Category: <span>Daily Meditation</span>

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Get Over Your Fear of Death

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Get Over Your Fear of Death (transcript)

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Today, we’re going to get over our fear of death.

Breathe in and be here now.
Breathe out and wake up in the dream.

The only time we’re afraid to die is when we’re not living fully. When we’re present in the moment, we’re not thinking about death. We’re alive!

Breathe in and step into the present moment!
Breathe out and be alive!

This is the best day of your life! It’s time to make peace with the possibility that you’ll die today!

Breathe in and make peace with that possibility!
Breathe out and imagine you have until midnight to live your life, before you die!

What do you want to do to enjoy your moments on earth? What do you want to do with your time here? How do you want to spend it? Go do that today!

Breathe in and decide to carpe diem today!
Breathe out and decide to live your life to its fullest today!

Whatever you’ve been putting off because you’re scared, go do that! Whatever things you enjoy doing but you haven’t been doing because you’ve been doing your to do list—go do that.

Breathe in and feel excited about your life today!
Breathe out and surrender your fears!

After you’ve made peace with the possibility that you’re going to die today, then just relax and decide to live life to its fullest!

Breathe in and seize this day!
Breathe out and feel your power!

You are in your power when you are present. And you are not afraid when you’re present. Today, commit to enjoying your life fully! Do those things you’ve been scared of! What do you have to lose if you’re going to die tonight at midnight?

Breathe in and remember death is always around the corner.
Breathe out and make friends with death.

Death is what makes you alive! Death is what gives you the fervor, the lust for life!

Breathe in and feel your lust for life returning!
Breathe out and let go of your fears!

If at any time after you’ve made peace with death and decided to go to do something you’re scared of—if fear comes back to you, just chant “Nam Myoho Renge Kyo Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.” This is a [Nichiren] Buddhist mantra that means, “I devote myself to the mystic law of cause and effect.” Let this mantra convince you that you are safe no matter what. Let this mantra protect you and bring you miracles. It’s known as the miracle mantra!

Breathe in and give yourself miracles today!
Breathe out and decide you’re not going to live your life in fear anymore!

You are here on this earth for a limited amount of time. It’s time to go have fun and enjoy this earth while you’re here!

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and say thank you! Thank you! Thank you for this day that I have here!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Get the Attention You Crave

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Get the Attention You Crave (transcript)

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Welcome back to the present moment, where all of your power lies.

Breathe in and be here now.
Breathe out and gather your attention.

Bring every thread, every tendril of your attention into this present moment, where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about.

Breathe in and smile because life is not fucking serious!
Breathe out and say, “I don’t give a fuck!”

I don’t give a fuck about my worries! I don’t give a fuck about what other people think about me! I don’t give a fuck!

Breathe in and say, “I love myself!”
Breathe out say, “I love myself!”

Remember to step back into witness consciousness today. It will make your life so much more interesting. It will make you feel curious about your life. And it will give you the attention that you crave from other people.

Breathe in and give yourself the attention you crave.
Breathe out and become the watcher, right here, right now.

Breathe in and watch yourself.
Breathe out and be the watcher.

You are not your thoughts. You are not your emotions. You are not your reality. You are not your experience. You are that which observes it all. You are the watcher. You are the witness. You are the observer. You are awareness itself.

Breathe in and be the watcher.
Breathe out and watch yourself.

Remember that it’s easy to be the watcher. Simply say, “Watch yourself…”

Watch yourself breathe in.
Watch yourself breathe out.

Watch yourself smile! Watch yourself relax into this moment. Watch yourself lighten up. Watch yourself start having fun, being the watcher. Watch yourself and know your power is you get to choose what you watch!

Breathe out and be the watcher.

Watch yourself feel peaceful. Watch yourself feel the flow coming through you. Watch yourself feel calm and tranquil. Watch yourself feel at ease in this moment. Being the watcher is how you become present. Being the watcher is how you get distance from your thoughts and your feelings. It’s how you create space to become aware that you are not your thoughts and feelings. You are the watcher.

Breathe in and watch yourself.
Breathe out and remember: the one watches is already free!

Right now, you are free. You are squarely placed in the present moment. You are here. You are tingling. You are alive! Life is pulsing through you! This is the main event! This moment is what we came for! This is what we wanted!

Watch yourself breathe in.
Watch yourself breathe out.

