Daily Meditation – You Are Telepathic
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Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.
Breathe in and raise your vibration.
Breathe out and release your resistance.
Relax your body.
Breathe in and get some space from your thoughts.
Breathe out and remember you are not your thoughts.
You can drop them at any time. You can walk away from them at any time. You can zoom out and see you are the space in which the thoughts are arising, not the thoughts themselves.
Breathe in and ask, “Am I aware?”
Breathe out and notice, “Yes, I am aware.”
I am aware that I am aware. Another way to put it is, “Are you awake?”
Breathe in and ask yourself, “Am I awake?”
Breathe out and know for sure the answer, “Yes, I am awake.”
That’s how simple non-duality is. That’s how simple it is to identify as pure awareness. You’re already doing it. You don’t have to change anything. You don’t have to meditate more. You don’t have to control your thinking. Just notice, “Am I awake?”
Breathe in and notice you are awake.
Breathe out and rest there in that knowing that you are awake.
You are aware. You exist. That’s the one and only thing you know for sure.
Breathing in, “Am I awake?”
Breathing out, “Yes, obviously I am awake.”
That is how simple it is. Ordinary awareness, ordinary awake, ordinary wakefulness.
Breathing in, “Am I awake?”
Breathing out, “Yes, of course I am.”
It’s so close. It’s so simple. It’s so obvious that it gets overlooked. But you’re already doing it. You already are pure awareness. Everything else is just an illusion, just an appearance. But when you identify as pure awareness, you become the background, the one thing that doesn’t change. And then all the foreground, the changing life, that’s free to move, to do whatever it wants, but you are stable in the unchanging and that is your security, knowing that you will always exist. You were never born and you will never die.
Breathing in, “Am I aware?”
Breathing out, “Yes, I’ve always been the same awareness.”
You will always be the same awareness. And the same awareness is shared between you and me. That’s why when you simply identify as pure awareness, you feel love because there’s no separation. Everything’s made up of awareness and when that’s what you focus on, you feel connected to everything and everyone. You can be telepathic. You can know things you wouldn’t otherwise know.
Breathing in, “Am I aware?”
Breathing out, “Yes, I am.”
Stay here. You can ask, “Am I aware?” You can ask, “Am I awake?” You can remind yourself, “I’ve always been the same awareness.” Stay here today.
Simply identify as pure awareness and test your telepathy. You are telepathic. You are pure awareness and so is everything else. So obviously you know everything about everything.
Breathe in and simply identify as pure awareness today.
Breathe out and notice you’ve always been the same awareness.
I’ve always been the same awareness. I’ve always been the same awareness.
Breathing in, “Am I awake?”
Breathing out, “Yes, obviously.”
That’s how simple it is to identify as pure awareness and let your life become a flow of miracles where you don’t have to make any effort. Life takes care of life and life already is the way you want it to be.
Breathing in, “Am I aware?”
Breathing out, “Yes, I am aware.”
I’ve always been the same awareness and I am the flow.