here.

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and say thank you!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Stay Present for 7 Years

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Stay Present for 7 Years (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Bring your attention back to this present moment.

Breathe in and lighten up! Life is not serious!
Breathe out and just laugh because nothing matters!

We all return to the absolute. We’re all infinite. This is just a fun experiment.

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and remember you’re the creator!

You are god in human form. You are just a hologram of god.You can switch to the reality you prefer, right now! So let’s do that!

Breathe in and be here now!
Breathe out and be here now!

What do you want? I just want to feel fucking euphoria! I want to feel bliss. I want to feel a peak experience. I want something to look forward to! I want love and connection, I suppose.

Breathe in and ask yourself, “What do I want?”
Breathe out and let it come to you. What do you want?

I want my path to light up for me. And I want to feel god in this moment! I want major earth-shattering epiphanies and realizations where suddenly, like Eckhart Tolle, I’m jarred into the present moment for 7 years. Wouldn’t that be nice?

Breathe in and be jarred into the present moment for 7 years!
Breathe out and realize you’re already here! This is it! This is the main event!

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and say thank you!

We made it! We’re here! We’re in the present moment for 7 years, starting right now! What happens in 7 years? No idea. We’ll figure it out then. For now, it’s just you and me here in the present moment!

Breathe in and focus your attention!
Breathe out and let go of your thoughts!

Only your thoughts can make you feel bad. There are no thoughts in the present moment! And in the present moment, everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about!

Breathe in and just be here now!
Breathe out and recognize that it’s your singular focus that keeps you present. It’s your singular focus that makes your brain waves resemble a flat line. And when you when you get into this state of singular focus, you’re able to lift your consciousness vertically into other dimensions, instead of horizontally though time and space.

Breathe in and lift your consciousness vertically!
Breathe out and commit to your singular focus.

All that matters is that you keep your attention on a single point and breathe. The singular focus will keep you present. The singular focus is what helps you transcend reality and be one with god!

Breathe in and choose your singular focus today.
Breathe out and commit to it!

Mine shall be, “Jessica, I love and accept you exactly the way you are!” That’s been working for me lately. You can also try focusing on your breath. (Which I find difficult unless I’ve practiced with counting or something first.) You can try silent counting which works wonders if you can count into the thousands. Or any other repetition of mental codes like Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. Any affirmation, mantra, or mental code of your choosing.

Breathe in and commit to your singular focus.
Breathe out and let life be fun!

With your singular focus, you can transcend reality! You can visit the other dimensions. And may I mention, in the other dimensions are the things that you desire. So you can just keep your attention on a single point and you’ll notice the things you want starting to pop up in your reality, your material world.

Breathe in and commit to a singular focus.
Breathe out and remember: it’s not the mental code, it’s the commitment to the mental code.

It’s not the singular focus it’s the devotion to the singular focus. It doesn’t matter what you’re singularly focused on, it’s that you keep at it. Keep practicing, every moment you can.

Breathe in and feel so excited! We’re in the present for 7 years!
Breathe out and have the best day of your life now! You’re here with me, together! We are here, awake in the dream! Having fun! Worry-free! And of course we love and accept ourselves exactly the way we are!

Breathe in and say fuck yes!
Breathe out and say thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – You Are Absolved From Any Responsibility Other Than Feeling Better

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You Are Absolved From Any Responsibility Other Than Feeling Better (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and step into the present moment.
Breathe out and let your thoughts and worries go.

To raise your vibration, you only need presence. To release your resistance, you only need to step away from your thoughts. Perhaps easier said than done, but let’s do it now.

Breathe in and wake up in the dream.
Breathe out and let those thoughts go.

There are no thoughts in the now.

Breathe in and feel your mind slowing down.
Breathe out and let your body slow down.

Let your mind relax to the pace of your breath.

Breathing in, I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out, I know I’m breathing out.

Breathing in, I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out, I know I’m breathing out.

Let your body relax. You’re in the right place at the right time, and you’re doing everything right. It’s safe to let those thought go and trust in the power of the present moment.

Breathe in and decide to play with life!
Breathe out and be here now! That’s how you play with life!

As you go about your day, in every moment, just look for ways you can play with the things in your reality. That’s one way to be present.

Breathe in and be playful today!
Breathe out and surrender your preferences.

So what you want your mom to act a certain way. So what you want a certain amount of money to come to you. It doesn’t have to be that way for you to feel happy. You can choose to feel happy right here, right now.

Breathe in and make peace with what is.
Breathe out and trust the process of life.

It might not look the way you want it to look right now. But it’s going to reveal itself as all happening in your favor. Every single part of life is happening in your favor.

Breathe in and let your thoughts go!
Breathe out and just be present, here with me, now!

Be here now! Wake up, here, now!

Breathe in and be here now.
Breathe out and be here now.

There are many techniques for becoming present, but it’s all the same goal. It’s to remember you’re one with god, one with life. To remember that all of life is connected. To remember that you’re the creator and that you’re here for fun and you don’t have to care about any of those thoughts!

Breathe in and lighten up! Life is just for fun!
Breathe out and decide to not give a fuck about what other people are doing!

Don’t give a fuck about what your family is doing, or your friends, or the government. Let it all go right now. Not because you don’t care, not because you don’t want to help, but because you are going to feel better first and then you’ll be better able to help from that better-feeling place.

Breathe in and feel better now.
Breathe out and feel energized!

Its all up to you!

You’re the creator! You decide how you feel and then that affects what you see. Become it to see it! Become it to see it! And right now, you’re becoming in a great mood. And right now, you’re becoming in control of your attention. And right now, you’re waking up in the dream. Into the present moment, where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about!

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and say thank you!