Watch yourself feel powerful. Your power is in your presence. And you can become present just by being the watcher. So today, your power is your ability to watch yourself.

Breathe in and step into your power.
Breathe out and feel confident that this is the best day of your life! You are the watcher now. And you know for a fact, that the one who watches is truly already free!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – I Want to Quit Kratom

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I Want to Quit Kratom (transcript)

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Welcome back to the present moment, where all of your power lies!

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and let your thoughts go.

Let yourself relax into this moment. Just be here now.

Breathe in and feel your thoughts slowing down.
Breathe out and and feel your body relaxing.

This is the right place and this is the right time! And you are doing everything right!

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and say thank you!

Ask yourself, “What do I want?”

Breathe in and think about it. What do you want?
Breathe out and close your eyes. Visualize it. What is it that you want?

I want to once again quit kratom, and have it be really easy with no withdrawals and I want to just stop taking it and to feel better than ever once I’m off of it! What do you want?

Breathe in and imagine what it would feel like to get what you want.
Breathe out and close your eyes and visualize it. You’re getting what you wanted. What does it feel like when you get what you wanted?

I feel like, “OMG this is amazing! This is just what I wanted! This is what I wanted! I wanted to be my self again! I wanted to feel playful and loving naturally! I wanted to feel excited about life! And I wanted to feel enthusiastic!” That’s exactly the feeling that I will feel when I’m off this shit, and returning to my natural vitality!

Now, how will you feel when you get what you want?

Breathe in and choose to feel that feeling right now.
Breathe out and picture yourself feeling that feeling!

What do you feel like when you get what you want? How does it feel? Picture that feeling right now! Imagine you’re getting it! What does it feel like in your body?

Breathe in and keep feeling that feeling!
Breathe out and keep feeling that feeling!

I feel enthusiastic about life! I feel enthusiastic about what I already have! I feel enthusiastic about my to do list and I feel enthusiastic about the people I get to see and spend time with! I feel enthusiastic about my daily routine and my workouts and my food I eat! I feel enthusiastic about my work and I’m just so excited to be myself—my natural, playful, loving self again!

You have to feel the way you want to feel. That is what attracts the manifestations to you. That’s what tells your subconscious that this is what you’re going to create in reality. You have to choose that feeling, right now! So, ask yourself what you want. Identify how you’ll feel when you get it. And start feeling the shit out of that feeling, right now!

Right now, today, get into that feeling place of having what you want and IT will bring it to you! Life will conspire to arrange the particles in such a way that you keep feeling that feeling! You’ll keep getting more of it. Your feeling, your emotion—that’s your most powerful vibration that you emit!

Breathe in and emit your powerful vibration!
Breathe out and feel so enthusiastic about life!

You hold the keys to getting what you want. And you get to skip the middleman of manifestation right now and feel the way YOU want to feel, right now, today, here!

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and say thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – You Are the Main Event!

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You Are the Main Event! (transcript)

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Enter the present moment right now.

Breathe in and say, “I”.
Breathe out and say, “AM”.


You can’t enter the present moment, because you are the present moment. And when you remember who you are, you’re here! There’s no journey you need to take. It’s just a switch in perception.

Breathing in I
Breathing out AM


As you go about your day, remember this mental code.


And let it help you get distance from your thoughts and get perspective on your life. You are everything you are observing. The good, the bad, the ugly.


It’s why when you draw attention to what you don’t like, you get more of it.


Everything that you choose to perceive, you are. Today, allow yourself to be what you want to be. And choose to perceive what you want to perceive.

Breathing in I
Breathing out AM

This is it. This is the main event. You are the main event! Let yourself have fun today! You’re the creator! What are you going to create with your attention?

Breathing in I
Breathing out AM


Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – You’ll Just Want Something Else In 5 More Minutes

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You’ll Just Want Something Else In 5 More Minutes (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and say yes to what is!
Breathe out and smile, because life is just for fun!

Life is not serious! Let’s have fun right now!

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and say thank you!

This is the best day of your life! Let’s start acting like it, right now! Everything ever created led up to this moment right here, with you and me, connecting! Isn’t that wild! Everything ever created led up to right now!

Breathe in and step into this present moment!
Breathe out and let go of your worries!

Let go of your doubts, your thoughts about the past. Keep letting go of your thoughts as they come to you. Keep letting go.

