Daily Meditation – Get the God Now
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Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.
Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.
Welcome back to the present moment where all of your power lies.
Breathe in and let the thoughts go.
Breathe out and surrender those thoughts.
Let them go right now. You don’t have to think about that anymore.
Breathe in and open up to receiving.
Breathe out and remember the power of thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. I know it’s in my favor. Thank you.
Breathe in and feel your mind slowing down.
Breathe out and let those thoughts go.
You don’t have to ride every train of thought to its ultimate derailment. Today, watch yourself. Watch your thoughts.
Breathe in and notice what you’re thinking right now.
Breathe out and smile because it’s just not that serious.
If you can let those thoughts go, you’ll see right away it’s not that serious. It never mattered that much. It’s not that important. We blow things out of proportion when we let our thoughts get out of control and we let our thoughts get out of control by identifying with them and believing them and thinking they’re true but they’re not.
Breathe in and stand up to your thoughts today.
Breathe out and relax your body.
It always comes when you let go. The problems solve themselves when you give up. Today, give up before you’re forced to give up. Before you reach the end of your rope. Give up now. Fuck it. Give up now.
Breathe in and remember what you’re really looking for.
Breathe out and remember: everything you want, you want for love.
And what is love? Love is god. Pure awareness. It’s all the same thing. Pure awareness equals god equals love. You want what you want because you think you’ll get love. You want what you want because you think you’ll get god. You think you’ll be connected. You think you’ll be safe. You want everything you want because you want god and you can get that now.
Breathe in and get the god now.
Breathe out and surrender.
Surrender all the controlling thoughts that make you think, “I need to do this, this, this, and this before I can be happy, before I can get love, before I can relax.” That’s not true. That is a lie that your mind tells you so that it doesn’t disappear, so that you keep relying on it and you keep it alive. But your mind is just thoughts, one after the other after the other. It’s not an entity. It’s not a person. It’s just thoughts passing through awareness and you can let them go right now.
Breathe in and stand up to your thoughts.
Breathe out and get the god now.
Your thoughts are telling you, “You need the money. You need to do the tasks. You need the attention before you can feel good and be happy.” But those thoughts are the voice of separation from god. The thoughts themselves are the separation. The thoughts themselves are the reason you feel bad. The thoughts themselves are the reason you don’t feel connected to love or god.
Breathe in and stand up to them right now.
Breathe out and remember why you want what you want.
It’s for god. Every desire you have is because you want god. You want to feel whole. You want to feel like life is magickal. You want to feel like you’re safe. You want to feel like everything is working out. God really does love me.
Breathe in and connect to god right now.
Breathe out and do that in one of several ways.
You can ask yourself, “Am I aware?” And then you say, “Yes, I am.” And when you say, “Yes, I am,” you’re identified as pure awareness. That’s god.
Or you can say, “Thank you, god, for replacing me with you.”
Or, or you can just repeat, “I, I, I, I,” over and over, while you notice where that “I” is coming from. What’s the source of “I”? “I,” the letter “I,” the thing we all call ourselves, that’s the name of consciousness.
“I, I.”
And if you watch from where that “I” arises, that’s god.
There’s only one “I.” There’s only one consciousness. We’re all the same “I.” And if you rest in the “I,” if you watch where that “I” comes from, you’ll be merged with god. God is the one “I,” the all-seeing pure awareness.
When you start to get overwhelmed by your thoughts and your desires for things to change, remember you only want it because you want god. And you can get god now because you are god.
You are “I.” You are pure awareness. You are already love. You don’t need anything to change to merge with god.
So fuck all those desires. Let them all go and get the god now. Get the thing that you’re actually after now. And then your life will flow and you’ll get the things that you want. But never forget, you want what you want because you want god. And that’s available now.
You can let go of wanting the taxes to be done. Let go of wanting your mom to change. Let go of wanting more income. Let go of wanting that text message. Let go of wanting to control what other people are doing. Because you want all those things because you want god.
And you are god.
You can remember it right now. You can recognize it right now. It’s simple. It’s beyond thought. It’s who you really are.
It’s the “I. I.” I am god. I am god. Remember you want what you want because you want god. But you’re already god.
Breathe in and ask, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and smile.
Yes, I am aware. I am aware that I am aware. And that’s all I need to remember I am god. That’s all I need to remember. I am pure awareness. I am unconditional love. I am the one universal “I.”