Category: <span>Daily Meditation</span>

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Choose What God Chooses

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Choose What God Chooses (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body. Say yes to what is.

Breathe in and welcome what is!
Breathe out and start really saying yes to what is.

Yes, I’m tired. Yes, I’m missing someone. Yes, I feel scattered. Yes, my attention is in two states at once.

Breathe in and keep saying yes to what is.
Breathe out and shake off that stale energy, those thoughts you’ve been holding onto, the desires that are stale and tasteless. Let it all go!

Breathe in and step into this present moment, where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about!
Breathe out and be your own source!

You are the source of your experience. However you feel, is your magnet, and you get to choose what you set your magnet to.

Breathe in and set your magnet to thank you!
Breathe out and feel the feeling of thank you.

Thank you! Thank you! Thank god! Thank god!

Breathe in and keep welcoming what is!
Breathe out and just accept what is.

When you fight what is you lose. Another way to put it is, when you choose against god, you lose. Today, choose what god chooses for you. Whatever is, is what god already chose. And resisting it does nothing but make you suffer.

Breathe in and choose what god chooses for you!
Breathe out and remember god does everything perfectly.

It’s all unfolding perfectly. It’s all happening in your favor. Today, as you go about your day, when things happen that you don’t like, that you wish were different, just say thank you, and it will be revealed why it was in your favor.

Breathe in and lighten up! It’s not serious!
Breathe out and be the source of your experience.

Choose to take the first step, and god will meet you the rest of the way. Choose to feel the way you want to feel right now, and god will fill in the rest. Trust that you have the power to shift your perspective and live in alignment with god, the flow, the tao—whatever you want to call it.

Breathe in and align with the flow.
Breathe out and say yes to what god already chose for you.

God does everything perfectly, I promise!

Breathe in and relax.
Breathe out and relax.

You’re in the right place at the right time and you’re doing everything right. Surrender. Surrender right now. And it will be revealed why it had to happen this way. Why it was in your favor.

Breathe in and trust the process of life!
Breathe out and say thank you to show that you trust the process of life.

You don’t know what’s best for you, only god does. You don’t know what the best possible outcome is, only god does. And it’s bigger and better than you could ever imagine.

Breathe in and welcome change!
Breathe out and welcome what is.

It’s all happening in your favor and the sooner you can feel grateful for what is, the sooner it will be revealed. Right now, choose to be the source by saying thank you and really feeling it. And then you’ll see life already is the way you want it to be!

Breathing in, thank you!
Breathing out, thank you!

Thank you! Thank you! Trust it’s in your favor! It always has been in the past! It’s always been the best possible thing that could happen. Everything that happens—it’s all in your favor. It led you to right now! And right now you’re breathing, you’re relaxing, and you’re feeling grateful.

Breathing in, thank you!
Breathing out, thank you!

Thank you! Thank you! I know it’s in my favor! I do know it’s in my favor. And in the moment that I am resisting what is, that I feel forgotten, and overlooked, I know god never forgets me or overlooks me.

Breathe in and keep saying yes.
Breathe out and keep saying thank you!

Thank you! Thank you! I know it’s in my favor. Thank you! I know it’s all working out for me. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – I’m Here!

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I’m Here! (transcript)

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Welcome back to the present moment where all of your power lies!

Breathe in and relax.
Breathe out and remember: it always comes when you relax.

Let your body relax. Let yourself fully relax into this moment.

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and say thank you! Thank you! And really feel it.

Feel yourself open up to receiving what you want.

Breathing in, thank you!
Breathing out, thank you! Thank you! Thank you! It’s all happening in your favor.

Breathe in and lighten up! Keep lightening up!
Breathe out and feel yourself relax.

You’re getting lighter and more relaxed, more at peace with what is. With every breath, you’re feeling more grateful, more at ease, more in love.