Breathe in and make peace with what is!
Breathe out and keep relaxing your body.

Keep relaxing your mind. Life is not serious. How can we have fun in this moment, right here, right now?

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and let go of your thoughts!

Keep letting them go as they come. Let go of trying to plan about the future. Let go of the past. And just be here, with me.

Breathe in and open up!
Breathe out and let your thoughts go!

Whatever thoughts are going through your head, to each one say, “I’ve noticed I’m thinking about that, and that’s ok.” Or, “I’ve decided to feel good about that. I’ve let that shit go!” For example, I keep questioning my choices in what I ate today. But, each time it comes up, I can say to myself, “I’ve decided to feel good about that. I’ve let that shit go!”

As you change your vibration about what you are thinking about, the circumstances will start to change. Any guilt I may feel would then manifest another time into another experience that feels like that, or if I choose to feel good about it and let that shit go, it’ll manifest into a better-feeling experience later. How you feel right now matters! Your only work right now is your mood. So together, let’s raise our vibrations and get in a great mood!

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and let go of your thoughts. Keep letting go.

There are no thoughts in the present moment. Each thought you notice, keep letting it go. Keep deciding to feel good about it, and let that shit go! Keep letting go. Keep letting go.

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and say, “I’ve let that shit go!”

You don’t have to think about that ever again! This moment is a fresh start! In this moment, you can choose to think anything you want and it’s true until you think a thought otherwise. So what do you want to be true?

Breathe in and decide what you want to be true.
Breathe out and just let go.

Keep letting go. Keep letting go. Decide to accept and embrace all that is. Decide to say yes to everything. Say yes to your phone going off. Say yes to what you ate. Say yes to it all, beginning right now!

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and say thank you!

Thank you! Thank you! If you’re feeling contrast, it’s still a gift because it’s making you know what you want! What do you want today?

Breathe in and identify what you want!
Breathe out and name it:

I want to wake up feeling good about myself. I want to follow through with the patterns I want to make. And I want some good news and I want my rent paid, today!

Breathe in and ask yourself what it is you want.
Breathe out and feel how it would feel to get all those things!

When I wake up feeling good, I’m going to feel excited about my day! And when my rent is paid when I wake up, you know what I’m going to feel like? I’m going to feel like, “Now what?” Onto the next! Whatever you want, you’ll just want something else in 5 more minutes. So all you can do is just feel good right now and have fun and let what’s meant for you come to you, and don’t give a fuck about the rest!

Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and say thank you! Thank you! Thank you for all that is! What is meant for me will come to me! What is not meant for me can fuck right off!

Breathing in I love myself!
Breathing out I don’t give a fuck!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Watch Yourself Direct Your Experience

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Watch Yourself Direct Your Experience (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and slow down.
Breathe out and smile!

Life is not serious!

Breathe in and keep relaxing your body.
Breathe out and keep smiling because smiling affects your mood!

This is the best day of your life! And you’re doing everything right! Let yourself relax into this moment, and enjoy what is.

Breathe in and lift yourself up!
Breathe out and feel your power coming back to you!

Your power is your ability to let go and be present. Your power is your ability to transcend your thoughts, and become one with universal intelligence.

Breathe in and co-create with the universe!
Breathe out and feel the flow of well being coming into your body.

Watch yourself sitting in the chair. Watch yourself relax your body. Watch yourself smile!

Breathe in and focus your attention.
Breathe out and feel so excited about life!

Today we’re going to practice witness consciousness, but with a twist!

Breathe in and become the watcher of your thoughts.
Breathe out and watch what you’re thinking about right now.

Watch yourself thinking.

Watch yourself breathe in.
Watch yourself breathe out.

Narrating your reality to yourself by saying, “Watch yourself _______,” is a great way to become conscious and present in the moment. But, what if you want to guide your experience and your mood a little bit more? Once you’ve watched yourself and you become present and you know what you’re feeling and you’re conscious about your desires and your impulses—once you’ve gotten there to this point of presence, then the fun can begin. You can start directing yourself, your experience, your emotional world, in real time, right here, right now!

Breathe in and be a powerful creator!
Breathe out and let go of your thoughts! Let go of your doubts.

