Category: <span>Daily Meditation</span>

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Stay As You Are

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Stay As You Are (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Let it all go. Every thought that comes to you. Every emotion you feel, keep letting it go. Don’t identify with it. Don’t let yourself become those thoughts and those feelings! You are the awareness observing the thoughts and feelings, and when you stay as that awareness, you are peaceful. You are who you really are.

Breathe in and be who you really are.
Breathe out and let it be simple.

Who you really are, is the pure awareness. You are here. Aware. That’s it and that’s all. That’s it! That’s the only truth. Everything you see is impermanent. Everything that takes form, comes and goes. But you are the awareness that never leaves. It’s always there. You can’t lose it. It will always be there. It always is. And that is what you are.

Breathe in and stay as you are.
Breathe out and let it be easy.

It’s simple. It’s not complicated. I am here. That’s all there is to know. I am here. I, consciousness, am here. I am here. The pure awareness is here. It’s right here! Everything else comes and goes. The awareness stays. Consciousness stays.

Breathing in, I am here.
Breathing out, I am here.

Say this to yourself over and over. I am here. Don’t attach anything else to it. You don’t have to get dragged around by concepts and thoughts and ideas and to-do lists, worries, anger, irritations, judgements. I am here. I, consciousness, am here.

Breathing in, I am here.
Breathing out, I am here.

Your mind will keep coming back with thoughts. And those thoughts can pull you out of the now. And then you identify with them and you worry and you think, “I have to take care of this. Why didn’t I do this? What’s in the past? What’s in the future?” That’s just your mind. And you don’t have to get wrapped up in it. You don’t have to let it drag you around. You can stay here as the pure awareness. And sometimes repeating a mental code like, “I am here,” helps you stay here. But it’s just a seeing. It’s your sense of being. You don’t need any words. You can just stay here.

Breathing in, I am here.
Breathing out, I, consciousness, am here.

I, consciousness, am here. I, consciousness, am here. And gradually or all of a sudden, the veil lifts and you see, “I’m here! That’s all I ever needed! I’m already complete and whole!” And when you feel grateful for just existing, that’s how you know you made it.

Breathing in, I am here.
Breathing out, I, consciousness, am here!

Stay right here with me. Stay right here as you are. You are consciousness. There’s nothing to think about. Nothing to resist. Nothing to worry about. Everything that comes to you that doesn’t feel right or feels bad or makes you concerned or worried—they’re all forms, they’re all thoughts, they all come and go. But you can rest in your pure awareness. Stay as you are, as consciousness, here, now! And you can watch the thoughts go by. But you’re here safe in the present moment, where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about. It’s always right now. You’re always safe.

Breathing in, I am here.
Breathing out, I, consciousness, am here!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – You Are It!

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You Are It! (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Welcome back to the present moment, where all of your power lies.

Breathe in and wake up in the dream.
Breathe out and slow down.

Start watching your thoughts. Start noticing how you feel.

Breathe in and ask yourself, “Who am I noticing how I feel?”
Breathe out and just watch. Who am I who notices what I think and what I feel?

Breathe in and be that witness.
Breathe out and be that pure awareness.

There is always awareness first. There is always the witness that watches the thoughts, watches the emotions, watches the experiences. And when you sit back and just watch, when you observe your life, you’re peaceful. You’re not dragged around by the ups and downs. You’re just observing. Happy to be alive. Joyful in your Self. You’re god! You’re connected. You ARE IT! You are consciousness! There’s nothing to be good or bad or right or wrong. Everything just IS.

Breathe in and be that pure awareness.
Breathe out and just be that pure awareness.

Your mind will still search and seek and rebel, try to get you to resist. But try to get who to resist? Just another construct of yourself. Your self image. An idea of who you are. But who are you really?

Breathe in and be who you really are.
Breathe out and be that pure awareness.

The pure awareness has no judgements. The pure awareness embraces and accepts it all. The pure awareness is simply love. The pure awareness is joyful, content, love itself. The pure awareness is god and that is who you really are.

Breathe in and be the pure awareness.
Breathe out and let it all go.

