Daily Meditation – Like Your Life the Way It Is
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Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!
Relax your body.
Breathe in and say yes to what is!
Breathe out and remember to breathe only through your nose if you can.
Breathe in and lighten up! Life is not serious!
Breathe out and remember: Life is already totally perfect, wow!
Allow yourself to step into this perspective of perfection today. Remember that feeling is the secret. And if you want to live the life you want, you must feel like you already have it!
Breathe in and feel the feeling of total perfection!
Breathe out and practice that feeling right now.
What do you feel like when life is totally perfect? When you don’t want to change a thing? How does your body feel? How do your thoughts feel?
Breathe in and generate that feeling of total perfection!
Breathe out and know: It’s already totally perfect, wow!
This is the best day of your life! Let yourself plant some seeds for the future by feeling that feeling of perfection right now. And then you’ll feel the way you want to feel, and your future will be full of perfect synchronicities!
Breathe in and know it’s already totally perfect, wow!
Breathe out and exhale longer than you inhale.
While you’re practicing this feeling of total perfection, you can also modulate your breath so that your body starts feeling better and better too.
Breathe in through your nose.
Breathe out and exhale longer than you inhale. Keep breathing out. Keep letting all that stale air go.
You’re in the right place at the right time. Focus on the total perfection of this moment, right here, right now.
Breathe in and relax.
Breathe out feel totally perfect, wow!
Keep focusing on your breathing. In through your nose. And out through your nose longer than you inhale. Keep breathing out. Keep letting go of all of the stale energy. Empty your lungs entirely.
Breathe in and relax.
Breathe out through your nose, longer than you inhale. Keep letting it all go.
Breathe in and know the total perfection of this moment.
Breathe out and feel that feeling in your body.
What would you feel like if everything was perfect? If you had the right amount of money, if your relationships were all doing well, if your health was the best it’s ever been—how would you feel?
Breathe in and look at your reality.
Breathe out and say, “It’s already totally perfect, wow!”
It’s already totally perfect, wow!
Keep practicing this feeling today, while you modulate your breath.
Breathe in and relax.
Breathe out and know: It’s already totally perfect!
To practice this throughout the day, just attach a few words to your breath like,
Breathing in, it’s already totally perfect, wow!
Breathing out, it’s already totally perfect, wow!
Breathing out, it’s already totally perfect, wow!
Whatever you say when you breathe out, just say it twice, and then you’ll be exhaling longer than you inhale. And you’ll be letting all of that stale energy out, making room for fresh energy, fresh oxygen, in your cells, in your being.
Breathe in and know it’s already totally perfect, wow!
Breathe out and feel that total perfection right now.
Just keep saying this to yourself, over and over, and really try to feel the feeling of total perfection. In this moment, everything is perfect and in its place. You don’t have to change a thing about yourself, about your circumstances, or about anyone else. Feeling is the secret. You become it, and then you see it. So if you can feel the way you want to feel now, you’ll see it reflected. And it won’t even matter that you’re getting all the miracles and manifestations you wanted, because you’ll already have what you truly want which is to feel good, to like your life as it is, right here, right now, without having to change a thing.
Breathing in, it’s already totally perfect, wow!
Breathing out, it’s already totally perfect, wow!