Here is how you do it: As you go about your day, say to yourself, “Watch yourself _______,” and describe what you’re doing or thinking or being, but then add something on to that such as, “Watch yourself record a video and feel inspired! Watch yourself fill the water pitcher and feel so grateful for the cold clean water. Watch yourself smile and actually feel better!” Now everything I’m saying after the “and” is something that I want to be my reality. And in the perspective of the watcher, I am completely in my power. Completely able to direct what’s happening, because I’m present. And nothing really needs to change while I’m the watcher. I’m just sort of tacking on how I want to feel about what I’m doing.

Breathe in and choose your good attitude today!
Breathe out and be the powerful observer of you!

When I say, “Watch yourself record a video and feel inspired,” I don’t necessarily feel inspired at that second, but the instant I say it, I am!

Breathe in and feel inspired!
Breathe out and be the powerful watcher!

This is so exciting! So fun! So powerful! You let go of all of your resistant thoughts when you become the watcher, when you enter witness consciousness. But you become the powerful collaborator, the co-creator with life, when you start noticing the little opportunities to direct your experience. Instead of just being the watcher, which can still spiral negatively, if you can just put a little bit of direction into your watching, you can really lift yourself up and feel amazing and inspire yourself!

Breathe in and be the watcher!
Breathe out and direct your life!

You are the creator of you! Watch yourself listen to these words and feel excited about life!

Watch yourself breathe in and bring love into your body!
Watch yourself breathe out and feel relieved!

You can do this throughout anything in life!

Watch yourself rest your head on your pillow and know you’re going to have good dreams! Watch yourself open your computer and know you’re going to see good news! You can say anything after you say “watch yourself”. It’s up to you how you want to subtly direct your experience in the present moment, where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about!

Breathe in and be the watcher today!
Breathe out and create your own reality because you can, because it’s fun, and because I love you and I want the best for you!

Breathing in, I am the watcher.
Breathing out, I’m having ht best day of my life!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Feel More Relief

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Feel More Relief (transcript)
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and step into witness consciousness.
Breathe out and just watch yourself.

Watch yourself breathe in.
Watch yourself breathe out.

Watch yourself relax your body. Watch yourself notice your thoughts slowing down.

Watch yourself breathe in.
Watch yourself breathe out.

Watch yourself feeling calmer already.

Watch yourself breathe in.
Watch yourself breathe out.

Watch yourself smile because life isn’t serious! Watch yourself listen to the sounds around you. Watch yourself listen to the wind. Watch yourself notice what you’re thinking about.

Watch yourself breathe in.
Watch yourself breathe out.

Watch yourself notice that it’s the right time and the right place. Watch yourself notice that you’re doing everything right.

Watch yourself breathe in.
Watch yourself breathe out.

Watch yourself let go of your thoughts as they come. Watch yourself feel calmer and calmer. Watch yourself notice that the more you watch, the more tranquil you feel.

Watch yourself breathe in.
Watch yourself breathe out.

Watch yourself keep letting go of your thoughts. Watch yourself surrender to this moment. Watch yourself remember that the more you let go, the more it flows.

Watch yourself breathe in.
Watch yourself breathe out and feel so much better already!

Watch yourself realize that this is the best day of your life. Watch yourself realize that you can feel good regardless of your circumstances and you do deserve love no matter what you do! Watch yourself feel so relieved. Life is supposed to fun. Life is supposed to be enjoyed. Watch yourself relax because that’s your only work today. Just watch and relax.

Watch yourself breathe in and smile!
Watch yourself breathe out and feel more relief!

Watch yourself feel more relief, and more relief, and more relief!

Watch yourself breathe in.
Watch yourself breathe out.

Watch yourself be the watcher. Any time you notice yourself feeling less than content, remember to zoom out into witness consciousness and just watch yourself. The more you can identify with the watcher of your thoughts and emotions, the more peaceful you’ll feel. The more you’ll feel like god, like source energy, like that which created you!

Watch yourself breathe in.
Watch yourself breathe out and feel light!

Watch yourself feel relieved because you don’t have to do anything but watch yourself today! Just keep watching in every moment that you remember.

Watch yourself breathe in.
Watch yourself breathe out.

Watch yourself realize that the more you watch, the more you enjoy being. And the more you enjoy being, the more things come to you that you want!

Watch yourself breathe in.
Watch yourself breathe out.

