Category: <span>Daily Meditation</span>

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – You Never Did Anything Wrong

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Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and lighten up! It’s not serious!
Breathe out and remember: you are the source.

You are the source of your experience. Decide right now to be what you want to see.

Breathe in and say yes to what is!
Breathe out and say thank you for what is!

Thank you for the perfect timing! Thank you for everything working out. Thank you for this moment. Thank you for this breath. Thank you! Thank you!

Breathe in and remember: You are innocent!
Breathe out and feel how innocent you are, when you just feel the vibration of gratitude.

Thank you. Thank you. I know it’s all happening in my favor, even my decisions. Thank you. Thank you! I know it’s all working out for me!

Breathe in and be innocent!
Breathe out and feel what it feels like to be free!

Be free from your thoughts that tell you you aren’t good enough. When you get some distance, when you witness the witness, when you identify as pure awareness, you’re love! You’re abundance! You’re joy! You’re peace! You are those things, naturally. You already are!

Breathe in and know only your thoughts make you suffer!
Breathe out and decide: you don’t have to believe a single thought!

Thoughts only divide and separate and analyze and cause problems! When you know the truth, we’re all one. This is all one thing—god! There’s no wrong in god, ever! You never did anything wrong, ever! You are completely innocent because you are god! God does no wrong!

Breathe in and trust where you are.
Breathe out and trust that if no one else seems to be acting right, you know god always has your back.

You know you can always rely on god, on love. Love will dissolve anything that isn’t truth. Love, which is god, will always fix everything!

Breathe in and choose love over your thoughts!
Breathe out and realize: that’s how you transcend the suffering of the thinking mind.

Choose love. And you choose love in so many ways. You can just say, love yeah love. But it’s when you ask yourself a question, like “Am I aware?” or “Who am I?” or “What is the source of I?”—one of those questions that makes your attention do a no-thought of resting on itself—that’s when you rest in love. That’s when you merge with love, when you’re not thinking. Or when you’re observing, not identified with the thoughts.

Breathe in and rest in your natural position of love.
Breathe out and be innocent because you are love.

The thoughts that make you feel like you’re individual—they are there because we evolved to be like this, to protect ourselves. We have to be afraid of things to stay alive. But we don’t need this tool this way anymore! We’re safe! We’re safe! In the present moment, we’re safe. Right here. You’re safe.

Breathe in and let god protect you.
Breathe out and say thank you.

Thank god! Thank you for protecting me. Thank you for helping me see it’s all in my favor. Thank you for the perfect timing. Thank you for my path lighting up for me!

Breathe in and be one with the love!
Breathe out and say thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Feel your innocence! You’re just a baby in god’s hands. Let yourself relax and enjoy this world that god made for us!

Breathing in, thank you!
Breathing out, thank you! Thank you!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – This Question Can Save Your Life

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This Question Can Save Your Life (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and slow down.
Breathe out and notice your seeking, or your resisting.

Breathe in and just watch yourself.
Breathe out and keep slowing down.

Let yourself say yes to what is. Make peace with what is. Relax into this moment. Nothing needs to change.

Breathe in and say yes to what is.
Breathe out and smile because it’s just not serious!

Only your thoughts make you think it’s serious! We’re just here for fun.

Breathe in and lighten up! It’s just for fun!
Breathe out and keep relaxing your body.

You’re in the right place at the right time. Remember your power as the creator. When you’re idle, when you’re just sitting there—negative thoughts can crop up. We can start to worry, even if everything is going perfectly. When you leave the mind unattended, it starts creating problems. Today, attend to your mind. Attend to your attention.

Breathe in and focus your attention.
Breathe out and relax.

Keeping your attention on attention isn’t difficult. It’s resting. It’s relaxing. It helps you stop stretching out, seeking, resisting, looking for problems, seeing what’s wrong. When you rest your attention on attention itself, there are no more problems.

Breathe in and be at peace with where you are.
Breathe out and relax.

You can fill the god-sized hole with your own attention. You don’t have to fill it up with people, drugs, food, experiences—you can fill it with your Self. You can fill the god-sized hole right now, simply by being aware of being aware.

Breathe in and ask, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and listen for the answer. Yes, I am aware!

It takes discipline to rest your attention on attention. It takes more balls to rest than it does to keep acting. But today, stop acting out of anxiety, and relax and let what you want come to you. Even if your mind is telling you, “Ugh, I already know how this day is going to go. It’s going to be boring. It’s not going to be fun. It’s going to be hard.” No matter what your mind says, if you can ask, “Am I aware?” And feel your mind turn around to look at itself, and if you can rest there, aware that you’re aware, the miracles will come and your day will be magickal even if you already think it’s not going to be.