Everything you experience, everything you think and feel, it’s all perceived by the pure awareness. It’s not who you really are. You’re not really the person. You’re not really the image of yourself. You’re not really your thoughts and feelings. You’re the awareness that watches it all. And when you identify with that pure awareness, when you remember that’s who you really are, you’ve found peace. There’s nothing else you need. Nothing needs to change. The pure awareness never dies. It was never born, it just is. And that is who you really are.

Breathe in and be that pure awareness.
Breathe out and feel so relieved. You can let it all go.

Let it all go! And just stay here. Who you really are. Pure awareness, I am.

Breathe in and be pure awareness.
Breathe out and just be pure awareness.

There’s nothing else you need to do. You can relax now. It’s finally solved!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – You Are Here

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You Are Here (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and focus your attention into this moment.
Breathe out and notice where your attention is.

Where is your attention focused right now? What does your attention feel like? Is it diffused? Is it sharp like a laser?

Breathe in and notice your attention.
Breathe out and just relax.

You don’t have to try to control your attention. What you can do instead is notice, who notices the attention?

Breathe in and notice, who notices the attention?
Breathe out and ask yourself, “Who am I who notices where my attention is going?”

You are not your attention. Your attention is like your magick wand. Where your energy flows. Where attention goes, energy flows. It’s a tool that you get to use to grow what you like in reality. More importantly, who watches where the attention goes?

Breathe in and notice your attention.
Breathe out and notice what sees the attention.

That is the witness. That is who you really are. Consciousness, awareness, pure awareness.

Breathe in and notice the witness.
Breathe out and just watch.

Just observe. Don’t try to control. Don’t try to change anything. Just watch how things are.

Breathe in and be light!
Breathe out and be empty of your opinions and preferences.

Let go of your thoughts. Keep letting go. Keep bringing your attention back to, what is noticing the attention? Who am I who notices the attention?

Breathe in and slow down.
Breathe out and be still. Be empty. Keep letting go.

Pure awareness is what is noticing the attention. The perceiver, the witness, the observer, the thing that cannot be perceived itself. Consciousness.

Breathe in and watch.
Breathe out and be the watcher.

You don’t have to control anything. You don’t even have to really train your attention. It’s nice to train your attention. It’s nice to know how to focus, to be able to step away from storms in your mind. But you don’t have to do any of that. You can just sit back and watch. Sit back and be the observer. Sit back and relax. And enjoy physical reality.

Breathe in and be the watcher of where your attention goes.
Breathe out and notice where your energy is flowing.

By keeping your attention on the observer, on your capital S Self, on who you really are, consciousness—you keep your energy flowing back into you. You get to keep your energy. You feel vibrant! You feel alive! You feel invigorated! You feel perfect!

Breathe in and keep your attention on the witness.
Breathe out and be the witness.

To practice noticing where your attention is going, to practice being the witness, just say to yourself, “I am here.”

Breathing in I am here.
Breathing out I am here.

I, consciousness, am here.

Breathe in and lighten up! We’re just here for fun!
Breathe out and be the witness of your attention.

Keep your attention flowing back into your Self. Energize yourself. You are here. You are here. You are here. There’s nothing to find. Whatever you’re seeking is where you’re seeking from! You’re it. It’s already you. Everything is perfect and in its place.

Breathing in I am here.
Breathing out you are here! You are here. You are here!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – It’s Easy for the Observer

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It’s Easy for the Observer (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Let it all go! Empty yourself right now. Empty yourself of your thoughts, your opinions, your preferences.

Breathe in and be here now.
Breathe out and keep letting go.

Keep emptying yourself. Allow yourself to move into the witness position—the observer. It’s easy for the observer to be empty. The observer is emptiness.

Breathe in and just watch your thoughts.
Breathe out and observe your thoughts.

If it feels hard to watch your thoughts—if you don’t really know how to do it—start by saying yes to what is. Yes I’m sitting in this chair. Yes I’m smiling. Yes I’m recording a video. Yes I can feel the coffee in my blood. Yes I’m thinking about the future. Yes I’m thinking about my parents. Yes I’m thinking about other people. Yes I’m seeing after-images of this light I’m looking at. Yes I’m smiling. Yes I’m breathing in. Yes I’m breathing out. Yes I feel pretty good today.

