Daily Meditation – Right Now Is Always Perfect
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Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.
Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.
Let yourself relax into this moment right here, right now.
Breathe in and smile because it’ll help you feel better.
Breathe out and let your body relax.
Breathe in and let your mind slow down to the pace of your breath.
Breathe out and relax, relax, relax.
Breathing in, I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out, I know I’m breathing out.
Breathing in, I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out, I know I’m breathing out.
Do you ever get to the point where the problems are coming at you from every angle and you want to escape but you can’t even go within, you can’t even find that place within?
Breathe in and acknowledge where you are.
Breathe out and let the thoughts go.
When the thoughts keep piling up and the problems are relentless, remind yourself, they’re always going to come. All you can do is not be affected.
Breathe in and stop being affected.
Breathe out and yes, it’s easier said than done but it’s what you have to do.
If you keep having problem after problem after problem, know that the source is you. You’re the source of your experience so you created these problems and you can clean them up by simply identifying as pure awareness.
Breathe in and acknowledge where you are.
Breathe out and welcome where you are.
Yes, I am overwhelmed. Yes, I feel like it’s getting worse. Yes, I am at a loss for what to do because I thought things were getting better and now they’re worse. Yes, the problems keep coming. Yes, if it’s not one thing, it’s another. Yes, I feel like I’ve already given too much. Yes, I’ve already blown my load, shown my hand. Yes, I’ve already revealed too much.
Breathe in and acknowledge where you are.
Breathe out and keep welcoming what is.
Yes, there’s an endless list of things to do. Yes, there’s an endless list of things to worry about. Yes, there’s an endless list of things to feel guilty about, an endless list of things that I feel like I should be doing, but I’m not and I probably won’t. Yes, there’s an endless list of worries about thinking I should do something differently than I am. Yes, I am resisting what other people are doing really bad. Yes, I am resisting what other people are creating for themselves. Yes, I’m resisting so many things in my life right now.
Breathe in and lighten up. It’s not serious!
Breathe out and say, “I don’t give a fuck.” It’s not serious.
What’s wrong with right now if you don’t think about it? Nothing. Right now is peaceful. Right now is perfect. It almost always is.
Breathe in and acknowledge the role the thoughts play.
Breathe out and stand up to your fucking thoughts today because that’s all the problems are.
The problems are just thinking about things. Are there any real problems right now? Not in my reality. In this moment, there is no emergency. There is no problem other than me thinking about things, thinking that I’m going to have to stand up for myself. I’m going to have to say something. I’m going to have to advocate for myself and it’s really annoying. I’m going to have to be stressed. I’m going to have to deal with drama. All of these are thoughts, creations that aren’t necessarily true. I’m just stuck in my head thinking about what’s going to happen, planning for what I don’t want to happen.
Breathe in and acknowledge your thoughts.
Breathe out and stand up to your fucking thoughts.
The mind is so sneaky, so tricky. It convinces you that you need to think about these problems and then it pins them in place. It makes them bigger. It makes you reactive. It makes you cause conflict where there wasn’t any yet.
Breathe in and stand up to your thoughts.
Breathe out and do it by asking, “Am I aware?”
Just keep asking, “Am I aware?” Yes, I am. I got a glimpse in that second of relief, of knowing that most of reality is not struggling. Only my thoughts are struggling.
Breathing in, “Am I aware?”
Breathing out, “Yes, I am aware.”
And when I am aware, I have no problems because my mind’s not agitated, so I’m not worried. I’m not focused on what’s missing or what’s wrong, so I feel happy and abundant. And I’m not focused on being separate from other people or god, and so I feel love because love is the absence of separation.
Breathing in, “Am I aware?”
Breathing out, “Yes, I am.”
The miracles are right here. Trust it, believe it. The miracles are right here if you’re brave enough to stand up to your thoughts. You got to lead by example. You got to be the one to do it first because the other people in your reality aren’t going to do it until you do.
Breathe in and take responsibility for how you feel.
Breathe out and acknowledge the power that you’ve been giving away to other people, letting them affect how you feel, letting other people affect how your day goes.
It’s only up to you, and you can flip the switch right now by asking,
Breathing in, “Am I aware?”
Breathing out, “Yes, I am.”
You don’t have to think about it. It’s the thoughts causing the suffering. Stay as you are, pure awareness, and your problems will dissolve, and you will live the miraculous life you came here to live.
Breathing in, “Am I aware?”
Breathing out, “Yes, I am aware, and I am now in the flow,
and my problems are going to solve themselves.”