Breathe in and let your day be magickal!
Breathe out and ask, am I aware?

Keep your attention on attention. Attend to your attention.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am.

That question is magickal. That question is sacred. That question can fill the god-sized hole! That question can save your life right now!

Breathe in and decide to have the best day of your life, no matter what your mind thinks!
Breathe out and simply ask, am I aware?

Because when I am aware, I have no problems. When I am aware, there is no lack. When I am aware, I am happy and at peace, and when I am aware that I am aware, there is no separation from those I love.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am. I am aware. I am resting my attention on attention. And now what I want comes to me like a moth to a flame!

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am aware. And I am now in the flow!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Give Up, So the Miracle Can Happen

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Give Up, So the Miracle Can Happen (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Welcome back to the present moment, where all of your power lies!

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and smile because life is not serious!

You’re in the right place at the right time and you’re doing everything right!

Breathe in and let go of control!
Breathe out and surrender control right now.

Everything is unfolding perfectly. God does everything perfectly! You don’t have to get involved. It’s time to surrender and let go.

Breathe in and say yes to what is!
Breathe out and let go of your thoughts about control.

Let go of trying to control what other people are doing. Let go of trying to control how you feel, what you think about. Let go of trying to control what time things happen. Surrender. Relax! And it will all unfold perfectly in your favor!

Breathe in and open up!
Breathe out and relax!

Just relax. Just let go. No matter what your problems are, they’ll get solved a lot more quickly if you stop thinking about them. You’ll never think your way to the solution. The solution will come in divine inspiration. And you can only receive divine inspiration when you are relaxed.

Breathe in and relax.
Breathe out and open up to divine inspiration!

It always comes when you let go! It always comes when you surrender. As soon as you give up, that’s when the miracle happens! Give up so that the miracle can happen! Give up right now!

Breathe in and ask, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and feel your mind do that no-thought thing, where it turns around to look at itself. Yes, I am aware!

That’s what you do instead of trying to control with your thoughts. Instead of thinking, “This person should be doing this. This needs to happen at this time. I wish I felt differently. I wish this person would do this.”—instead of getting lost in all of those thoughts, just notice the thoughts and ask yourself, “Well, am I aware? Because when I am aware I have no problems.”

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes I am, thank god! I am aware!

Feel your attention pull back into the present moment. Ask yourself any number of questions like, “Who am I?” or, “To whom are these thoughts arising?” Whatever question it is that wakes you up from your thoughts, that’s the question for you today. Ask yourself a question like, “What is the source of I? Who am I? Am I aware? To whom are these thoughts arising?” Find out who you are, right now, right here. Find out who you are in the moment, not in your thoughts. Find out directly. Prove right now who you are.

Breathing in, am I aware?
Breathing out, yes! I am!

The mind doesn’t want you to do this, because it thinks there’s nothing good that’s going to come out of it. You’re not going to get anything out of it. But the mind is wrong. The mind resists anything that isn’t thinking. And the solution will come outside of the mind. Surrender the mind. Return to who you really are, pure awareness, with a simple question: “Who am I? Am I aware? To whom are these thoughts arising? What is the source of I?”

Breathe in and go within!
Breathe out and just be aware that you’re aware.

Be aware that you’re not the thinker. The thoughts are just arising. You are the watching.

Breathe in and keep opening up!
Breathe out and surrender control.

The only control is letting go. And you let go by resting your attention on itself. Do that now.

Breathe in and ask, am I aware?
Breathe out and feel the answer. Yes. I am.

I am now aware. And I am now in the flow. And now my problems are solving themselves!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – It Won’t Always Be Like This

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It Won’t Always Be Like This (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Welcome back to the present moment, where all of your power lies.

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and say thank you, thank you, thank you, to get into that vibration of receiving!

Breathe in and tune yourself to receiving!
Breathe out and say thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Feel the lightness in your heart when you say thank you with genuine gratitude.

Breathing in, thank you!
Breathing out, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Relax your body. Let go of your worries. Let go of thinking something needs to change. Right now, everything is perfect and in its place. You are in the right place at the right time. It is all unfolding perfectly!

Breathe in and say yes to what is!
Breathe out and say thank you for what is.

Thank you! I know it’s in my favor! Thank you! Thank you!

Breathe in and be at peace with what is!
Breathe out and smile because you can choose to be at peace with what is, right now. Just choose it!