And on and on! This works especially well if you don’t feel great. If you’re tired, if you’re anxious. Just say yes to what is. Say yes to your thoughts. Say yes to how you feel. And it will give you that space. It will put you in the witness position. It will make you present.

Breathe in and be the watcher.
Breathe out and say yes to what is.

The one who watches is already free. Because the one who watches is not identified with any thought or preference or opinion or circumstance.

Breathe in and be the witness.
Breathe out and observe.

Just observe it all. Just watch. Let yourself slow down. Just watch what’s happening.

Breathe in and watch your thoughts.
Breathe out and be the watcher.

Let yourself be free today. By observing your thoughts and emotions and experiences, they don’t suck you in, drag you around, up and down. You can get off the rollercoaster now. When you are seated in the witness position of your consciousness, you are free of the drama of physical reality. When you are seated in the witness position, you feel natural peace, natural joy. Natural contentment, just for being here. No matter what happens, you’re happy. You’re joyful. You’re just happy to be alive because you’re here! You get to do this! You’re here! What an honor!

Breathe in and observe.
Breathe out and keep observing.

Yes I’m thinking about time. Yes I’m thinking about mushrooms. Yes I’m feeling a little anxious about the future. Whatever it is that you’re thinking or feeling or experiencing, say yes to it to get that distance. To remove yourself from identifying with the ups and downs. You can be free and today is your day to be free!

Breathe in and be the watcher.
Breathe out and be free!

Let life take care of life today. The more you get out of the way, the more things will work out for you. And being the observer is how to get out of the way. Only your thoughts can make you feel bad. Only your thoughts can keep what you want from you. Trust the process of life. Trust that infinite intelligence can take care of it. Life itself will take care of it. You get to just enjoy it.

Breathe in and be here now.
Breathe out and say yes to what is.

It’s already perfect. And now you get to enjoy it!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Reject Nothing

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Reject Nothing (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Welcome back to the present moment, where all of your power lies!

Breathe in and say yes to what is!
Breathe out and welcome what is!

Reject nothing about your experience today. Embrace and accept it all.

Breathe in and be here now.
Breathe out and wake up in the dream!

When you are truly present, you feel gratitude. That’s how you know you’re present. When you’re truly present, you reject nothing, because you embrace and accept it all. You acknowledge that it’s all perfect. Everything is perfect and in its place. It’s all unfolding perfectly, without any influence from you.

Breathe in and say yes to all that is!
Breathe out and reject nothing!

Often when we see things that we don’t like, we reject them, because we don’t want to be identified with those things. We don’t want life to think we want more of those things we don’t like. But by choosing to not reject them, and to just embrace and accept it all, we allow the things we don’t like to flow out of our experience. Because our attention—giving attention to the things we don’t like—pins them in place and makes them bigger.

Breathe in and embrace and accept it all!
Breathe out and reject nothing!

Decide to be fully present today. Decide to welcome it all. And if you don’t know how to be fully present, there are so many techniques. The simplest one I can think of is just saying, “I AM HERE.”

Breathing in, I am here.
Breathing out I am here.

I, consciousness, am here. There’s nowhere to be. Nothing to do. Nothing you have to do to make yourself more whole or better. You’re already perfect. Life is already perfect. And the more you feel that vibration of gratitude and appreciation for what is, the more things to be grateful for and appreciate will flow into your experience.

Breathing in I am here.
Breathing out I am here, rejecting nothing. Because I know in my heart, everything is as it should be.

Life is perfect. Life is unfolding perfectly. And I get to just enjoy it.

Breathing in I am here!
Breathing out I reject nothing!

Let life take care of life today. Let things come to you! Decide to enjoy your life today. Decide to feel gratitude for all that is.

Breathing in I am here!
Breathing out I reject nothing!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Let Thank You Be Your Light

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Let Thank You Be Your Light (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Welcome back to the present moment, where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about!

Breathe in and say yes to what is!
Breathe out and say thank you for what is!