Breathing in, thank you!
Breathing out, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Feel the excitement building! Feel yourself become at peace in this moment. And know that that peace is now your magnet and you’re attracting peaceful circumstances, right now!

Breathe in and let it be easy.
Breathe out and say: I’m here!

I’m here! “I am here” are the 3 most important words you’ll utter today. I am here. Do I exist? Yes. I am here. Let, “I am here,” be your pointer to presence today.

Breathe in and just be here.
Breathe out and say “I am here!”

I’m here! Let it wake you up in the moment. When you are here, you’re not thinking about the past: “I was there.” And you’re not thinking about the future: “I will be there.” You’re simply here, not lost in thought, not caught up in memory, not mudding around in the future. You’re just here, where everything is perfect and in its place

Breathing in, I am here!
Breathing out, I’m here!

I’m here! Announce it to the world. Announce it to your environment. Announce it to god. I’m here, I’m awake! I’m here, I’m enthusiastic! I’m here, I’m happy and in love. I’m so happy to be here!

Breathe in and just be happy to be here.
Breathe out and let that be your intention today, to just be happy to be here.

You don’t have to worry about making money, making someone happy, making time. There’s no making happening today, because you’re here. You’re already here. There’s nothing to make or do or get. You’re here! You did it. You made it. You’re here.

Breathing in, I’m here!
Breathing out, I’m here!

Feel the self love that’s innate in that statement: I’m here! You love yourself enough that you’re happy you’re here. You love yourself enough that you know whatever is in your environment is happy that you’re here. You love yourself so much that you’re content to be here and nothing has to change. What confidence! What grace! What beauty! To just be here and that’s enough.

Breathing in, I’m here!
Breathing out, I’m here!

Everyone’s been waiting for you. God’s been waiting for you. Everyone has been waiting for this moment, where you arrive, and now you’re here, and there’s no more work to do. Nothing more to make, nothing more to get. You’re whole. You’re complete. You’re here! Congratulations!

Breathing in, I’m here!
Breathing out, I’m here.

I am here.

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Steady State

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Steady State (transcript)

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and slow down, it’s all in perfect timing.
Breathe out and keep relaxing your body.

You’re in the right place at the right time and you’re doing everything right.

Breathe in and ask, am I aware?
Breathe out and feel your attention turn around to rest on itself. Yes. I am aware. And when I am aware, I have no problems.

Breathe in and enter the steady state.
Breathe out and remember who you really are: pure awareness.

Nothing ever happens to pure awareness. Pure awareness is always at peace, always abundant, always happy, always in love.

Breathe in and stay as you are.
Breathe out and smile because life loves you!

Let your body relax. Let your thoughts relax. Enter the present moment, the steady state, where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about, where it doesn’t matter what happens, because you know you are god. You know everything around you is god, and you know it’s all happening in your favor.

Breathe in and be in the steady state.
Breathe out and bask in the steady state of not letting anything affect you, good or bad.

You have found your equilibrium. You have found peace. You are resting as you are: love, yeah, love.

Breathe in and see the god around you.
Breathe out and be the god around you.

It’s all god. There is no good, there is no bad. It’s all god.

Breathe in and exist in the steady state.
Breathe out and enjoy the steady state, where nothing affects you, because you are that which holds it all.

All that you see is you. All that you want, you already have. You can rest here, at peace, in the stillness.

Breathe in and exist in the steady state.
Breathe out and rest in your calm equilibrium of knowing everything is god. You are god. Everything is peace. You are peace. Everything is love. You are love, yeah, love.

Breathe in and feel the love in your heart.
Breathe out and feel the love that’s surrounding you.

God is everything. God is you. When you start resisting, entering conflict, fighting—remember it’s all god. You don’t have to fight it. There’s nothing to fight. You can drop it now. You exist in the steady state now, where nothing affects you good or bad, because you are pure awareness. You already are love and bliss and joy, so you’re not seeking those things.

Breathe in and let the search go.
Breathe out and be found.