It’s all unfolding in your favor. Let yourself enjoy it. Let yourself enjoy what you have while you have it. It won’t always be like this!

Breathe in and appreciate what you have now!
Breathe out and look around at how much abundance you already have!

You’re breathing! You have time. You have a body. You have people!

Breathe in and just enjoy it the way it is.
Breathe out and relax because there will always be another problem.

You don’t have to worry about all the problems. They’ll stay there. They don’t need your attention. You can relax. You can enjoy what you have. The problems will work themselves out. It’s just change. And it’s all in your favor!

Breathe in and see how problems are just change in your favor!
Breathe out and welcome the problems.

They’re happening in your favor. Let go of the problems. Let go of the overthinking. Let go of thinking about how to solve them. Keep your attention on thank you instead of thinking.

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank you! Thank you!

You must become it to see it. Get in that place right now! Thank you! Thank you! You choose how you want to feel, then you see the things that you want to feel. Choose the peace now. Choose the gratitude now. Choose the joy right now! You have it! It’s not going to come when you get what you want. You feel good, then you get what you want. And you attribute it to getting what you want, but that’s not how it’s working. The way it works is that you become it, then you see it. You’re the source. You get to choose.

Breathe in and say thank you!
Breathe out and be the source!

Whatever you want to receive, send it out in this moment! What is it? Gratitude? Love? Delight? Joy? Fun? Pleasure? Feel it right now.

Breathing in, thank you!
Breathing out, thank god! Thank god it all worked out!

You know how to feel the way you want to feel. It’s not your experiences that make you feel a certain way. You are going to choose it and then you see it.

Breathe in and say thank you!
Breathe out and say thank you!

And you’re still going to experience negative emotion. It’s just weather passing by. When you’re in a bad mood? It’s just a storm. Let the weather of emotion pass by. And stay devoted to being the source. Keep your attention on being the source. When you have a bad mood or you have a bad day, say, that’s just some weather, it’s blowing over. It won’t always be like this. And as soon as you catch a breath, say thank you.

Breathe in and feel the gratitude in your heart.
Breathe out and feel how it’s attracting what you want!

You’re the source! You’re the creator! Let it come to you!

Breathe in and say thank you!
Breathe out and feel magnetized. It’s all coming to you now! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Better Than Ever!

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Better Than Ever! (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and step into this moment. Let those thoughts go. Anchor yourself. Wake up, right now!

Breathe in and ask, am I aware?
Breathe out and know the answer.

Feel your attention turn around to look at itself. Am I aware? Yes, I am aware.

Breathe in and say yes to what is!
Breathe out and trust the process of life.

It’s all happening in your favor. We get so caught up in our minds, thinking we’re in problems, that we’re about to get into a problem. Our past experiences make us feel like everything’s about to be a problem. But, before you go into any new segment of your life, you go into the bathroom, you go to work, you go outside—whatever scene change is happening to you, right before you step into the new segment, say to yourself: “Thank god! Thank god that all worked out! Thank god!” Feel the relief that comes when you are grateful and surrendered.

Breathe in and feel your power!
Breathe out and say it: thank god! Thank god!

Thank god that was fun! Thank god that was a good time! Thank god it all worked out and I had nothing to worry about! Thank god!

Breathe in and thank god!
Breathe out and feel the power of gratitude.

Feel the power of trusting god to take care of it. But also, practicing the feeling. Meet it halfway. You feel the feeling of “Yes! Thank you! I got what I wanted!” and then you toss the god in there because you’re surrendering. You’re leaving it up to a higher power. You’re leaving it up to life. You’re leaving it up to pure awareness. Infinite intelligence knows everything. It does everything at the right time. And when you practice the feeling “thank god!” You tell life, “I trust you, thank you, you can do it better than me.” And then it does, every single time.

Breathe in and trust life.
Breathe out and know: it’s better than ever!

Just decide. Decide whatever situation you’re walking into: it’s better than ever! You go into the convenience store? It’s better than ever. You go to friends house? It’s better than ever. You talk to your partner? It’s better than ever!

Breathe in and say thank god!
Breathe out and feel it! Thank god it’s better than ever! Thank god!

The tide has turned! There is no need to stay worried about problems anymore. You have life on your side now. You trust. You know how to do this. You’re an expert at this point.

Breathe in and say, it’s better than ever!
Breathe out and say it and feel it: thank god! It’s better than ever!

Thank god!