Let “thank you” be your mental code for today. Put the words “thank you” on repeat in your mind all day. And really feel it. Feel the feeling. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Breathe in and say thank you.
Breathe out and say thank you.

To every single detail of your life today, say thank you! And do your absolute best to feel the feeling of gratitude while you say it.

Breathing in thank you.
Breathing out thank you.

By remembering to feel gratitude, as often as you can, you start to see you really can trust life. You really can trust that everything you receive is meant for you. Everything you get is actually what you want. It really is! And if you say thank you in the moment, especially if you’re experiencing resistance—if you can say thank you while you’re not grateful, but really mean it or try to, you’ll see right away, right away, why that was meant for you. Why what you’re receiving is a gift just for you. No matter what it is!

Breathe in and let this bring you peace in every area!
Breathe out and say thank you for whatever is right now!

Thank you for this time. Thank you for this breath in. Thank you for this breath out. Thank you for my health. Thank you for the honking. Thank you for this breath in. Thank you for this chair. Thank you for this screen. Thank you for these lights.

Breathe in and let thank you be your light today.
Breathe out and keep trusting.

The more you say thank you, the more you’ll get the things you really want to be grateful for. Like checks in the mail or your order at the restaurant is perfect. Or everything happens smoothly and nothing goes wrong. All of these manifestations flow to you because you’re no longer resisting everything that happens.

Breathing in thank you.
Breathing out thank you!

Really feel that feeling today! If you can repeat these words to everything you see and experience—“Thank you for this dish. Thank you for this light switch. Thank you for this cat. Thank you for this piece of mail.”—If you can say thank you to all of it, you’ll see why it’s all meant for you. It’s all in perfect timing. It’s all a gift. It’s all a blessing. All of this is just for you! Its all for you!

Breathing in thank you!
Breathing out thank you!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Be Empty

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Be Empty (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Let yourself be empty today.

Breathe in and get some distance from your thoughts.
Breathe out and empty yourself of your thoughts.

Empty yourself of your preferences. Empty yourself of your likes and dislikes. When you are fully present, and aware in the moment, everything is your teacher. There’s nothing to resist. You can just be.

Breathe in and empty yourself of your thoughts.
Breathe out and empty yourself of your preferences.

Let the word empty be your mental code today. Empty. Empty it all out.

Breathe in and be empty.
Breathe out and be empty of judgements and preferences.

Be empty of criticisms and complaints. Be empty of cravings, desires. Be empty.

Breathe in and be empty.
Breathe out and and feel how free you are when you’re empty of your thoughts and your to do list, your preferences, your likes and dislikes and judgements. You can get rid of it all. You can empty yourself of it all. And it’s not like an action, like you have to purge these things, it’s just a noticing. You notice a thought and you let it go. You notice a preference and you let it go. You’re empty. You’re the space that thoughts come into. You’re the space that holds it all. Empty.

Breathe in and be empty.
Breathe out and keep emptying yourself of your preferences and your thoughts and your judgements. Everything is perfect and in its place. And everything can teach you. Everything can show you love. Everything can reveal the mystery if you’re empty.

Breathe in and feel so relieved!
Breathe out and know there’s nothing left to dread because you’re empty!

And if you’re empty of preferences and likes and dislikes and judgements, nothing can affect you either way. It just doesn’t matter. You’re peaceful. You’re empty. You’re love itself with room for everything!

Breathe in and be empty!
Breathe out and remind yourself throughout the day, to empty yourself.

Empty yourself of your thoughts and preferences and judgements. Empty yourself of all of that mental activity that tortures you, that makes you suffer. There’s a whole world free of suffering right outside the realm of thought! It’s the space of presence. The space of awareness. The space of consciousness. It’s empty.

And now so are you.

Breathe in and be empty!
Breathe out and be empty!

Empty! Empty!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Renew Your Energy

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Renew Your Energy (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and welcome what is!
Breathe out and say thank you for all that is.

Thank you for this breath. Thank you for this moment. Thank you for the perfect timing. Thank you for the love. Thank you for the friends.

Breathe in and lighten up! Life is not serious!
Breathe out and feel for your sense of being.

