Daily Meditation – The Only Two Words You Need to Say
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Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!
Breathe in and raise your vibration!
Breathe out and release your resistance!
Welcome back to the present moment, where all of your power lies.
Breathe in and open up to receiving.
Breathe out and let go of your worries. This is the right place and this is the right time.
It’s safe to let go of your thoughts and just enjoy life as it is.
Breathe in and lighten up because life is not serious!
Breathe out and relax. No matter what happens, you’ll still be ok.
Breathe in and relax your mind.
Breathe out and relax your body.
Surrender your preferences. Let go of attachment to outcome. Whatever’s going to happen, is what’s going to happen. And it’s up to you to decide to enjoy life no matter what happens.
Breathe in and decide to enjoy life today!
Breathe out and feel your power.
Your power is that you can feel good and have fun no matter what happens in your life!You have the power to enjoy life, right now, the way it is!
Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and say thank you!
It’s all working out for you. All you have to do is get out of the way. The more you let go, the more it flows.
Breathe in and celebrate how far you’ve come!
Breathe out and really appreciate yourself.
You have come so far! You are doing everything right. You have achieved so much. Allow yourself to relax and enjoy what you’ve created for yourself.
Breathe in and say yes!
Breathe out and say thank you!
Breathing in, yes!
Breathing out, thank you!
Remember that “thank you” is the vibration of success. And when you’re in a place of saying thank you, you’re successful. You’re receiving. You’re achieving. You’re accomplishing. You’re getting what you wanted.
Breathing in, yes!
Breathing out, thank you!
Thank you! Thank you! Keep saying thank you over and over and over. Those are the only two words you need to say today!
Breathing in, yes!
Breathing out, thank you!
Thank you! Thank you! Get in the feeling of thank you. Start feeling so excited. What is it that you want? I just want more and more and more money! I want to relax and know that I am financially solvent. That I’m financially wealthy. I want to know that no matter what happens, I’ll still have a place to live. I want money for travel. I want money to really just be able to buy nice groceries whenever I want. And if I want Instacart, that’s what I’ll get!
Breathe in and think about what you want!
Breathe out and say thank you for getting what you want.
Really get into the feeling place of receiving what you wanted. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for the donations! Thank you for the orders! Thank you for the payments! Thank you for patronizing my tarot readings! Thank you for the checks in the mail! Thank you for the free money from the government! Thank you for the surprise money I didn’t know I was getting! Thank you for the windfall!
Breathe in and say thank you!
Breathe out and say thank you!
Work yourself up into a tizzy about being grateful for getting what you wanted. All you have to do is get in the feeling of having what you wanted, and then you don’t need the thing. When you don’t need the thing, you stop pushing it away and it’s free to come to you!
Breathing in, yes!
Breathing out, thank you!