Feel this high feeling before needing anything to manifest. This is your power! You can feel the way you want to feel, right now! And then your whole reality changes based on how you feel. You are the creator. You are the source.

Breathe in and know control is letting go.
Breathe out and say thank god! It’s better than ever! Thank god! It’s better than ever!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Feel the Celebration Now

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Feel the Celebration Now (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and trust the magick life.
Breathe out and welcome the magick life back.

You do live the magick life. The more you let go, the more it flows. Right now, decide to surrender your worries. Surrender your desires. Surrender your need to control and just let it unfold and have fun in the meantime.

Breathe in and lighten up! It is not serious!
Breathe out and celebrate how far you’ve come!

Today as you go about your day, feel that feeling of celebration! Feel how good it feels when you get home after a successful excursion. Or when you get that successful email in your inbox that you wanted. Or when you get that promotion or that sale, that order, that friend, that message—what is it that you want to celebrate? What does it feel like to celebrate right now?

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and welcome what you want!

You just practice the feeling. Ask yourself right now, what do I want to celebrate? I want to celebrate a flawless victory bureaucratic win. What do you want to celebrate?

Breathe in and feel what it would feel like to celebrate your victory!
Breathe out and feel the relief that you feel when you’re celebrating.

Thank god! Thank god that all worked out! What a miracle! What a miracle, the magick life is back! Thank god!

Breathe in and be a powerful witch!
Breathe out and remember who you are!

You’re god! You’re god in human form! You can be or do or have anything you want!

Breathe in and feel the celebration now!
Breathe out and feel the gratitude and relief. Thank god!

Thank god that all worked out! What a miracle! I live the magick life!

Breathe in and feel the way you want to feel now.
Breathe out and know your power as the creator!

You become it to see it. Right now, celebrate your flawless victory. Thank god! Thank god that all worked out! Thank god!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Feel Like God

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Feel Like God (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and smile because life is not serious!

We’re just here for fun. And you are not your body.

Breathe in and lighten up! You’re not your body!
Breathe out and relax. You’re not your body, so you’re never going to die.

You were never born. Your body is just a vehicle. And today, you can get some distance from the thoughts that tell you you are your body.

Breathe in and say I.
Breathe out and notice where I comes from.

When you think the thought, I, where is the I arising from?

Breathe in and notice where the I comes from.
Breathe out and look for the source of that I.

That’s who you really are, the source. You are the infinite. You are divine. Your body is just an expression of god. Temporary. Just for fun.

Breathe in and stop identifying with your body.
Breathe out and start identifying with the source of it all! Because that is you!

Breathe in and notice where I comes from.
Breathe out and watch the I thoughts arise.

I. I. It comes from nowhere. The source of who you really are, pure awareness—it has no qualities. It has no shape. It has no location. Who you really are is infinite. Never born, never going to die. Who you really are is the awareness aware-ing. Knowing what’s happening. That’s who you really are.

Breathe in and be aware that you are aware.
Breathe out and be aware of the source.

Be aware of the source of who you are.

Breathing in, I.
Breathing out, I.

Say it over and over, I, I. Where is that I coming from? It’s not coming from in your body. It’s not coming from in your brain. Just look right now. Think to yourself, I. I. I. I feel cold. I feel impatient. I’m wondering what’s going to happen. I’m thinking about the future. I’m thinking about problems. I.

And every time you think a thought like that, you can have the choice of, “Do I go with the thought of ‘I’m cold’ and believe that and think that I’m the body that’s cold? Or do I watch where that thought came from, do I watch the source where that I thought came from, and identify as that source?”

It’s up to you. You can identify as the infinite or as your body. And today, if you identify as the source, you will no longer suffer. You will be the witness enjoying the play of life. But not attached, not feeling love or hate about all the little things. Not so stuck in your preferences. The preferences are just thoughts you’re attracting.

Breathe in and identify with the I source.
Breathe out and watch that I source.

I. I. Then no matter what happens, you’re fixated on the source. Your attention is on god. It doesn’t matter what happens. Your body will get old. You will get sick. People will die. You’ll win things, you’ll lose things. No matter what happens, you can still feel good and feel like god, just by focusing on the source of the I thought! It’s so simple!

Breathe in and detach from form.
Breathe out and know it’s all in your favor.

We’re just here in this life for fun. We came here for the pleasure, for the joy of having a physical body. But it’s not serious. It’s not a big deal. We can relax and identify as the source. And then we get to watch it like a movie for pleasure, for fun! Instead of being identified with it like it’s so life or death! It’s just not!