Be the thing you’re looking for, the steady state of peace, unshakable joy, permanent bliss, unwavering, unconditional love.

Breathe in and be in the steady state.
Breathe out and relax.

Only your thoughts can disrupt the steady state. And now you know you can step back from your thoughts by asking, am I aware? Because when I am aware, I have no problems.

Breathe in and be in the steady state of pure awareness.
Breathe out and ask, to any problem you encounter: did this dilemma arise in deep sleep?

No? Then it’s not real.

Only pure awareness is real. Everything else is a temporary illusion.

Breathe in and stick with what is real.
Breathe out and enjoy being in physical reality, and the steady state at the same time.

This is what you came for, to enjoy the ups and downs of physical reality but also basking in the knowing that you are god and everything is perfect and in its place. You can do no wrong. It’s all in your favor. This is all just for fun!

Breathe in and be the steady state.
Breathe out and be unshakable, pure awareness.

You are now aware, you are now in the flow!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Everything Will Shift

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Everything Will Shift (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and open up to receiving.
Breathe out and remember the power of thank you!

Choose right now to feel the way you want to feel, and then see your reality reflect it.

Breathing in, thank you!
Breathing out, thank you! Thank you!

If you ever start going through a period of your life where things just aren’t going well, you just don’t feel that great, things are just dull and boring and nothing’s really lighting you up—all you have to do is say thank you and feel it, and everything will shift.

Breathe in and shift your own life right now.
Breathe out and say thank you, thank you, thank you!

Let all those thoughts go. This is a feeling, it’s not a thought project. You just feel the way you want to feel right now.

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank you! Thank you!

We are so lucky to be here! We are so lucky to enjoy the diversity of physical reality. It won’t always be like this. We won’t always be here. This is temporary. It’s time to enjoy it. It’s time to flip the switch and shift the course of your entire life.

Breathing in, thank you!
Breathing out, thank you!

Thank you! Thank you! You can feel this is your super power—feeling the way you want to feel, before you get anything that makes you feel that way. That’s how you manifest. But more importantly, that’s how you feel good. You just choose it. You just generate that feeling, reveal that feeling. It’s already in you.

Breathing in, thank you!
Breathing out, thank you! Thank you!

Keep this on repeat today. It’s the only prayer you need! If you are in a place where you want things to change, to improve, to get better—if you want to enjoy life, just take the first step and life will meet you more than half way. Right away, life will start filling your life with joy.

Breathing in, thank you!
Breathing out, thank you! Thank you!

Everything is happening in your favor and the sooner you flip the switch to thank you, the sooner you see, life already is the way you want it to be.

Breathing in, in thank you!
Breathing out, thank you!

Thank you! I know it’s all in my favor! Thank you!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Who Is Supplying the Misery?

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Who Is Supplying the Misery? (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Welcome back to the best day of your life. Welcome back to the present moment where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about.

Breathe in and lighten up because it’s not serious!
Breathe out and let your petty grievances go. It’s not serious. It’s not worth disrupting your peace.

Breathe in and remember you are the source of your experience!
Breathe out and start emanating what you want to receive!

Breathe in and relax your body.
Breathe out and surrender your preferences.

You’re in the right place at the right time. Trust god. Trust life to give you what you need today. Everything that happens is meant for you, and it’s happening in your favor. It’s not random. It’s all for you. It’s all in your favor.

Breathe in and be light today!
Breathe out and let all of those thoughts go.

Only your thoughts make you feel bad. Who is supplying your suffering? It’s not other people. It’s your mind.

Breathe in and notice who is supplying the suffering.
Breathe out and ask yourself, any time you’re suffering, who is supplying this misery??

Who is making you miserable exactly? Because it’s not what actually happens. It’s not what is. It’s what your mind thinks about what is. It’s the thoughts that provide the misery.