Now go watch yourself have the best day of your life!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – Watch Yourself

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Watch Yourself (transcript)

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and make peace with what is!
Breathe out and relax your body.

Let go of your worries. Let go of your thoughts.

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and smile! Life is just for fun!

Life is just for fun! Today, step back into the observer position. Access witness consciousness, and become the peaceful stillness at the bottom of the lake, instead of the choppy waves on top.

Breathe in and make peace with what is!
Breathe out and step back into the observer position!

There are many ways you can do this. We’ve talked about them before, like, taking the Now Trip, where you say, “Now, I’m recording a video. Now, I’m looking at my computer. Now, I’m sitting up more straight. Now, I’m looking at the window.” That’s one way to become the observer. Today’s method for becoming the observer is simply watching.

Breathe in and watch.
Breathe out and watch yourself.

The goal is to watch your thoughts. To be that which watches your thoughts, not your thoughts. The goal is once you take away your thoughts and your ego and your body, what remains? It’s just pure awareness. It’s the all seeing “I”. When you take away your personality, your body, all of that, all of the illusion, you’re left with just the observer. Just consciousness, witnessing the unfolding. And when you bring your attention into this position, when you zoom out on your self, on your life, to become your higher self, witness consciousness, you feel such peace. And tranquility. And you feel so good about life, and yet you don’t care what happens, because as the observer, you’re just watching the movie. It’s just for fun. You’re just curious. You’re just interested in what happens next.

Breathe in and become the watcher!
Breathe out and begin right now.

It’s really easy. Here’s the technique: just say, “Watch yourself ___________.” And fill in the blank with whatever you’re observing. I’ll go first. Watch yourself sit with your legs in a weird position. Watch yourself rearrange your limbs so you’re more comfortable. Watch yourself worry that you keep banging the table with your knees. Watch yourself remember to relax. Watch yourself smile because it’s fun to smile! Watch yourself have a fleeting worry about getting older. Watch yourself have a space in thought. Watch yourself listen to the wind blowing. Watch yourself hope for more storms tonight. Watch yourself listen to the airplane. Watch yourself breathing in. Watch yourself breathing out. Watch yourself have a flash of palm trees in your mind’s eye. Watch yourself think about what you have to do next after recording this video. Watch yourself feel self doubt for a moment. Watch yourself breathe in. Watch yourself become more aware of your surroundings. Watch yourself read the word “bay corrugated”. Watch yourself smile at the camera!

That’s all you do, to become the witness consciousness. To feel peaceful and curious about life instead of wrapped up in the drama.

Breathe in and be the observer.
Breathe out and be at peace.

You’re witness consciousness. Nothing can harm you ever again!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – They Can’t Take It From You

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They Can’t Take It From You (transcript)

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Relax your body.

Breathe in and say yes to what is!
Breathe out and let go of your worries.

This is the right place and the right time. You’re doing everything right. Let yourself relax now and be at peace in this moment.

Breathe in and open up to receiving!
Breathe out and feel your body align.

This is the right place and the right time. Decide to love and accept yourself exactly the way you are, right here, right now.

Breathe in and say, “I love and accept myself exactly the way I am!”
Breathe out and try to feel that feeling.

Jessica, I love and accept you exactly the way you are.
I love and accept you exactly the way you are.

Breathe in and make peace with what is.
Breathe out and smile because you’ll feel better if you smile!

Your attention is your most valuable resource. It’s up to you what you focus on. And you’ll feel differently depending on what you focus on. And what you focus on, you’ll get more of. So what do you want to focus on today?

Breathe in and decide to be deliberate about your attention today!
Breathe out and choose right now what you’re going to focus on.

I am going to pick up my attention off of facebook and twitter and I’m going to place it on abundance. I’m going to place it on the mantra “Om Shri Mahalaxmi Namah”. I’m going to take my attention and I am going to place it on what I want.

Breathe in and think about what you want today!
Breathe out and imagine how you’ll feel when you get it.

I want to feel good about myself. I want to feel motivated and inspired. I want my period to come. I want to feel really healthy and fit. I want to feel in control of my vibration. I want to be focused on what’s working in the world. I want to be focused on love. I want to feel relieved. And really, above all, I want to feel good about myself and what I’m doing. What do you want?

Breathe in and identify what you want.
Breathe out and keep picturing that feeling.

Where will you be when you get what you want? What are the circumstances? What does it feel like to get what you want?