Breathe in and look for the source of the I.
Breathe out and keep your attention fixated on that place where the I arises from.

Keep your attention there and your attention will merge with the infinite. Your stressful thoughts will dissolve and you will feel pure love and joy, just about existing. Just because you’re breathing.

Breathe in and feel joyful just because you’re breathing!
Breathe out and detach from all the problems of bodies and forms.

You’re pure awareness. You’re god. You get to have fun now!

Breathe in and stay with the source of the I!
Breathe out and be the all-knowing I.

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – A Bridge to the Infinite

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Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and surrender those thoughts.

To surrender those thoughts doesn’t mean you have to stop thinking. It just means don’t go with every thought. You don’t have to identify with every thought. You are not your thoughts.

Breathe in and get some space from your thoughts!
Breathe out and keep relaxing your body.

You’re in the right place at the right time and you’re doing everything right! It’s all unfolding perfectly. It’s all happening in your favor!

Breathe in and trust the process of life!
Breathe out and smile! Life loves you!

It’s getting easier! You’re getting better at this! You’re getting better at being aware. You’re getting better at being patient. You’re getting better at relaxing. You’re getting better at letting go of control.

Breathe in and keep lightening up!
Breathe out and go to your source.

From where is the I arising? When I close my eyes and I picture the I thought, when I say in my head, I, I, I, it’s like a drop of water but in reverse, coming out from the abyss, from nothing. And this I thought that just keep bubbling up—it keeps coming, bubbling, bubbling—it’s not me! I’m the one watching it! You are not the I thoughts coming up. You’re the one watching it.

Breathe in and get some distance from the I thoughts.
Breathe out and start to see: you are not those thoughts that say “I am this. I am that. I am here. I am there.”

They’re just thoughts. There’s no thinker thinking them. They’re just bubbling up from nowhere. They’re just objects that you’re attracting based on patterns and conditioning and how you feel—but it doesn’t matter what they are, because they’re not you. And when you can rest in the stable position of the watcher of the thoughts, the thoughts themselves start to dissolve and disappear.

Breathe in and dissolve your thoughts!
Breathe out and let them disappear!

Watch the I arise. And it’s not an abstraction in your mind. Notice where the I is coming from in your body.

Breathe in and think, I. I. I.
Breathe out and think I. I . I.

The I thought isn’t even in your body. It’s coming from nowhere. There are no real boundaries. It’s not coming from inside your brain. It’s not coming from inside your throat or your heart. It’s coming from the unknown, from the infinite. The I thought is a bridge between the infinite and your body. The I thought is what makes you feel like you can walk this body around. It gives you capabilities. It helps you live in this physical world. Having an individualized consciousness makes the experience possible. But it’s not who you really are. It’s just a tool. The I thought is just a tool. It’s not you.

Breathe in and get some distance from the I.
Breathe out and let the I dissolve so that you can be the true I. Pure awareness. God. The watcher. The witness. The witnessing.

Breathe in and notice from where the I arises.
Breathe out and just watch bubble up.

I. I. I. I. Watching the I thought arise takes all the power away from it. You can start to watch your life like you’re an actor just playing the part of you. I’m just playing the part of Jessica Mullen. I’m just god playing the part of Jessica Mullen. And when you’re just playing a part, you don’t have such strong love and hate. You’re just playing the part. The story doesn’t affect you because you’re an actor. The story is made up. It doesn’t affect you!

Breathe in and get some distance from the story.
Breathe out and just be god playing the part of you.

Watch the I thought come up. It’s just a bridge to the infinite. It’s not who you are. You don’t have to believe a single thought that starts with I. None of them are true because they’re just thoughts. You’re the one watching it.

Breathe in and get that distance.
Breathe out and feel more peaceful than ever.

When you can watch your thoughts arise without getting identified with them, emotional about them—then you’re at peace and things can keep happening. Good things, bad things, good thoughts, bad thoughts. But you’re not affected because you’re watching it like a movie. You’re just watching, enjoying, happy that you get to be in physical reality. Just happy to be alive getting to play a part. Thank you for being here and playing your part!

Breathe in and be free from the illusion!
Breathe out and notice from where the I thought arises because that’s who you really are. The infinite. Where everything comes from. You are the source!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Thy Will Be Done

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Thy Will Be Done (transcript)

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and let the flow through you.
Breathe out and calm down.

Let yourself relax. Let yourself ease into this moment.

Breathe in and lighten up! Life is not serious!
Breathe out and let your thoughts go.

Keep letting go. Keep letting go.