Breathe in and go within.
Breathe out and feel your sense of being, your sense I AM.

Train your attention to go within. Whatever your attention is seeking out, searching for, looking for, paying attention to—take all of that energy and bring it back inside. Rest it on your awareness.

Breathe in and be pure awareness.
Breathe out and keep your attention on your pure awareness.

Be aware of awareness.

Breathe in and feel the feeling of being aware of awareness.
Breathe out and keep your attention there. Aware of awareness.

For me, it’s like normally my energy is constantly dissipating outside with my attention seeking and looking, searching, exploring. But when I turn my attention back onto awareness itself, it’s like I’m gathering energy! I’m retaining my energy! My energy is getting stronger and more potent!

Breathe in and be aware of awareness.
Breathe out and rest your attention on your awareness. Be aware of awareness.

Breathe in and be pure awareness.
Breathe out and feel your pure awareness.

When you keep your attention focused on awareness, and not on the world of form, you become a magnet for what you want to come to you. Life plays out perfectly, in perfect timing. Manifestations come for you, that you’ve been waiting for for years! But none of this matters to you, because you are whole. You are complete. You are aware that you are awareness! And you don’t need anything else! You are the untouchable.

Breathe in and be pure awareness.
Breathe out and rest your attention on your pure awareness.

Breathing in I am pure awareness.
Breathing out I am aware of awareness.

You can use the Mooji chant, “Pure awareness, I am. Pure awareness, I am. Pure awareness, I am. Om.” And while you’re doing this, while you’re thinking these thoughts, feel the feeling of keeping your attention inside, on your source of awareness. On your heart, your inner world. While you keep this mental code repeating in your mind, “Pure awareness, I am,” and you keep your attention on that awareness, your energy will grow. Your energy will be replenished. Your energy will be renewed, invigorated.

Breathe in and renew your energy.
Breathe out and be invigorated.

It’s so peaceful here. It’s so calm. You can perform all of your normal actions in life, with such calmness, and with such stable energy that doesn’t get depleted throughout the day by thinking about problems and worries and what your family’s doing and what people think about you and what you have to do next.

Breathe in and be that pure awareness.
Breathe out and keep your attention on that pure awareness that you are.

Everything is perfect and in its place. And life is unfolding perfectly. Your only work is to relax and get out of the way! You can relax your whole being by relaxing your attention, resting it on your awareness itself.

Breathe in and be pure awareness.
Breathe out and rest your awareness on awareness itself.

Feel your heart expanding. Feel your energy field strengthening. Feel yourself becoming at peace in this moment, where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about!

Breathe in and be pure awareness!
Breathe out and rest in the awareness of awareness. Let what you want come to you!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Witness the Witness

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Witness the Witness (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and lighten up! Life is not serious!
Breathe out and let your mind slow down.

Use your breath to slow your mind down and relax into this moment.

Breathing in I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out I know I’m breathing out.

Breathing in I know I’m breathing in.
Breathing out I know I’m breathing out.

Let go of your thoughts. Let go of your worries, by focusing on the witness.

Breathe in and ask yourself, “Who am I?”
Breathe out and listen for the answer. Who am I?

Breathe in and notice: Who am I?
Breathe out and hear the answer: I AM.

Focus your attention on that part of you that watches it all. The observer. The witness. The awareness. Your attention.

Breathe in and observe.
Breathe out and witness this moment, right here.

That part of you that’s perceiving—the part of you that’s witnessing, the part of you that’s pure awareness—that’s who you really are. Everything else is just a thought, a temporary form manifesting in time and space. But YOU—who you really are—you are timeless. You are unchangeable. You are free from death. You have no beginning or end. You are pure awareness.

Breathe in and witness that pure awareness.
Breathe out and be that pure awareness.

Train your attention to rest on the witness. Today, try witnessing the witness.

Breathe in and witness the witness.
Breathe out and take a moment to really try to do this. Witness the witness.

The part of you that’s observing, or that’s aware, the part of you that watches your thoughts and your emotions and your experiences—place your attention on that part of you. Witness yourself witnessing. Witness the witness.