Breathe in and notice the misery coming from your thoughts.
Breathe out and know: now you can see the thoughts supplying the misery, so now you have a choice to go with those thoughts and suffer, or just watch the thoughts float away.

Breathe in and stand up to your thoughts.
Breathe out and let those thoughts float away.

Become aware that you are aware right now.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am aware.

And when I am aware, I have no problems. Because I’m not identified with my thoughts that are supplying misery. You have the choice right now: identify as pure awareness, or identify as your thoughts. Who is supplying the misery? It’s not pure awareness. It’s not the people. It’s not the circumstances. It’s just your thoughts supplying misery. And you can cut that supply right now by simply identifying as pure awareness.

Breathe in and cut the supply to the misery.
Breathe out and refuse to suffer today.

Any time you start noticing a problem, ask yourself, am I aware? Because when I am aware I have no problems! Don’t let the world affect you. Don’t let the changing forms disturb your permanent peace.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am aware.

You are a magickal being. You have the power to do anything you want. You have the power to manifest anything you want, to see whatever you want to see. Whatever you believe, you’re right! Decide right now to cut the supply to the misery, simply identify as pure awareness, and resolve all of your problems all at once. Dig it up at the root!

Breathe in and ask, am I aware?
Breathe out and know the answer: Yes, I am aware.

Don’t let the world affect you today. When you stay identified as pure awareness, nothing can touch you. Nothing can bother you. You are free, no agitation. Only peace. Only abundance. Only happiness. Only love!

Breathe in and ask, am I aware?
Breathe out and know the answer for sure.

Yes, I am aware. And I know that when I am aware, I have no problems. I am now aware. I am now in the flow! And the world doesn’t affect me!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Let God Do Its Job

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Let God Do Its Job (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and say yes to what is.
Breathe out and keep relaxing your body.

Right now you’re safe. Right now everything is working out for you. It’s all unfolding perfectly. Trust the process of life. This is the right place and the right time.

Breathe in and welcome what is.
Breathe out and smile because it’s not serious! I promise! It’s not serious!

The more you can accept the way things are, the easier change will come.

Breathe in and keep saying yes.
Breathe out and keep welcoming what is.

Yes I’m cold. Yes I feel uncertain. Yes I’m wondering what other people are doing. Yes I want to know what’s going to happen. Yes I just want to know!

Breathe in and remember who you are.
Breathe out and ask, am I aware?

Because you know the answer to that question. Yes, I am aware. When you practice this question, and you practice genuinely listening for the answer, you establish the feeling of knowing in your body, in your soul, in your awareness. As you practice that feeling of knowing, the feeling will bleed over into other areas of your life, and you’ll begin to feel more secure and more stable, regardless of what happens.

Breathe in and decide to be happy either way!
Breathe out and be the source of your experience!

If you’re looking outside of you for something to change to make you feel good, you’re never going to feel good. Right now, decide: you are the source. You feel good no matter what happens. You feel good because you’re god. You feel good because you are resting your attention on its source.

Breathe in and feel lighter already!
Breathe out and be the source, and you be the source just by asking, “Am I aware?”

Am I aware? Yes I am. When you ask that, you practice the feeling of knowing. When you ask that, you rejoin all that is. You become one, you stop separating yourself with your thoughts.

Breathe in and stop separating yourself with your thoughts.
Breathe out and simply ask, am I aware?

Because when I am aware, I have no problems. You must ask this question genuinely. It’s not a mantra, it’s not an affirmation. It’s not something you repeat over and over. You have to ask and then really look each time you ask, am I aware? Yes I am. I know I am aware.

Breathe in and feel the feeling of knowing.
Breathe out and feel the feeling of knowing bleed over into other areas of your life.

When you know you are aware, you feel knowing, certainty. You don’t have to wonder, are you aware? You know for sure. And if you want to know for sure that everything’s going to work out for you, stay in that vibration of knowing.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am aware.