Breathe in and say yes to what is!
Breathe out and welcome what is!

Yes I feel distracted. Yes I feel a little rejected. Yes I feel disappointed. Yes I feel disappointed.

Breathe in and neutrally notice what is.
Breathe out and let those things pass on by now.

When you neutrally notice what is, you release the tension. And things can start flowing again.

Breathe in and keep lightening up!
Breathe out and let god replace you now.

Thank you god for replacing me with you. I surrender. I let go. I surrender. Thy will be done. I know that whatever god wants is what I want, because I know it’s all in my favor. I know it will be worth it. I know it’s all in my favor. I trust that it’s happening in my favor.

Breathing in, thank you god for replacing me with you!
Breathing out, thank you god for replacing me with you!

I don’t know what’s best. My preferences are just based on my lifetime of conditioning.

Breathing in, thank you god for replacing me with you.
Breathing out, thank you god for replacing me with you.

I am surrendering my preferences. I am leaving it up to god. Thy will be done.

Breathe in and say thank you!
Breathe out and say thank you!

Remember you can flip the switch with thank you at any time! Thank you! Thank you! I know it’s in my favor! Thank you! I trust the process of life! Thank you! Thank you!

Breathing in, thank you.
Breathing out, thank god!

You know when you’re really relieved that everything worked out? You know when you’re so relieved, that a weight feels like it’s been lifted? And you say, thank god? Get into that feeling right now, because everything is working out and there is a weight lifted right now.

Breathing in, thank god!
Breathing out, thank god!

Thank god it all worked out! Thank god!

Breathe in and ask yourself, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and listen for that answer. Yes I am.

Would you rather think about it, or would you rather have it? Allow yourself to wake up in the dream, to rest in your sense of being, so that the things you want can come to you. Your thoughts make you feel bad. Your thoughts cause your psychological suffering. Your thoughts push away what you want.

Breathe in and surrender those thoughts today.
Breathe out and surrender the lifetime of preferences, conditioning.

It’s just conditioning. It’s not who you are. Your preferences are not who you are. You can let them go now! And trust that it’s happening in your favor. Trust it’s all working out.

Breathe in and rest in your sense of being.
Breathe out and know who you are. You are pure awareness, the watcher, the witness!

You don’t have to get tangled up in the thoughts and the experiencing! To whom are these thoughts arising?

Breathe in and know who you are.
Breathe out and be the pure awareness that draws everything to you like a moth to a flame!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – A Cringe Amount of Gratitude

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A Cringe Amount of Gratitude (transcript)

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Welcome back to the present moment, where all of your power lies!

Breathe in and focus on the I thought!
Breathe out and just repeat I I I.

Breathing in, I.
Breathing out, I.

Feel your sense of being right now. Get right into it. Flip the switch. Rest your attention on itself, and then the external world can’t affect you. And the more rest your attention on itself, the more miracles you’ll see in your external reality.

Breathe in and love your Self.
Breathe out and love your Self by placing your attention on its source.

You love your Self by sticking to the I thought.

Breathing in, I.
Breathing out, I.

Reject every thought. Repeat the letter I to every thought, every emotion, everything that comes. Keep your attention on I. I. I. I.

Breathing in, I.
Breathing out, I.


And the thoughts will keep coming, but keep rejecting every thought. The more you can stay like this, stay as you are, in your sense of being—the more miracles will come and you will start saying things like, “Thank GOD! Thank god it all worked out! Thank god I get to stay! Thank god we get to keep it! Thank god it all worked out.”

Start feeling a cringe amount of gratitude because that’s how it feels when you keep your attention on its source. You are the creator. You are the source of the miracles and it’s only your thoughts that are torturing you.

Breathe in and reject every single thought!
Breathe out and get ready for that cringe amount of gratitude!

“Thank you god! Thank god we got to keep it! Thank god it all worked out. Thank god!” And that is how you’ll feel when you reject very thought, when you keep your attention fixated on the I thought until your attention dissolves in the infinite. You’re the source of love. You’re the source of abundance. You’re the source of happiness. It’s already in you. It’s already you, right here right now.

Breathing in, I
Breathing out, I

And sometimes only contrast makes you focus, so if you have to wait until you have a problem to stick yourself, so be it. But you can start now!

Breathing in, I.
Breathing out, i.

I. I. It’s all happening in your favor. And after you wrest your attention from the external world and rest it on its source, you will know life already is the way you want it to be. And you will be exclaiming, “Thank god! Thank god it all worked out! Thank god!”