Breathe in and watch yourself.
Breathe out and witness the witness.

When you rest your attention on the observer, your attention stops leaking out of you. You stop being drained by scattering your attention on the world of form and change or on thoughts and emotions. When you rest your attention on your awareness, when you’re aware of awareness or conscious of consciousness, or witnessing the witness, your energy flows back into you. Your energy stabilizes. Your energy becomes buoyant and loving and joyful. Just by resting your attention on attention itself!

Breathe in and be aware of awareness.
Breathe out and practice it right now.

Witness the witness. Rest your attention on your attention. Be conscious of consciousness itself. It’s like trying to see your eyes with your own eyes. But when you sit there and rest your witnessing ability on the witness that sees the thoughts and emotions and experiences—when you rest there, you are limitless. You are full. You are stable. You are nothing! You are emptiness! You are complete.

Breathe in and witness the witness.
Breathe out and relax.

Don’t worry about the semantics or the words describing it, just see for yourself if you can feel, if you can sense, if you can be witnessing the witness.

Breathe in and rest your attention on attention.
Breathe out and witness the witness.

Feel your energy stabilizing. You are now whole and complete. You are safe and protected from all harm. Aware of awareness, conscious of consciousness. Who you really are. The witness of the witness.

Breathe in and let this be your practice today.
Breathe out and witness the witness.

In this moment, everything is perfect and in its place. You are timeless. You are who you really are. And now you are free.

Breathe in and witness the witness.
Breathe out and just be.

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Consciousness Is Here!

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Consciousness Is Here! (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and let all of those worries go.

Let your thoughts go just for right now. Let go of worrying about the future. Let go of thinking about the past. Let go of thinking about your to-do list, or what you said yesterday.

Breathe in and just be here now.
Breathe out and really be here now.

If you feel angry or annoyed or depressed, ask yourself, “Who am I noticing the anger? Who am I noticing the depression? Who am I noticing the irritation?” And then look inside. Who is it who notices?

Breathe in and get some distance from your thoughts and emotions.
Breathe out and let those thoughts and emotions dissolve back into the infinite from where they came.

All that’s real is right here, right now. All that’s real is the Absolute. All that’s real is the observer, the witness. That’s the one thing that’s permanently here. The sense I AM is always here. It never changes. It doesn’t come and go.

Breathe in and feel for your sense of being.
Breathe out and wake up in the dream!

Allow yourself to disentangle from your personhood. Step away from your thoughts of preferences, desires, likes and dislikes, aversions.

Breathe in and be free of your personhood!
Breathe out and wake up to who you really are! Pure awareness!

When you are pure awareness, when you stay as consciousness is, you have no problems. It’s all good. Everything just coming and going in the world of form, while you rest in the position of the witness, watching it all. Safe and protected from all harm. Imperishable!

Breathe in and be the witness today!
Breathe out and stay as consciousness is.

If the words “I AM” are the name of god, if “I AM” is who you really are, if “I AM” is the vibration of your sense of being, I (consciousness) AM, then you can also say “CONSCIOUSNESS IS.” But I am what? Consciousness is what? Consciousness is here!

Breathing in consciousness is here!
Breathing out consciousness is here!

Never fear, consciousness is here! It might be a little corny or a little cheesy to think like that, but you never have to be afraid of anything ever again! You never have to feel anxiety! You can rest in the perspective of the witness, watching your life unfold, unaffected by the ups and downs. Staying as consciousness is.

Breathing in consciousness is here!
Breathing out consciousness is here!

That’s all you need to know! Consciousness is here! You’re safe. Consciousness is here. It’s all good. Consciousness is here. It’s all love. Practice this mental code: consciousness is here. And let it help you get some distance from your personhood, your thoughts and emotions. Become the observer, become the watcher of your person.

Breathe in and just watch.
Breathe out and know: consciousness is here!

There’s nothing else to worry about! There’s nothing else to think about! You are safe. You are consciousness itself. And the world of form comes and goes, but you stay as consciousness is, imperishable. Safe in this moment eternally.

Breathing in consciousness is!
Breathing out consciousness is here!