Let the problems go. Let the thoughts go. Let them work themselves out. Let god do its job. Your job is only to be aware that you are aware.

Breathe in and wake up in the dream!
Breathe out and surrender.

Surrender your preferences. It doesn’t matter what happens when you are aware that you are aware. You don’t need anything to change when you are aware that you are aware. Right now, commit to the feeling of knowing, that everything is happening in your favor. Feel the feeling right now!

Breathing in, thank you!
Breathing out, thank you!

Thank you! I know it’s happening in my favor! Trust everything that happens, including your thoughts, words and actions, are happening in your favor!

Breathe in and welcome what is.
Breathe out and know, for sure, for sure, it’s happening in your favor.

Am I aware? Yes I am. If I know I’m aware, I know it’s happening in my favor. Because when I am aware, I have no problems. When I am aware, I am one with all that is. Not separate from those I love. When I am aware, I am abundant because I’m not noticing lack. When I am aware I am at peace because I’m not agitated.

Breathe in and be free today!
Breathe out and decide to enjoy life exactly the way it is, by surrendering your preferences, stepping away from those thoughts, and simply identifying as pure awareness.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am aware.

I am aware that I am aware. And I trust it’s all happening in my favor!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – You Never Have to Fight Again

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You Never Have to Fight Again (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body and let those thoughts go.

Breathe in and open up to receiving today!
Breathe out and trust it’s all happening in your favor, in perfect timing.

Breathe in and lighten up! It’s not serious!
Breathe out and surrender your preferences.

You don’t have to let anything affect you today. And when you decide to not let things affect you, things start going your way.

Breathe in and say yes to what is!
Breathe out and relax.

As you go about your day, any time something starts to bother you or you start to get in a conflict, say to yourself, “Am I aware?”

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am aware. And I don’t have to let this affect me! Because when I am aware, I have no problems.

Breathe in and don’t let it affect you.
Breathe out and surrender the preferences and the thoughts.

Breathe in and just be here now.
Breathe out and let this moment be enough.

When you are struggling—if you’re in a conflict with someone else, ask yourself, “Am I aware?” and let the charge of emotion drop.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am!

Turn your attention back on itself. Disengage from the thoughts. The emotional charge that comes with conflict comes from identifying with the thoughts—the I-thoughts that make you think you’re separate, that you have to compete, that you have to fight for survival. Thoughts like “I don’t like this, I’m being threatened, I’m uncomfortable, I feel hatred.” All these I-thoughts that come up—they can be neutralized with pure awareness. And then you can see it’s not even you thinking those thoughts. You’re pure awareness. Those thoughts are just passing through. You can let them go and the conflict can dissolve instantly.

Breathe in and dissolve your conflicts instantly.
Breathe out and be aware that you are aware.

You don’t have to be right. You don’t have to win. You can just be aware that you’re aware. And it all works out without your involvement. You never have to fight again.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am aware!

And I always have the upper hand when I am aware that I am aware.I always win when I identify as pure awareness.

Breathe in and win every fight you ever get in again.
Breathe out and don’t let it ever affect you again!

You are aware that you are aware. This is your super power. Your presence is your super power. Fix your life today! Let it unfold perfectly without your involvement. Identify as pure awareness by asking, “Am I aware?” and nothing has to affect you ever again!

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes I am aware!

And I am now in the flow!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – You Are The Source of Your Experience

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You Are The Source of Your Experience (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and smile because life loves you!
Breathe out and keep relaxing your body.

You’re in the right place at the right time. You’re doing everything right. Let yourself relax into this moment.

Breathe in and slow down.
Breathe out and say yes to what is.

Yes, I’m feeling anxious. Yes, the snow is blowing and it’s really cold. Yes, I feel distracted thinking about what other people are doing. Yes, I just want everything to work out.

Breathe in and welcome what is.
Breathe out and welcome your thoughts, welcome the conditions, welcome your experience.