To me, it feels like a wave of relief. Like, thank god! Thank god I have my health. Thank god I have enough money to eat and pay the rent. Thank god something’s going right. Thank god I feel better. Picture the waves of relief flowing though you. It’s all within our control. But we don’t make the choices that we know we need to make until we’re forced to do so. So today, let’s make those choices before we’re forced to do so.

Breathe in and choose one thing you’re going to make a choice for today.
Breathe out and and commit to that choice.

Today, I’m choosing to not log on to facebook or twitter until tomorrow how about? Let’s take a big long break of a whole 18 hours. How about you? What’s one choice you can make today, that you know you really really want to make, you just haven’t had enough contrast to make it? Choose that choice now. I choose to take control of my attention and place it on what I want. And to stop getting dragged into public opinion and complaining, fear. I’m choosing to place my attention on abundance and love. And fun.

What choice are you going to make with your attention today?

Breathe in and feel your power coming back to you!
Breathe out and know that this is your greatest resource—your attention. They can’t take it from you. They can’t take it from you. You are in control of your attention. Now choose right now to pick up your attention from what is not wanted, and place it on what you want!

Breathe in and commit to your attention.
Breathe out and feel relieved.

Breathe a sigh of relief! You get to choose what you put your attention on. Make the choice right now!

Breathe in and gather all of your attention.
Breathe out and place it on what is wanted.

Today I intend and I choose to place my attention on love abundance and fun. And so it is!

Breathing in I love myself!
Breathing out I don’t give a fuck about facebook and twitter!

Daily Meditation

Daily Meditation – You’re A Fractal of God

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Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!

Welcome back to the present moment, where all of your power lies. Where everything is fun and there’s nothing to worry about.

Breathe in and lift yourself up!
Breathe out and feel your focus concentrating.

Feel your concentration focusing. This is the best day of your life! To enjoy it, like it’s the best day of your life, all you have to do is train your attention into a singular focus.

Breathe in and focus your attention.
Breathe out and bring your attention into this moment.

To focus your attention into a singular point, you can focus on your breath. You can chant a mental code. That’s about it.

Breathe in and focus your attention.
Breathe out and be here now.

You can also exercise and make art, and do all other sorts of flow activities, but if you’re just sitting here and you want to focus your attention, try watching your breath, silent counting, or repeating a mental code like, “Jessica, I love and accept you exact the way you are.”

Breathe in and say, “I love and accept you exactly the way you are.”
Breathe out and say, “I love and accept you exactly the way you are.”

That particular phrase of using your name, and then, “I love and accept you exactly the way you are,” is how god feels about you. How your higher self feels about you. (Life, the universe—whatever you want to call it.) You are unconditionally loved and when you consciously choose to give yourself that same unconditional love, that god has for you, your day starts flowing. You start feeling so good. And your better mood attracts your better feeling circumstances.

Breathe in and be your reason for feeling good!
Breathe out and feel so relieved because it really is easy.

Just step away from your thoughts. Only your thoughts can make you feel bad.

Breathing in, I love and accept you exactly the way you are.
Breathing out, I love and accept you exactly the way you are.

Breathing in, I love and accept you exactly the way you are.
Breathing out, I love and accept you exactly the way you are.

And it’s not the mental code you choose that matters that much. Any thought or sentence that makes you feel good is the mental code you can use that day. What matters is your devotion to your singular focus.

Breathe in and devote yourself to your singular focus.
Breathe out and feel empowered!

That’s all you have to do! Devote your attention to a singular focus. And stick with it. Stick with it for a day, stick with it for an hour, stick with it for 15 minutes. Just choose a thought that feels good to you and think only that thought.

Breathe in and choose the thought that feels best to you.
Breathe out and commit to that thought today.

Or commit to following your breath. You can try “I love myself,” “Breathing in I know I’m breathing in, breathing out I know I’m breathing out,” or if you already feel good you can try,

Breathing in, I am god breathing in.
Breathing out, I am god breathing out.

Remember who you are! You’re the creator! You’re a fractal of god! You have all the power! Choose to stick to your power today. Choose to stand up for yourself and what you want in life. Choose to have fun and be fun. Choose to love yourself and not give a fuck about any of those thoughts or worries today!

Breathe in and say, “I love myself!”
Breathe out and commit to your singular focus today!