This is the best day of your life! Don’t let anyone take you out of it! This is what you came for. This is the main event. Yes there are problems but they are creating solutions! Let yourself feel better and become part of the solution!

Breathe in and feel relieved.
Breathe out and breathe a sigh of relief.

Right now you are absolved from any responsibility other than feeling better. Taking care of your own mood. And once you take care of yourself, you have something to give other people! You have something to share, to uplift.

Breathe in and have the best day of your life!
Breathe out and just let go of your thoughts! Keep letting go of your thoughts. Keep letting go of your thoughts.

The present moment has the answers that you need. And we can all access them right here, right now.

Breathing in, I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out, I know I’m breathing out.

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Wield Your Power!

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Wield Your Power! (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Let that shit go! Let go of any thoughts about the past.

Breathe in and decide to feel good about that!
Breathe out and let it go!

Any time a pesky little thought comes up in your mind about the past, or worry about the future, just say to yourself, “I’ve decided to feel good about that. I’ve let that shit go!”

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and keep letting go!

Let go of your thoughts as they come. You never have to try to stop them. But just keep letting them go, letting them go, letting them go.

Breathe in and step back into the observer position!
Breathe out and observe yourself.

Observe your thoughts. Observe your emotions.

Breathe in and notice what you’re thinking.
Breathe out and watch your thoughts.

Breathe in and feel your mind slow down.
Breathe out and let your body relax.

This is the best day of your life! Only your thoughts can make you feel bad, so it’s time to return to your natural state of feeling good, just by letting go of your thoughts. And entering the present moment.

Breathe in and wake up in the dream!
Breathe out and feel your power waking back up!

You are in control of your vibration. You are the creator. You are so powerful. Let’s wield that power towards what you want!

Breathe in and think about what you want.
Breathe out and imagine how you’ll feel when you get it.

I’ll feel magickal and powerful, in the flow, excited about life. What do you want?

Breathe in and let what you want come to you!
Breathe out and know: You’ve practiced the feeling. You know what it feels like. You can practice feeling that feeling any time. But you never have to think about that desire again!

It’s safe to let it go and let it come to you. And it comes to you by saying YES to everything. It comes to you when you radically accept your life as it is.

Breathe in and say yes to your life as it is!
Breathe out and make peace with your life as it is.

You are in the perfect place. Everything is perfect and in its place. You are in the prime position to get what you want now!

Breathe in and feel your power.
Breathe out and feel that feeling of getting what you want again.

Picture yourself in the place of receiving it. Picture it’s the moment you get it. Where are you? What does it feel like?

Breathe in and keep imagining getting what you want.
Breathe out and really feel that feeling.

This is your power. This is gratitude in advance. You identify what you want, you practice the feeling, and then you let it go forever. And it will come to you, if you keep saying yes to life.

Breathe in and say yes to your life!
Breathe out and relax.

When you say yes, it doesn’t mean that you like it or that you want it. It just means that you stop resisting. When you stop resisting, you feel better. When you feel better, you attract solutions. You attract manifestations that feel better.

Breathe in and say yes to your life!
Breathe out and say, “I love my life! I’m so in love with my life!”

There’s so much to love about our lives. They’re already perfect.

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and feel the most powerful you’ve ever been.

You’re doing it. It’s working! Now you can relax.

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Radically Accept Your Life

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Radically Accept Your Life (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Welcome back to the present moment, where all of your power lies!

Breathe in and say yes to what is!
Breathe out and say thank you for your good fortune!

Just keep saying yes to what life is bringing you and the opportunities will keep coming. However you feel, say yes. Whatever’s offered, say yes. The idea is not to say yes to what you don’t want. It’s to radically accept all that is. So that you don’t feel pain and suffering inside anymore. And when you don’t feel pain and suffering—when you feel better—that attracts better-feeling thoughts. That attracts better-feeling circumstances. So by accepting all that is, you are making room for what you really want.

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and welcome what you want to come!

Let it come to you today. You don’t have to chase anything. When you chase, you push it away anyway.

Breathe in and let it come to you!
Breathe out and decide to have the best day of your life, no matter what happens!

It’s up to you to decide! Make the choice right now!

Breathing in, I’m having the best day of my life!
Breathing out, I am radically accepting all that is, so that I don’t have to suffer anymore!

And when you don’t suffer anymore, people want to know your secret. And then they learn to not suffer. And slowly, it’s a chain reaction of ending suffering.

Breathe in and lead by your powerful example.
Breathe out and let go of your resistance!

That’s what radical acceptance is for! Letting go of your resistance to what is. You can’t fight what is! You’ll lose! But if you can radically accept it, you’ll feel better, and you feeling better is what makes better circumstances.

Breathe in and feel better already!
Breathe out and radically accept all that is!

Make better circumstances for yourself. Your mood is your work! Your mood is just what you’re thinking and feeling, and you’re in complete control of what you’re thinking and feeling! Yes, emotions come and pass through you, but you can choose to feel them and let them go and then feel better on purpose!

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and say thank you!

There are so many techniques for radically accepting your reality, so that you feel better, so that your circumstances align more to what you want. But today, just say yes! Say yes to how you feel. Say yes to what’s happening. Say yes to the thoughts and interruptions. Just keep saying yes!

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and feel the relief that comes with stopping the fight!

Stopping the resistance. When you’re resisting what is, it feels bad. It feels painful. It feels like suffering. You can choose to let go of your suffering right now. And that doesn’t mean that you like the bad things. It doesn’t mean that it’s ok for injustice to happen. It just means YOU are putting a stop to YOUR suffering, so that you can feel better and become part of the solution instead of focused on the problem!

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and radically accept your life! You’re having the best day of your life! Why wouldn’t you accept it?!