Breathe in and keep lightening up!
Breathe out and keep relaxing.

Today is the best day of your life! Everything is unfolding perfectly. Allow yourself to enjoy it. Remember you are the source of your experience!

Breathe in and ask, am I aware?
Breathe out and listen. Yes. I am aware.

It’s so simple. Don’t let your mind complicate it. It’s a simple question: am I aware? And then you wake up! Yes, I am aware! That’s it! That’s the meaning of life. You exist. You don’t have to think about it. You don’t have to worry. You don’t have to stress. All you have to do is exist.

Breathe in and surrender your preferences.
Breathe out and surrender your problems.

When you are aware, you have no problems.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am.

Any time you have any problem—if you’re worried, if you’re in an argument, if things aren’t working out for you—it’s just because your thoughts are creating suffering. And you can step away from those thoughts by simply asking, am I aware?

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am aware!

And when I am aware, I have no problems! Because I’m not creating problems with thought.

Breathe in and surrender your suffering today!
Breathe out and know all of your psychological suffering comes from your thoughts, and you don’t have to suffer anymore!

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am aware.

Ask yourself, “Am I aware?” all day. Am I aware? Am I aware? Ask yourself this anytime you feel a hint of trouble, a sliver of worry, a smidgen of unease. Am I aware? Because when I am aware I have no problems!

Breathe in and prove it to yourself today!
Breathe out and know it. When I am aware, I have no problems.

Today, as you go about your day, test this out. When you notice yourself worrying, or you notice yourself in conflict, ask yourself, am I aware? Because when I’m aware I have no problems!

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am! Feel the relaxation that comes when you let go of the thoughts!

You get to choose what you place your attention on. And when you rest it on your source, when you rest your attention on awareness itself—that’s resting your attention on god. And what you focus on expand, so expand god into all areas of your life today.

Breathe in and be free from problems today!
Breathe out and be aware that you are aware.

Now you’re free!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – The World Doesn’t Affect You

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The World Doesn’t Affect You (transcript)

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Welcome back to the present moment, where all of your power lies.

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and surrender your preferences.

If you care about the outcome, you’ll be unhappy either way. Decide to be happy first, and the outcome will be one that makes you happy.

Breathe in and lift yourself up!
Breathe out and remember who the fuck you are!

You’re pure awareness. You’re god in human form. Decide right now to stand up to your thoughts, stand up to your mind. Decide right now to stop suffering.

Breathe in and ask, am I aware?
Breathe out and listen to the answer. Yes, I am.

And when I am aware, I have no problems. Because when I am aware, I’m identified as the thing we all have in common: awareness. Pure awareness is what everything is made out of. And when you remember you are pure awareness, none of the forms—the changing things in the world—affect you. You’re the awareness in which everything is happening. It comes and goes. But you, the permanent you, is pure awareness. Stay there and your whole reality will be permeated with love and peace and happiness.

Breathe in and ask, am I aware?
Breathe out and and listen for the answer genuinely. Am I aware? Yes, I am.

It’s simple. Let it be simple. Don’t let your mind complicate it. Stand up to your thoughts right now. None of those thoughts need to be thought. Let them go, now!

Breathe in and ask, am I aware?
Breathe out and listen. Yes I am!

You’ll know you’re doing it right, because when you think back and remember this moment, it will be so vivid in your memory, because you’ll have woken up. Do it right now. Wake up right now. Let everything become clear right now.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am aware.

Keep your singular focus on the question, “Am I aware?” That is how you stay identified with the unchanging. And then reality or the world doesn’t affect you. That is the goal: for things to not affect you in a good way or a bad way. Because you are stable as you are, identified as pure awareness, not needing anything to change, because you know god does everything perfectly. You know you are god. You know it’s all unfolding perfectly. And you don’t have to do anything to try to control it.

Breathe in and ask, am I aware?
Breathe out and listen. Yes, I am aware.

If you want to control something like how someone’s acting, what time things happen, how much money you have, how you feel—you know you’re in the wrong place. You know you’re identified with your mind and your thoughts that are making you suffer. If you want to change something, you’re not present. Now you know that everything is perfect and in its place. Nothing needs to change except where your attention is.

Breathe in and ask, am I aware?
Breathe out and be the source.

You are the source of your experience. Every one of us gets to do this, gets to be the source. Today, stand up to your thoughts. Be the source! Decide how it’s going to be. Know your worth. You’re god. You have infinite worth.

Breathe in and let go of your attachments.
Breathe out and surrender. You don’t need any of that.

Anything you’re attached to is making you suffer because you’re worried about losing it. Decide today you are not attached to anything but your Self. Pure awareness.

Breathe in and stand up to your thoughts!
Breathe out and smile because once you get that breath from your thoughts, life is so much more fun and it’s not serious!

Everything, the problems, will solve themselves if you can drop your attention to it!

Breathe in and ask, am I aware?
Breathe out and listen. Yes! I am aware.

Wake up in the dream right now. You’re the source. Your control is letting go of your thoughts. Your control is resting your attention on itself. Your control is remembering who you really are: Pure awareness.

Breathe in and take your power back today!
Breathe out and relax.

Everything is perfect and in its place. It’s all in perfect timing. God does everything perfectly. It all led up to right now, where now you have your power back. You are now aware, and you are now in the flow!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Be Free From the Tyranny of Your Thoughts

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Be Free From the Tyranny of Your Thoughts (transcript)

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and ask, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and hear that answer. Yes, I am.

I am aware that I am aware.

Breathe in and remember: when you are aware, you have no problems.
Breathe out and let this be your mantra, your affirmation, your mental code for today: am I aware?

Breathe in and be light! It’s not serious!
Breathe out and remember: only your thoughts make you feel bad.

Your suffering comes from thinking. Today, instead of thinking and driving yourself crazy, just ask yourself, “Am I aware?”

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am aware!

I am aware that I am aware. I am aware, thank god!

Breathe in and feel your mind turn around to look at itself.
Breathe out and feel your attention resting on itself. Am I aware?

You can feel your attention pulling back into your center, away from the thoughts, away from the worries, away from the overthinking. You can feel yourself relax when you ask, am I aware?

Breathe in and ask, am I aware?
Breathe out and listen for that answer.

Am I aware? Am I aware? Yes, I am aware. I am aware that I am aware. And that’s it! God is pure awareness. It’s so much simpler than the mind even wants it to be. This is it, we’re already here! We’re already god. We’re already one, we’re already love!

Breathe in and know you’re already here!
Breathe out and let this be the best day of your life!

You’re aware! That’s the one requirement to be in love, to be abundant, to be happy, to be peaceful. And you’re already aware! So you can already recognize your natural love, your natural abundance, your natural joy and peace.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am!

Ask yourself this any time you notice you’re thinking about something. Most thoughts don’t need attention. Some things do like, turn right at this street, or balancing your checkbook. But most idle thoughts are detrimental to your health.

Breathe in and watch the thoughts instead of going with them.
Breathe out and be free from the tyranny of your thoughts!

Just ask yourself over and over, am I aware? That keeps your attention returning to itself, resting on itself. So that your energy isn’t hemorrhaging, worrying, leaking out, wondering!

Breathe in and call your power back!
Breathe out and be as you are. Stay as you are: pure awareness. You’re already doing it!

The question “Am I aware?” just helps you take your attention from thinking or worrying, and it rests it on itself, rests it on the source, on god. And when you rest your attention on god, the god around you expands. What you focus on expands, so if you keep your attention on god, on the fact that you are pure awareness, you will see nothing but god in your reality.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am aware.

I am aware that I am aware. I am resting my awareness on awareness. I am aware, I am now in the flow!

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am aware.

Thank god! I am aware!